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14 Responses to “Is Britney’s record label pushing her too hard?”

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  1. Pont Neuf says:

    OH.MY.GOD!!!!! Do you mean that she will actually have to do something beyond embarrassing herself, eating like a pig and sleeping her way around with men who are already in relationships? Something like, actually having to… (gulp) WORK? Poor Britney!!!! Let’s hope she doesn’t suffer another one of her incredibly profitable meltdowns. 🙄 It’s not like she is like every other human being and can actually afford to behave like a responsible adult. Poor little, vulnerable angel.

    Now, moving on to other things, I find it funny that anyone would think that record companies actually care about anything other than milking their artists for all their worth, without any real concern for their integrity as human beings.

  2. vdantev says:

    Someone needed to put foot to ass to get her career back on track and sure as hell wasn’t going to be Britney. This is the life she made for herself, she needs to suck it up and soldier on.

  3. Kaiser says:

    I thought her last album was a sort-of hit. It sold a lot, considering Brit publicized it mainly by being institutionalized?

    Other than that, I just have to say that *this* is why Brit’s father needs to stay on as her whatmacallit.

    Oh God… do you think the record company is going to push for her to tour?!? I hope they’re not that stupid.

  4. Codzilla says:

    To once again quote the venerable Michael K: “I’d shed a tear, but I’m too busy not giving a f*uck.”

  5. Kayla says:

    Team Britney is still looking out for her, don’t worry. Britney is strong enough now not to be forced to do something she really doesn’t want to do. Besides, if you think about it, it is best to do a tour now, while the boys aren’t yet in school, make one more comeback, take the money and run! Run to her boys, and maybe open a dance studio and retire young. BEST WISHES TO BRITNEY SPEARS!!! She’s hot!

  6. Harvey says:

    Well, JIVE is known for treating its artists terribly, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re trying to push Britney before she’s ready.

    On the other hand, her last album sold really well and had a number one hit, which is pretty good considering that she was being drugged and held hostage in her own house at the time. Meanwhile, the Jonas Brothers only sold slightly better in their opening week, and they’ve done so much publicity I wish they would all go hide in a bunker somewhere while people forget about their existence.

  7. CeeJay says:

    Her mother has been quoted as saying that she wants her daughter to get back to her “own” voice which was full and soulful when she was younger. Mama Spears does not like that her daughter’s “beautiful” voice has been kidnapped and digitized by studio engineers. Hey, I didn’t say it. Mama Spears did.

  8. santacruz says:

    I wish the record company would push her away…far…far…away

  9. gracie says:

    Dear Pont Neuf:

    Do we really have to go through what it’s like to have a mental illness again? Can’t you just comment on the story without trashing her?

    Hows about you get a mental illness and go through hell, and we’ll all watch and laugh at you and then poke fun.
    Does that sound like a good time?

    Just lay off her. Stick to the topic.

  10. mitaqie says:

    Mental illness is debilitating, so crushing and destructive and affects people from all walks of life, for all sorts of reasons. And we see time and time again that money cannot really make us happy. True wealth is an enigma for so many of us.

    Britney the pop star is a product of and for consumerism and materialism, and she is expected to be perfection, plastic fantastic, what we used to see.

    Britney, the human being who ‘eats like a pig’ (tick) , embarrasses herself (done that) , and sleeps her way around LA’s taken men (erm: takes two to tango? why don’t these taken men say just say No lol)… is who I’m rooting for – regardless of these disgusting displays of a living breathing hurting laughing wanting needing searching growing sexual human being. Who makes mistakes.

    We’re all in this rat race together. I hope she gets better for herself and her kids, it takes a while. Pont Neuf, if you really need to despise and criticise that much ( and you are good at it) , there’s plenty out there on the world news page. Find a target worth the vitriol.

  11. Codzilla says:

    Gracie, the topic IS Britney. And we’re allowed to voice our opinions, regardless of whether or not they line up with your own.

  12. gracie says:

    Thank you Mitaqie. You said soooo much more eloquently the point that I was trying to get across.

    What you wrote was beautifully stated.

    Codzilla….if you want me to allow
    Pont Neuf their opinion, why do you not want me to give mine as well? I am saying what I think and how I feel just as they are. I didn’t tell this person to go away and not post their thoughts.

  13. Codzilla says:

    You said to lay off Britney and stay on topic, and I simply pointed out the errors in your statement. You’re welcome to worship at the altar of Britney all you want, but don’t get your panties in a twist when we point and laugh.

  14. Jeanne says:

    She’s lucky she has a record company. She’s gonna have to work hard to get back in. I think her synthesized sounding music style is already somewhat dated. How many times can you sing “Gimme More….It’s Britney Bitch?” I think singers like Joss Stone, Alicia Keys, Amy Winehouse, to name a few, pack way more talent per square inch than Ms. Spears. If she can’t cut it…get out.