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14 Responses to “Jennifer Garner confirms pregnancy”

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  1. feather says:

    awww 🙂 all I can say to the header photograph

  2. Kris says:

    Kevin Smith also confirmed it, didn’t he?

    Congrats to Jen. 🙂 Violet will make a great big sister.

  3. Penelope says:

    Congrats to the best celebrity parents.

  4. Kaiser says:

    Good for them. At this point, I think Garbor is their publicist.

  5. Bodhi says:

    I love that car!! Congrats to the family! 😀

  6. czarina says:

    Very happy for them, they are a great couple…but I have to say, I find it really annoying when a couple refuses to acknowledge they are pregnant when it is beyond stupidly obvious (J.Lo prime example).
    I understand they are entitled to their privacy, and it’s not as if confirming something that is obvious is really necessary, (and I absolutley understand not wanting to make announcements until, medically, things are pretty safe), but still, when you’re wearing maternity clothes and your stomach is out the “here”, just say “Yes, I’m pregnant” instead of playing stupid games!

  7. Aspen says:

    I think that, like a lot of women, celebrities wait until their well into the second trimester before admitting they are pregnant…because if they were to miscarry, the trauma of having that known outside their own household support system would be too much to bear.

    Now…imagine having it all over the news.

    That’s why I never give celebs any flack for denying pregnancy until the last minute.

  8. spoonman says:

    Good for her!

    BTW-who really cares???

  9. kate says:

    aw, sweet photo! a happy mom and baby, natural and normal looking. let’s compare to tom, katie & suri: tom & katie look like controlling robots posing as parents and suri usually looks glum, with a bottle (still?!) stuck in her mouth. just saying…

  10. SolitaryAngel says:

    I’m a staunch admirer and defender of Jen G-she’s a beautiful person, and mother–Violet looks just like her! As some one else pointed out, every time you see Jen, she has Violet and the closeness between them is REAL, not staged. It’s obvious that they are happy and could care less about paps or photo ops. And a miscarriage is pain that never goes away–take it from someone who’s been there, done that. I understand waiting until the pregnancy’s chances of viability are more assured, and none of us have the right to say that another person “should or should not” have to admit what is happening inside their own bodies! This is the ONLY time that Jen has with the new baby completely to herself, and kudos to her for trying to protect it, instead of flaunting it!

  11. Aud says:

    Aww congrats you 2!

    Violet is so adorable I could just eat her up! Its nice seein a celeb child happy with her mama for once, instead of lookin who-are-you confused when they’re away from the nanny for 5 minutes.

  12. RAN says:

    Can I say these two are my favorite celebrity couple (outside of Matt Damon and his wife)? I didn’t like her at first because of the way she treated her first hubby, but I don’t walk in her shoes and she seems so… just genuine. I’ve grown to adore her as a person and as a couple with Affleck.

    As to the new baby – Congratulations! I’m sure Jen will keep her title of best celebrity mom to TWO children now. Good for Violet too – not everyone CAN have one, but it’s always nice to have a sibling.

  13. Ethan says:

    Jen sure LOVES the attention.

    Picking up such a big child who can walk (especially when you are pregnant and not supposed to lift anything)- is so obvious to be used as photo op.

    Driving a car that has a huge sign so that no one would miss the fact that you have arrived= attention seeking.

    Never liked her before she cheated on her husband and then boyfriend,

    Never like her when she got pregnant to seal the deal with Ben before he moves on,

    don’t like her gold- digging and fame seeking ways- now with her “trained for the photo op” daughter.

  14. Aspen says:

    My daughter is five years old, and I carry her sometimes. I can guarantee you that if there was an army of photographers waiting for us outside a store, I would carry her and help her hide her face…just like Ms. Garner appears to be doing.

    See…I come on this site and leave comments because I LOVE to gossip about famous people and look at pictures of famous people and use the opportunity for an hour or so of mental escapism everyday.

    If I hated celebrities, I wouldn’t come here. I’ve been rather surprised by how many people leave really hateful and PASSIONATELY hateful posts about celebrities here.

    I mean…do people really enjoy being angry?