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52 Responses to “Tom Brady buys $11 million piece of property”

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  1. daisy424 says:

    He could buy my entire subdivision for 11 million. If real estate is down everywhere in the US, that property must be on a beach with 18K gold sand.

  2. Kaiser says:

    Brady buys property for his “piece”…

    Some real estate markets are always hot, I think. Like LA and the Hamptons – VF did a story on the Hamptons, and how the over $10 mill properties are still selling.

    Well, at least the economy is working for somebody.

  3. stupid says:




  4. Mr. T says:

    Bridgette sounds like a bitter woman.

  5. czarina says:

    Mr T: I don’t think Bridgette is bitter, but let’s face it–Brady (that p***k) walked out on her when she was pregnant with his child to pump his ego into a ‘supermodel’. I read recently that Brady hardly ever sees his son…and when you consider how much time he spends shleping around after the Supermodel, you’d think he could make an effort to see his own child right?
    In fact, he went for a rare visit to see the baby WITH the Supermodel, and made sure cameras were there to get the good PR moment.
    Now, to justify moving to LA, he’s suddenly pretending he cares so much about his son? Right.
    If Bridgette isn’t bitter, than I’m bitter for her!!
    I cheered last season every time the opposing players sacked his worthless butt.

  6. daisy424 says:

    I thought they broke up before Bridgette found out about the pregnancy.
    As for visitation, remote as some people might think, it could be Bridgette’s jealousy working here.
    Her bitterness in Tom moving on is clear in the last name she gave her son.
    Using a child as a ‘hostage’ for guilt is low. Look at Denise.

    I’m a Bears fan.

  7. czarina says:

    Daisy424: Why shouldn’t she give her son her last name? She is not married to Tom Brady. He is barely around for the child, and wasn’t there while she was pregnant. Why does his having an orgasm give him the right to have the child have his last name?
    Has he fought for custody?
    Has he instigated any legal action to try to have more access to his child?
    No. So either he doesn’t care enough to bother or the “bitter and jealous” mother has allowed him as much time as he wants with his baby.
    How, exactly, then, is she holding the child “hostage”?

  8. Emily says:

    TGBE = Tom & Gisele Brady Estate ?

  9. lola says:

    Yes, you are bitter… and it shows. Story must have hit a little close to home.

  10. sj says:

    Anyone who believes an internet blog that quotes unnamed “sources” is a complete moron.

    TMZ always tries to stir the sh*t, even if there is nothing to stir. Face it, Bridget has never said anything, ever, about Brady. She’s a class act.

  11. czarina says:

    Lola–considering I have been married to the same (wonderful) man (my first and only husband) for 15 years who is a terrific father to our two children, your psychological analysis is a little off.
    However, I DO feel strongly about parents who are irresponsible, just on principle.
    Arrogent jocks who ignore their children to get photographed with Supermodels ring all my disgust bells.

  12. CiCi says:

    I too wonder what the big deal is with Bridget giving her son her last name? She’s essentially a single mother – why shouldn’t she? Why does that have to mean she’s bitter and can’t move on?

  13. Bodhi says:

    I thought that Tom & Bridget were together for FAR longer than he & Gisele have been…

    As far as the name thing goes… who gives crap? I have a different last name than my mom, because she didn’t change her name when m folks got hitched. And I’m not gonna change my name either. That doesn’t mean that my mom doesn’t love my dad or that I don’t love The Boy. Its just a freaking name. Besides, doesn’t the kid have two middle names? Thomas Brady?

  14. daisy424 says:

    He obviously wants to be a part of his son’s life and moving to LA shows that.
    She is not a single Mother, he has a father also. Tom is in the picture, maybe not on a daily basis as he would if they lived together. From what I have read, he was at the hosp. when she gave birth, and does spend time with him.
    Holding the child as a hostage for guilt is what I wrote. It is plain to me, again, my opinion.

    No, Bridgette didn’t didn’t say negative things about Tom in public, her ‘friends’ leaked that info to the press, so she comes across like a victim. She also gave an interview to Harper’s Bazaar;
    “When you’re suddenly pregnant and no one is standing by your side, even if you’re in your 30s, it’s a hard conversation. I’m a traditional girl, and I believe in marriage, and I just always thought that’s the way I’d be doing this,” she says. “For a moment, it was hard for me to accept that this was the way I was going to have a family.”

    I don’t give her a pass or pity because she went through a pregnancy alone. She chose to trod that path herself and it must have been excruciating for her to see Tom with another woman.
    For 9 months she saw Giselle in hot photo gigs while she got bigger and bigger with Tom’s child. Of course she would harbor resentment and bitterness towards them, that’s human.
    My opinion is that by omitting Tom’s last name, it was her big ‘gotcha’ to him. To publicly humiliate him.

    “….in that they put their own feelings ahead of their childrens’, and ultimately it is the kids who suffer for all their selfishness.”
    This is a quote of yours on a Denise thread.

    You’re right, it is the child that will suffer for selfish and petty behavior.

    Just my opinion Czarina.:wink:

    Thomas is his third name.

  15. duda says:

    the boy’s name is like John Edward Thomas Monyahan or whatever.. JET haha …i have never seen her act like some jealous petty person, she made a decision to have HER child and the father can choose to be in the childs life or not. he has the money and the means to be as active as he wants to be. If he has a problem w/visits or whatever, a lawyer’s advice would be to take it to the family court. 🙂

  16. Nouvel says:

    czarina I totally agree with you and not LOLA. I mean give me a break, can you imagine being pregnant and your partner leaves. That is disgusting. His poor son..

    TB is a douchebag.. Brigette is better off for sure !!!!!

  17. czarina says:

    Daisy424; OK, I suppose I am entitled to ONE irrational dislike of a celebrity and Brady just happens to be the one for me.
    I do believe they DID break up just before she found out she was pregnant. I disagree about Bridgette trying to make Brady (publicly) feel guilty, although, to be honest, I wouldn’t hold it against her.
    It is the woman who has to deal with evreything, though, isn’t it? She has to decide whether or not to have the baby (and I admire her decision to do so); she has to go through it all alone and raise the child herself.
    Brady just saunters away to look like a big studmuffin because he’s dating Budenchen and the world is cheering his football prowess.
    Big pat on the back for him if he occasionally drops by to visit his child that, otherwise, doesn’t interfere in his life.
    OK…my eyes are starting to turn red and steam is coming out my ears…LOL
    There is just something, to me, so utterly dislikable about Brady I can’t get past it.
    I always wonder how people can get so worked up over celebs they have never met, but I guess all of us have those public figures that just seem to push our buttons.

  18. daisy424 says:

    I’m sorry if I upset you Czarina, I like your posts and think you’re right on and funny. 🙂
    Don’t take what I wrote personally, I don’t care for her, like you don’t care for him. Cool. 😛 I considered my ex a sperm donor with a wage assignment. He didn’t want to be involved at all with our girls. Tom just seems to me like he does want to be included.

    On a happy personal note, I want to congratulate you on 15 years of marriage. 😛

    RAN for the record, I was rooting when he got slammed also, was hoping he would get injured and be benched.

  19. RAN says:

    “There is just something, to me, so utterly dislikable about Brady I can’t get past it.”

    Thank you Czarina! I have never been able to put my finger on it either, but this is one guy I actively dislike with (almost) an intensity that I usually don’t have for strangers. I also cheered last season each time his smirky butt got slammed to the ground — and I’m a Steeler’s fan with a Dallas fan for a hubby.

    I like Bridget Moynihan, although I do think she was a bit bitter at first, but who wouldn’t be? I’m honest enough to admit that I would be fuming as well. Brady showed up at the hospital to prove he was an engaged parent – without contacting Bridget the entire time she was pregnant to see how she and the baby were doing. Now that the hardest first year is up, he wants to buy a house to be close to the baby. Whatever 🙄 I hope that kid grows up to realize what a classless punk his sperm donor is.

    ***Edit — Daisy, sometimes I think we’re a lot alike 🙂 My feelings exactly***

  20. Blackalicious says:

    I don;t think it’s fair some people automatically assume Bridget is bitter.
    She has not gone on record saying anything negative about TB for what that’s worth.
    Even if they were broken up prior to her conceiving it has to be tough seeing your ex with a supermodel, come on.

    As for giving her son her surname, of course she would – she’s single. Just because she didn’t give her kid the Brady name doesn’t mean she is denying visitation.

  21. czarina says:

    Daisy424; Sorry if I gave the impression that I was personally upset with anyone’s comments. I rarely take offense to anyone disagreeing with me (assuming no personal attacks are involved)…I just like a good, intense discussion!!
    I’m sorry that your children’s father is one of those irresponsible parents I was talking about, but I have no doubt you are a good enough mother to more than make up for his absence.
    I think the fact that I’ve been lucky makes me feel even more defensive on behalf of women who haven’t been.
    My husband is in the military, and he’s had to be stationed away for 6 months at a time on a few occasions, and I found it REALLY hard to be a single parent…and that was knowing he’d be back and not even having to bear the financial responsibility of the kids on my own.
    It has made me very aware and sympathetic to any woman who is a single mother with ALL the responsiblity resting on her, particularly if the father is barely ever around.

  22. daisy424 says:

    czarina, you’re a military wife? One of my good friend’s husband is a LT Colonel in the AF. He is gone on tda for 6 months at a time also. I don’t know how you do it, especially with kids. It was awfully lonely for her. My friend did have alot of girlfriends in the same boat, they would help each other out, like a big family. Do you have that kind of support?

    Don’t sweat the comment, you’re a gem!

  23. czarina says:

    Daisy424; Well, I’ve been both lucky and unlucky. My husband had to go on a year-long peacekeeping tour in the Siani when my children were 4 and 3.
    At the time we were living far away from our families, in a community where I knew next to nobody, not even the neighbors.
    It WAS hard, especially when my daughter got sick and I couldn’t leave her with anyone even to get milk and medicine (fortunately the grocery store delivered!)and also when I got pneumonia (a week I remember very little about as I was in an Advil and Tylenol haze).
    On the bright side, my husband was not in danger-or not very much-so I didn’t have to live with that stress that so many military wives have.
    It DID give me a serious appreciation for what single Moms have to go through, how scary it is to have to do it all on your own, especially when your children are sick or hurt and there is no one to turn to and say “What should we do??”
    There should be a medal–a parade of honor–for every single Mom (or Dad) trying to raise their children as best as they can.
    As for being a “gem”–thank you, Daisy–mabye “in the rough”?! LOL. I really enjoy your posts as well!!

  24. czarina says:

    RAN; so you get that “I’m too sexy for my cleats” vibe from him, too?
    Yeah, that loud noise you heard from North of the boarder at the end of the Superbowl was me cheering!!LOL!

  25. daisy424 says:

    RAN & czarina you two kill me. 8) Too bad we couldn’t have been at that game together, spitting and drinking beer.

    RAN, I am a born and bred Bears fan but live in Cleveland (Browns) now, all of my neighbors hate the Steelers. What’s with rivalry and these two teams??

  26. Starla says:

    czarina, just through personal experience, I totally agree with you. Well said. I’ve been reading comments on CB for a long time because I DO LOVE this site. Props to you & daisy for being adult enough to “agree to disgree” & still stay on good terms. OMG,there are times when opinions get so nasty & out of control. I usually open a (ok, a few) beers to get through some of the comments!! Holy crap!!

  27. czarina says:

    Starla: I love CB, too, and actually find almost 99% of posters here very considerate of each other (the 1% can be jaw droppingly nasty, but hey). In fact, I’ve had a few posters apologize for upsetting me (like Daisy424 earlier) when I had seen absolutely nothing offensive in their posts at all! So, obviously, people try hard to be kind, which is nice.
    So many other sites are really awful–just ugly with nastiness. I rarely comment anywhere else.

  28. hello says:

    czarina, RAN –

    I never liked him either. He seems very smug. I think the thing that really gets me is that the Patriots have a dynasty, but they didn’t honestly win the game…they had all the plays laid out in the practices that they taped and he’s still this “great player.”

    Another thing that I can’t stand about him is that he’s the golden boy of the NFL, so he gets a pass on having an illegitimate child, where there are other athletes who are dogged by the media for it all the time. I know it’s not his hypocrisy, but it still irks me.

    Also, I wanted to say that if she was withholding visitation with his son, all he would have to do is go to court…so either he sees him and we don’t know about it, or he’s not too bothered.

    Personally, I think the move to LA is more because he’s a celebrity now and can and wants to hang out with the famous. He’s not really like an athlete anymore. I wish they’d do one of those pre-season HBO series (I forget what it’s called at the moment) so we could see what he’s like. This year’s one about the Cowboys makes you understand (and like) Tony Romo more. And I thought he was a big d-bag for the longest time. Now he’s only a little d-bag. 😀

  29. czarina says:

    hello; I love American football, but I don’t know a lot about the players (aside from disliking Tom Brady!). Do they need to live near the team during the season?

  30. hello says:

    czarina – not living in America, I’m guessing? 😉

    yeah. This is preseason, so they have to be with the team for daily practices. Mid-summer they go to out of state training camps where they have to live with each other in dorm type things for team building. Now they are doing preseason games on Saturdays, to get us excited for the season. They use it to feel out the rookies, etc. because the games don’t count.

    Typically the players have two houses, or just live where the team is based to be near by, then the team fles out on Thursdays for practices for Sunday’s game (although that is a little messed up now because there are games through the week.).

    But football does have the shortest length for American sports, but is the most loved, so they try to stretch it out a bit. We have had preseason games going for three weeks, I think.

    To learn about the players (and the trouble they get into) check out espn’s site sometime. You’ll learn who the trouble makers are, quick. Some are real sweet guys though. I love Jerome Bettis. Such a nice man. Retired though.

  31. RAN says:

    Sorry Daisy, Czarina… just got back. Daisy, we’re closer than you think — I’m in PA, close to Harrisburg. Not sure why the Browns and the Steelers fans hate each other, but they’re REALLY loyal so it gets pretty bad. I’m a football fan so I spend Sunday’s and Monday nights with the family watching every game we can. I’ll root for your Bears once in a while this season – as long as they’re not playing Dallas or Pittsburgh 🙂

    I agree Hello — in fact I agree with your entire post! It’s his ‘smug’/’I’m so hot’ factor that kills me. What a sanctimonious little punk. An average quarterback whose team managed to get ahead with a little bit of trickery so he looks like a super stud. Didn’t look like such a stud in that S/B though did he? 😆

    Czarina, I get where you’re coming from oddly enough. When my kids were little, my hubby and I worked differing shifts so one of us would be home with the kids all the time. That meant the kids didn’t have daycare, but their mom and dad didn’t see each other much. It’s hard being THE ONLY ONE for any length of time. I respect you and Daisy more and more.

  32. czarina says:

    hello; Yes, I’m Canadian. And if you’d ever seen Canadian football, you would understand my cross-boarder loyalty to the NFL!!LOL
    Thanks for the info. Sometimes getting to know players’ personalities is disappointing because someone whose playing you admire turns out to be a schmuck! (see, totally restrainig myself from naming names!) But I’ll pay closer attention this season.

  33. czarina says:

    RAN; I think it must be just as stressful to always be running on different schedules–you must have had a very strong marriage to make that work.
    (BTW if it turns out you’ve divorced and I just put my big foot in my mouth, I grovel in advance!!)

  34. RAN says:

    @Czarina — no worries, but you’re sweet to think about it in advance 😉 .. No, we’ve been married 18 years and both have normal schedules now. It WAS tough and I didn’t think we’d get through it, but it worked out. I wouldn’t recommend it to everyone though — then again, I have the utmost respect for military wives and their families so my ‘tough’ life wouldn’t even compare.

  35. Starla says:

    Yeah, czarina, A fellow Canadian!!! I’m from the flat province of Manitoba. You??

  36. czarina says:

    Starla; Ontario girl here! I’m living in Mississauga now (I usually just say Toronto so as not to confuse anyone), but I lived in Stonewall, MB (about 1/2 hour outside Winnipeg) for about 4 years (that’s where I was living when my hubby was away for a year, actually).
    In fact, the year he was away was one of the coldest winters on record. We had a gas line break for the whole town, and there was no heat…I woke up and the house was at 14 degrees!! It was -52 degrees outside and the kids and I had to bundle in blankets all day and I kept the electric stove on to keep some warmth in the house. Bless the gas people, though, they worked all day in that freezing cold and got the line repaired by before nightfall.
    Ah, the memories!
    Seriously, though, we loved living in Manitoba. We loved the lakes and beaches and the people were awesome.
    The provincial car insurance was not too bad either!

  37. JaundiceMachine says:

    I really have nothing worthwhile to contribute to this conversation (and I feel a little guilty posting this after such heated debate 😯 !) – but seeing as how this is one of the few NFL-related posts on this forum, I feel inclined to offer this non sequitur . . .

    ahem. . .


    That is all.

  38. JaundiceMachine says:

    🙁 Shucks! I know I have a dirty mouth, but comments pertaining to football should never be moderated. 🙁

  39. Starla says:

    czarina, yup, I know all about the *cold* winters. I live in Dauphin, a small city about 235 miles northwest of Winnipeg. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of it, but its gained popularity ove the last few years for Countryfest. It’s a huge country music festival that lasts Thurs to Sun usually in July. Faith Hill, Travis Tritt & many other major stars come out. I’m not a Country music fan, but I’d go just to drink beer on those hot days!!!
    My brother & sister-in-law just moved from Ontario to Sask but Ontario is so beautiful. Good to hear from you!!

  40. hello says:

    czarina, I have seen your CFL…it’s depressing at best. Do you guy get coverage up there? When I was a kid and lived closer to BC we got some of their channels.

    I will say, it is sad to know how awful some of these players can be, but there are some really nice guys out there too! There are some draft picks from this year who seem like they will be pretty stand up guys. AND you will love Adrian Peterson. He’s a really good guy. Nice to his fans, wants to play well for the love of the game…still shy. He’s one of my favorites from last year.

    They are cracking down on bad behavior as of late…but not cheating by the Pats! GRRRR

    RAN and czarina – so happy to know that there are some football loving ladies out there!

  41. czarina says:

    Starla–Wow, I bet you know about cold winters!! Yours probably make my -52 sound balmy! I hadn’t heard of your Countryfest, but then when I was in Manitoba I had two very small children, and at that time all I saw or listened to was Sesame Street and Teletubbies (Lord save me!)
    One of the things I found wonderful about living out West (we lived in Alberta, too, for a few years) was the great community festivals and events they have out there.
    One of our favorites was in a town called Gimli in MB, where they had an Iclandic festival (to celebrate the settlers from Iceland). Even in Stonewall we had Quarry Days (kind of street carnival/midway thing).
    Ontario is beautiful in its own way, and Toronto has great galleries, but anything in T.O (like Carabana, etc.) is SO crowded and crazy, it just isn’t any fun (at least at my age!)

  42. czarina says:

    hello; ah, yes, the ‘only child’ syndrome. I can’t say my Dad was a sports fanatic (he’s a couch potato in the nicest possible way), but he loves watching certain sports and I always ended up watching with him, so I learned to love football and baseball.
    Oh, yeah, here near Toronto we get all the channels (sadly for big events like the Superbowl, they stream it through the Canadian stations so we get all the Canadian commercials-boring!)
    Dad was thrilled with the Patriots last season, all psyched about them having this perfect season. He doesn’t share my antagonism towards Tom Brady (men get hung up on crap like being an amazing Quarterback, as if that excuses everything!LOL)
    I can’t stand Belicheck (spelling?), and I thought the team handled their Superbowl defeat with very little grace. Basically they (Brady at least) said that it meant the whole “perfect” season was a waste of time. Nice attitude. Jeez, even if you think that you suck it up, smile at the camera and congratulate yourself and your team for an amazing season.
    That whole “Win or Die” attitude is all Belicheck.
    OK, see, this is why I can’t get ‘into’ the players/coaches…I get all passionate and scary.LOL

  43. Starla says:

    czarina,okay, before I head off to bed, I have to tell you I had to laugh.I lived in AB to years ago. Edmonton, Leduc & a three person town called Thorsby. I also have two kids. Anything else we have in common??LOL. Catch you later. Have a good night.

  44. czarina says:

    Starla: Let’s see…born in Ontario (Oakville–near Toronto), travelled in Middle East and Europe (year I was 20–really awesome), with hubby have lived in Calgary, Edmonton and a three person town called Fort Saskatchewan (in Alberta), Stonewall (Manitoba) now back in Ontario.
    Had my kids in Fort Saskatchewan, AB. Big mistake. Small town, VERY small hospital and a policy that you cannot get an epidural unless a nurse is with you all the time, but of course there was not enough staff for that….
    It wasn’t pretty.
    Loved Edmonton, though. We had a great apartment downtown and I was going to UofA. Lots of fun.
    We were in Calgary before the boom. I remember the first time I was downtown on a weekday afternoon…it was EMPTY (I was used to Toronto). I mean, I thought I could see tumbleweed drifting across the streets! I guess it’s a lot different now.
    See, we can write a book–The Canada I Have Known!!

  45. daisy424 says:

    I enjoyed reading all of your posts,interesting read! Many Canadians on CB. Brrr cold is right.

    Jaundice, your Favre comment had me rolling on the floor :mrgreen:

    RAN: You’re right, we aren’t too far from each other. I just had to bring my pup in for an MRI in Pitts. last month. The rolling hills are just gorgeous, reminded me a bit of TN & KY.

    Football is my favorite sport, I watch it religiously every fall/winter.
    In my opinion, Walter Payton was one of the best running backs in the NFL. I loved watching him run, he was like a graceful gazelle. Miss him 😥

    Go Bears!

  46. hello says:

    czarina – getting into the players and coaches with passion makes you a real fan. Makes you understand those rivalries!

    I CANNOT stand Bellicheck (sp?) He is such a slob too. No one wants to see him on the field with his cut off sweat shirt.. ick

  47. Ashley says:

    You can buy a palace for nothing here in Texas, so it doesn’t surprise me that Romo only paid $700,000 for a house.

  48. czarina says:

    I just saw another blog. There are pictures of Brady and Budenchen in a big open field, playing with John Edward…and Oh! Look! A cameraman just HAPPENED to be there to capture this wonderful PR moment.
    Man, I can’t stand that guy….

  49. nadine says:

    Oh puhlease. Bridget has exploited that child for pr from utero to birth. She has used him to run a hate campaign vs Brady which has worked to perfection. No matter what he does, he can’t win cause she’s the victim. She wants to have her cake and eat it too. She was the one who announced to the world that she broke up with Brady. She didn’t even know she was pregnant. No mention of pregnancy, In fact her publicist claimed she and Brady broke up “amicably”. Of course when she found out she was pregnant and he had started seeing someoneelse, the story took a totally different tune. Suddenly now horrible Brady dumped his pregnant girlfriend for for horrible supermodel. Oh it was classic. the media, not high on truth telling, had a field day and women bought it hook line and sinker. If Bridget didn’t want to have this kid, She would not have had it and there isn’t a thing Brady could have done about it. If he was the one that wanted a baby and she was not ready to have one, You bet your life there was not goint to be a baby. She would have gotten all feminist on his butt and tell him how dare he thinks he can tell her what to do with her body. She’s not a teenager. She’s older than him. She had the kid because she wanted to. As for being a traditional girl, well traditional girls get married first then get knoked up later. I’m so sick of people dumping on Brady like Bridget was some innocent wide-eye teenager who got taken advantage of. Give me a break.

  50. czarina says:

    Nadine–Bridget didn’t get pregnant all by her lonesome, did she?
    But the reality of pregnancy is HERS–she is the one who had to make that kind of a decision (and for anyone who has morals, it is an excrutiatingly hard decision).
    She is the one getting bigger, dealing with all her body’s changes, all the worries and excitement of pregnancy,
    While what is Tom doing? What is the guy who is EVERY BIT EQUALLY AS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PREGNANCY AS BRIDGET IS doing?
    Banging a Supermodel in front of the whole world.
    Face it, Brady is a self-absorbed a**h**e.
    What do I think he should have done?
    I think he should have stood beside Bridget at least until after the baby was born.
    But, wait, according to you, he’s a guy. Why should he show kindness and respect for the mother of his child?
    Why should he restrain himself from humiliating her in public?
    It must be nice to decide that a baby is all the woman’s problem.
    Campaign of hate against him? Yeah, right. As far as I know, she said it was hard being a single mom and she didn’t expect to do this.
    Please provide links to her “hate filled” comments???
    Brady is scum. SCUM!!!

  51. RAN says:

    I saw those pics to Czarina – did you notice how both Tom and little John were trying to get Giselle’s attention and she was giving off that “please, I’m too good for this” vibe?

    What goes around comes around. When he (Tom) grows up, he may realize what he left behind. It doesn’t look like that woman will be a good step mother.

  52. czarina says:

    RAN: actually, I noticed how utterly bored Giselle looked…but that could be me projecting.
    Honestly, the names Michael Lohan and Tom Brady are enough to get me foaming at the mouth these days.
    I think in part it’s because I’m trying to quit smoking (which is also why I spend so much time on the computer!)
    Apparently it makes me a little bit angry.LOL!