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11 Responses to “Eva Mendes says she struggled with accepting success, is in therapy”

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  1. vdantev says:

    It would be a struggle not to slap her in the mouth for this faux modesty act.

  2. JMC says:

    Oh uh. I have mostly guy friends. Guess all the men better run for the hills.

  3. V says:

    Then give the money away

  4. Codzilla says:

    Nice of her to give away some sunglasses she probably got for free. I think Eva would have come across more tolerable if she had referenced some, oh I don’t know, hungry children she’d fed, homeless for whom she provided shelter, etc. But maybe her therapist advised her to take baby steps. 🙄

  5. anony says:

    Um… not sure if she is being disingenuous here but ..ok. This movie looks cringe worthy, right down to the corny ‘chick flick’ formula music. I do think Candace Bergen is a riot though. She ‘s had some funny small roles lately and she steals the scenes.

  6. morgs says:

    Normally I love this lady. But wow…that entire quote was just…wow.

    All of my best friends are men (save for my two girl besties) and I would rather hang out with my guys than go on a date with a guy who had that attitude. I go to my guy friends after breakups and if anything, they are way more helpful. I love my girls, but I love my guys just as much.

  7. morgs says:

    Ok, I re-read her quote. I can understand that sentiment. Fully believe in having at least one good girlfriend. Girls who don’t have any female friends…I’d steer clear of them as well.

  8. melanie says:

    i think it’s a bit judgemental to make such a blanket statement about women with no female friends. there are all kinds of reasons why a girl wouldn’t have a lot or any female friends. maybe that is more of a reason to be friends with her–most girls i know who don’t have any girl friends want some!!!

  9. Orangeitjulius says:

    Yes, Melanie, there are lots of reasons. One of them could be being married to a recluse for may years…Some women would really, really like to have good female friends, but don’t know how to make them… so they blog on here….

  10. luciano says:

    voce e a mais bela

  11. luciano says:
