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22 Responses to “Dave Coulier talks about the first time he heard his ex Alanis’ ‘You Oughta Know’”

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  1. Ruby says:

    She looks stunning! I absolutely love the new album (I think I actually prefer it to the angry rock-chick 90s stuff, tbh)


  2. re_mute says:

    Yeh, she’s gorgeous. Me and my bot-bot were rocking out to “Versions of Violence” when I saw this story – her new stuff is so much better than 99% of the crap out there.

  3. Anthony says:

    Haven’t followed her career recently but what a cool chick! As for that song, oh boy… Actually, I remember it helped me get a lot of aggro out of me years ago.

    I ‘d love to meet her one day.

  4. Nan says:

    Gorgeous? Stunning? By whose standards? American standards? I tell you it is a shame to have Celine Dion & this one representing people from that region, lookswise. Go sauntering down any street in Montreal & your head will spin over how many truly gorgeous people reside in that town. Every 2nd to 3rd person walking down the street will make your jaw drop. Take a trip to an Indian reservation & you will see the most handsome exotic men. The whole town is intoxifing.

  5. Kris says:

    He deserved it, I think. But I wasn’t there so what do I know?

  6. Megan says:

    Love that song, there’s been no other music like it, she really is the queen of rage at your ex!

  7. RAN says:

    I LOVED the song – loved the whole album when it first came out. I have to disagree with it being mean spirited of her though – if he cheated on her, he certainly didn’t let her know before it happened. And who knows? Maybe she tried to call him and he wouldn’t take her calls – thinking she just wanted to get back together with his sorry a$$.

  8. xiaoecho says:

    They farm emus’ in New Zealand??
    Who knew? 😯

  9. MISSY says:


  10. Ruby says:

    Nan said:
    “Gorgeous? Stunning? By whose standards?”

    Err… mine, if that’s quite okay with you. Eye of the beholder, and all that.

  11. CelebitchyFAN says:

    Yeah, I don’t think Alanis was trying to play nice or use her manners when she wrote or released that song. I think calling him and letting him know that the song was about him doesn’t quite fit. Have you listened to the song? She’s pissed. Pissed off people don’t call to make sure that the other’s person’s feelings don’t get hurt. Pissed off people don’t care because, well, they’re pissed off. Sometimes I don’t think you bloggers use your whole brain when you’re typing.

  12. Whitey Fisk says:

    I remember years ago hearing that this song was about him. The next time I flipped by an episode of Full House I cringed, because he is such a massive dork. I was almost embarrassed for her because she displayed that level of passion and rage about such a bland, dweeby guy. I guess that’s why she’ll never reveal who the song is sbout!

  13. Alecto says:

    I cringe too whenever I see him. Not becuase he’s a dork but because he’s a pedo. She was 16 when they were dating and he’s way older. I remember his KIDS show that he had on Nickelodian at the time he was dating her. Then he goes on to do Family matters. Creepy.

  14. lilah012 says:

    Whoa Alecto, I didn’t know that. The inappropriate ages (dating a teen when you’re in your 20s is not a great idea unless it’s like 19 and 20!) probably explains the dynamic of this relationship. A lot of adult guys who go out with teens tend to be jerks.

  15. Whitey Fisk says:

    Holy moly, Alecto. According to my calculations, he would have been 31 when she was 16. Creepy indeed.

  16. czarina says:

    And it took hearing this song to make him think “Gee, I really hurt this person”? (reminds me of the joke; what’s the difference between a man and a rock? The rock is slightly more sensitive)
    I don’t know if she looks better now, but she certainly looks happier and more relaxed. A hair cut wouldn’t hurt…(jeez, I’m such a Mom sometimes!LOL)

  17. WTF?!?! says:

    Jagged Little Pill contained many anthems of a generation of angry chicks. Without Alanis, Avril Lavigne would be taking orders behind a Canadian fast food counter.

    And Alecto, Coulier was on Full House, not Family Matters.

  18. hello says:

    Nan…She’s Canadian. She’s one of your beautiful Montreal chicks you’re going on about.

  19. Alecto says:

    Whoops my bad WTF. Your right. Got my TGIF mixed up.

  20. lettylynton says:

    Dave Coulier?!?!? Wow, I had no idea it was about him. Did I just lose respect for him or gain respect for him?

  21. Anna says:

    Man that song… I love it. I must have listened to it for the first time about 15 years after it was first released. It fell into my lap right after my worst breakup ever. It completely, eerily described not only what I was feeling, but also what had happened between us. Down to the theatre bit. 🙂

    I heart Alanis.

  22. me says:

    The song seems a bit psycho and stalker like. I don’t believe it was about anyone but the gossip helped gain even more publicity. She was a sweet style pop idol in Canada and changed the image to make it in America which already had too many Tiffany & Debbie Gibson types? Is Alanis M. still with a record company?