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19 Responses to “Tila Tequila’s girlfriend (and Lohan’s ex) arrested for assault”

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  1. Aud says:

    Wow, that girl got knocked out the ugly tree by the ugly fairy and hit every branch on the way down.

    And there’s no words to describe Tila’s level of skankdom.

  2. elisha says:

    Soounds like Quartknee is headed to “Court”

  3. julie says:

    the ugly fairy kissed her on BOTH cheeks

  4. Scott F. says:

    The Grinch is dating a Gremlin? Only in Vegas man.

  5. Codzilla says:

    Court’s Daddy should wake up and insist she get a job that actually involves working. But then again, he’s probably too busy getting his rod lubed in the hot tub.

  6. huh says:

    I always thought with enough money pretty much anyone could look decent. Maybe not great, but decent. With the right hair, the right makeup, etc. Well, since her hair looks fine and her makeup looks fine I am proved PAINFULLY wrong. Some people will ALWAYS be ugly.

    Also in that last pic she looks really old. Kind of like an even uglier Rachel Zoe. Which I would also have thought impossible.

  7. Nouvel says:

    She is NOT ugly..

  8. Shane says:

    These two are together for fame purposes only.

    Tila Tequila is such a pantywaste.

  9. CeeJay says:

    Ahhh, come on guys, she’s not that ugly. In fact, she has some nice features. I think this is truly a case of beauty and/or ugly coming from the inside out. Clearly she has an ugly heart and it shows on her pretty little face.

  10. RAN says:

    Scott, once again, my eyesight must be failing me in my youth 8) I can’t tell what your gravatar is supposed to be. I’m just curious, will you share it with me? It sort of looks like a horse, but I (obviously) can’t tell.

  11. Christina X says:

    I don’t really find her all that ugly.

    I find her to be annoying and attention-seeking, though. All of a sudden, she’s admitted that she’s dated Lindsay Lohan, now she’s getting arrested, and she’s Tila Tequila’s “girlfriend”. Say no more.

    And really, this chick’s being played, so take as much recognition for being with Tila Tequila as much as you can.

  12. Scott F. says:

    No problem, I remember thinking when I picked my gravatar, ‘no one will be able to tell what it is anyways’.

    I have a 23″ high-def monitor and even I can’t make out most people’s gravatars. But anyways, it’s Slim Pickens riding the nuke in Dr. Strangelove. Dunno, somehow it seemed fitting.

  13. Bodhi says:

    … Or How I Learned to Love the War. One of the best movies I’ve ever seen

    Peter Sellers was a genius; too bad he was a total nutter

  14. Scott F. says:

    I thought the alternate title for Dr. Strangelove was ‘How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb’?

    You’re gonna make me dig out my DVD aren’t you?

  15. geronimo says:

    Ah, now I see it. When I first saw your gravatar, Scott, I saw giant rabbit. But then, I had an earlier one of 2 swans with their necks wound around each other (v. artistic I thought) until someone pointed out it looked like 2 erect penises.

  16. gg says:

    Ok these two look bizarrely stupid together.

  17. browning says:

    I completely agree with the ugly comments!! Not only does she look like the grinch she could pass as Sarah Silverman’s sister. Poor thang.

  18. leigh says:

    “She was arrested and spent the night in jail,” a Semel pal confirmed. “And she lost her phone.” Calls to Semel weren’t returned.

    am i the only one who finds this quote hilarious?

  19. brandon says:

    Ex girlfriends are nothing but drama