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6 Responses to “Jack Osbourne and other minor celebrities locked up in jail for TV show”

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  1. geronimo says:

    *Scratches head*. Don’t get it, what’s the point? All this could possibly show is a totally contrived version of prison life. And such an odd bunch: apart from Linford Christie (former international world class athlete), the rest are the usual reality-whore D-listers and worse (Toby Young, Bannerman), all looking for a career boost (although I do like Debra Stevenson, surprised she’s reduced to this.)

    Seriously, what’s to be gained by this?? ๐Ÿ™„

  2. Shane says:

    I hope it genuinely taught some kind of humility to selfish little druggy Jack Osbourne.

  3. geronimo says:

    Re Jack O, he’s even lower in the pecking order than the others who, at least, have held down proper acting, sporting, presenting jobs at some point. What has he ever done outside of rehab and reality tv?

  4. tp Vero says:

    What a farce this is going to be. It will be farther from real than most ‘reality’s shows. It insults prisoners everywhere and their real pain and suffering in a nightmare world. Why producers keep giving these absolute no talent butt holes chances to make more money for drugs and abuse I will never understand. Why do they think the public wants to see any more of them I can’t understand. Just another show I will never watch. These are not celebrities! Some one should give us a real definition of that word.

  5. SolitaryAngel says:

    Ozzy is my hero–anyone who put himself through the hell that he did, and managed to come out the other side not only clean, sober, but with brain cells still intact is a person I admire. Please, haters–don’t start with me; Ozzy is dyslexic, has a pronounced stutter, and a slight palsy that runs in his family but he is NOT unintelligent!

    That said, I wonder when Jack’s gonna finally come out of the closet? My guess is, with this new show that I won’t be watching, it may be sooner rather than later!! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  6. GoGo LaTata says:

    “Scared Straight” for the new generation…