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3 Responses to “Britney might perform at the VMAs after all”

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  1. vdantev says:

    Katy Perry wants to kiss a 15 year old girl on-stage?! Freak.

  2. cara says:

    Vdantev – I hope that’ not true. Would we all be cool with some 23 (?? she looks more like 32, just saying) yr old male kissing a 15 year old boy or girl, I think not.

    Katy Perry = DESPERATE, annoying slag.

    **are we sure she’s not related to that wanna be preggers man/woman?

  3. chaz says:

    Are they still making videos these days! i thought Mtv only had those crappy reality shows now! Does anyone even watch the VMA’s? I wish Brit would just retire already, i mean she’s a few years younger then me, but she looks older then my mom! Who gives a shit about some white trash scank anyway! i say let her perform and maybe she’ll go down with this sinking ship.