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8 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan meets Samantha Ronson’s family in Miami”

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  1. elisha says:

    Lindsay’s face looks bloated and her eyes puffy in that one picture. Glad to see she’s letting her natural red hair grow out. What ever happened to Harry Morton?

  2. Ashley says:

    She actually looks somewhat like her “Parent Trap” days in that picture with no glasses and no makeup on. It’s nice to see she still looks normal when she’s not trying so hard.

  3. daisy424 says:

    Her hair does look better natural, the blonde washes her face out.
    I understand that you want to be comfortable on a flight but couldn’t she put some effort into her appearance?

  4. Kaiser says:

    Does anyone else think that it’s weird that People’s code for “teh gay” is “they weren’t hiding their affection”?

    I guess they don’t want to “come out” and say it.

  5. kate says:

    poor sam always looks like ducky from 16 candles. i have to say though that lohan looks better without makeup.

  6. Nouvel says:

    Lindsays father is so wierd.. what a poor excuse for a dad he is.. geeezzz

  7. paris herpes says:

    lindz is looking a lot more normal lately, she’s no longer orange and she’s growing out her hair. i take it it’s sam’s influence on her, her being more natural, as well as not wearing a bra EVER. Ok, Lindz you’re sagging and your boobs are kinda big. please wear a bra! Sam doesn’t need one though, and she’s actually not bad looking, just needs a good 10 lbs on her.

  8. Nan says:

    People would be suprised to know that Sam is in with the Old Money crowd.