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6 Responses to “Pete Wentz is reading up on fatherhood. And watching movies”

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  1. Syko says:

    I’m kind of impressed that he at least is thinking seriously enough to read a book. Who knew he could read? And at least he seems to know that your kids never turn out like you think they will, so maybe he’ll be accepting when his little future rocker/quarterback actually enjoys English lit?

    I hope he changes his look before the kid is a teen, though. Teens seem to be embarrassed by even normal appearing parents, can you imagine being Pete’s teenage son and he shows up at the PTA meetings dressed like that?

  2. vdantev says:

    He can read?

  3. Bodhi says:

    I’m WAY more worried about Asslee as a mom. Pete is a douche for sure, but Asslee… she is such a hypocritical poser!

  4. Curly Fry says:

    Ashley + Pete = The Hogans, the early years.

    2 people with no talent creating dreaded celebuspawn.

    At best, these children will be as mindless and vapid as Brooke, and at worst will have the sense of entitlement and destructiveness of Nick.

  5. kate says:

    that poor child will have an enormous chin. i hope it’s not a girl.

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