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29 Responses to “Amy Winehouse so wasted she was carried out of hotel in a blanket”

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  1. Prissa says:

    I feel bad for her. There is something missing in her life and she needs to find out what that is (prime example of how $$$ is not a cure all). It’s hard enough to do self evaluation and soul searching on your own and even harder when there is no one around who cares enough to give you that wake up call. Obviously the ppl around her are all just along for the ride and although her father means well, his approach seems a little off. But then again, the person has to be willing and ready to make that change for themselves and she certainly is not. Oh Amy, what is to become of you??? 😥

  2. Orangejulius says:

    Maybe the only thing that will get the message across is if people stop buying tickets to her concerts. I would be pretty pissed at having paid my hard-earned doh-ray-me for nothing.

    How much longer can this go on?

  3. Dingles says:

    God just die already.

  4. Linda says:

    How stupid are people that they would dish out their hard earned money to pay to go and see this junkie try to perform??? They boo her?? What the heck do they expect?? Stupid people.

  5. JaundiceMachine says:

    Every time I see a glimpse of Amy on the main forum, I always shudder and assume it’s her obituary.

    I mean, excessive drug use and self-harming aside – the woman looks like I’d need a bottle of holywater and a high-powered sidearm if I ran into her in the streets at night.

    Wise up, Ms Winehouse. Just because you don’t give a damn about yourself, doesn’t mean people don’t give a damn about you.

  6. Anon says:

    She is running hard toward doing a Janis…

  7. piedlourde says:

    I am simply amazed that Amy Winehouse is still alive! No joke.

  8. lady garden says:

    Linda-i hear you but its much the same with Pete Doherty. He arrived 2 hours late for an interview and so wasted we called the whole thing off. The venue he was playing at was full of young girls and i was tempted to take some of them back to his dressing room to show the not so glam effects of a junkies diet-not cool at all

  9. Syko says:

    I just find it all really sad. There is so much more to life than being oblivious.

  10. Susan says:

    It’s called addiction people. She is sick — she’s an addict.

    I don’t see her living much longer.

  11. Susan says:

    Lady garden—–I’m curious — what was Pete looking like?

  12. notprfect says:

    Sad. 🙁 Too bad she can’t see or doesn’t care what she’s doing to herself.

  13. Hmm says:

    It seems like everyone is just waiting for her to die and I cannot figure out how she is still getting work. They act like because she’s talented she gets to be a screw up. Is there nothing that anyone can do to save her from herself?

  14. Susan says:

    She DOES get to screw up because she’s talented. All rock stars are like that.

    Until it gets old and nobody wants to take a risk on them anymore. Or they lose their talent.

    Look at Whitney Houston — she is a crackhead and it has ruined her beautiful voice/life.

  15. Cari says:

    @ Syko – do you mean obliterated? 😉

    And I wouldn’t spend a nickel on Amy.

  16. gg says:

    @ Linda – It was a multiple-billed festival, which is why people that didn’t like her bought tickets. To see the other artists perform.

    I’ve never ever seen anybody grab their boobs so much onstage. Even strippers don’t do that.

  17. Lauri says:

    Why would anyone pay to see her? She’s long been known to be unstable and unpredictable. I wouldn’t bother wasting my money.

  18. Codzilla says:

    Just watch, she’ll live another forty years while the rest of us drop like flies. 🙄

  19. Prissa says:

    I just have to comment again. It’s not necessarily that she doesn’t “see” or doesn’t “care” what she’s doing to herself, rather, once you get to a certain point of addiction, it’s very difficult to stop. The drugs have a hold on you and you are so lost you can’t even fathom HOW to change. EVERYTHING seems hopeless and you get so used to being high, drunk, etc that you don’t see a way out. It’s easy to say “just stop”, much harder to actually do. I’ve been there. My dad approached me in tears saying he couldn’t stay around & watch me destroy myself and my response was “so when are you leaving so I can get high”. I’ve cut myself so bad I have long scars up & down my arms. But eventually you reach that bottom, that point where enough is enough. Either that or die…

  20. Syko says:

    That too, Cari. 😉

  21. Susan says:

    “Just watch, she’ll live another forty years”


  22. Codzilla says:

    Prissa: Thank you for putting your story out there — I’m sure it’s a hard topic to discuss and I appreciate you being so open. Hope you’ve recovered and are doing well.

  23. JaundiceMachine says:

    Ya never know, Susan. The combination of so many toxic chemicals might turn her into a superhuman!

    Thanks for sharing, Prissa. I know it is easier to acquiesce to a drug-induced stupor than it is shake yourself out of it and deal with your demons, and I respect your fight for stability/sobriety. As for Amy . . . I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, Amy is definitely fighting some serious issues depression and self-hatred, the likes of which are only exacerbated by her drug use. I sincerely wish her the best in wrestling her demons, there’s nothing harder for loved ones to cope with than a slow, drug-induced suicide.

  24. jennifer says:

    Prior to last weekend’s trademark boozing and shambolic performance, her father Mitch said the festival would be her last show until she recovered from her drug and drinking problems.

    So, in other words, it was her last concert , period, yes?

    @piedlourde OMG THAT’S GAVIN IN YOUR AVATAR…I think I just squealed out loud.. 😆

  25. KERRI says:

    What happened to the hem on her dress? It’s shredding!

  26. Frenchie says:

    to kerri : apparently the dress was too long for Miss winehouse so she did cut it, ’cause you know, she needs to feel sexy after all her little own beauty routine…

  27. lady garden says:

    Susan-he looked stoned out of his mind-and he was sick-numerous times

  28. Jeanne says:

    Wow is that foreshadowing or what? Was her face visible or was the blanket pulled over her head?