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22 Responses to “Heather Mills tries to impress New Yorkers with gifts of vegan meat”

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  1. Anon says:

    What I don’t get is why she craves that attention. I thought she wanted to go live a normal life in America?

  2. Mimi says:

    I doubt that she actually gives $1m of her own cash to charity. This is just another ploy to dupe the public that everything she does is for charity when in actual fact this event is to launch and get publicity for Heather’s up and coming vegan food brand 🙄

  3. jess says:

    im starting to have a hard time telling her apart (looks wise) from that blond doctor on scrubs. am i the only one who sees the resemblance? or am i just super tired from a long night at work?

  4. geronimo says:

    Read an interview yesterday where Heather said:

    “The public adore me… I haven’t got a bad word to say about Paul… men are falling over themselves to ask me out… my only interest in life is helping others.”

    Take that, all you heartless begrudgers and shame on those Bronx residents for failing to recognise the world’s leading philanthropist. Weeping all over my keyboard as I read this story.

  5. MintyD says:

    surely she could have saved some money by feeding them with wheat free loaves and vegan fishes…

  6. RAN says:

    Good for her considering she’s hard put to find a million dollars these days 😉 No matter what’s said, charity is charity and whether she does it for attention or not, shouldn’t matter (ala certain other celebrities who are praised for the same type of actions).

  7. Mairead says:

    😆 😆 😆 very good minty!

    And touché RAN 😉

  8. Codzilla says:

    Glad someone actually benefited from Heather’s involvement for once. A vegan burger sounds f*cking gross to me, but if they liked it, more power to them.

  9. Kaiser says:

    @Geronimo – “men are falling over themselves to ask me out”???

    Heather really is delusional, isn’t she?

    @Jess- Sarah Chalke. Yeah, they do look alike.

  10. A.J. says:

    A good deed does not a saint make. Everything she does has an ulterior motive for her benefit. Nothing will ever cause me to like her, sorry.

  11. geronimo says:

    Delusional, kaiser? So delusional and detatched from reality, I believe, that were she to pop into Celebitchy for a quick read, she’d be nodding her head in approval at my comment.

  12. Gigohead says:

    I just watched Heather in an tv interview here on Bronx 12. I may have to say this, but she’s done good. Please keep in mind, I rarely have a kind word for celebrities. LOL.

    She did not come across as snobbish and the money will feed the kids from the area and provide them with healthier alternatives for two years. The kids on the piece seemed real pleased with the soy meal and if it helps kids stay off Mcdonalds and cheap fried chicken than my kudos to Heather.

    😀 Heather has won a small portion of my cold heart today.

  13. Orangejulius says:

    I really can’t stand this woman’s ugly face. I don’t care WHAT she does or how much money she donates to what charity (glad someone is benefiting from her ill-gotten gains), she’s still a conniving, psycho bitch who needs to get out of the spotlight and disappear. Your 15 minutes is up – get off the stage!

  14. Wif says:

    “A vegan burger sounds f*cking gross to me, but if they liked it, more power to them.”

    My friend is a vegan and she came over one night with a hemp burger for me and a walnut burger for my husband and they were freaking AWESOME. If you’ve got the means to try it sometime, Codzilla, you should. That said, currently vegan products are very pricey and once these food programs are through their million dollars of vegan meat, they probably won’t be able to afford more.

  15. Izzy says:

    Veganism is a California disease. While not disparaging her being nice, New Yorkers would laugh at that; if they weren’t hungry poor people (eating the fake food).

  16. Shane says:

    Whoever she hired as her new publicist should get a bonus.

    You simply can’t criticize someone for giving away 1 million dollars worth of food to Americans.

    Bribe or not, some kid tonight had a belly full of food that they wouldn’t have had before.

  17. vdantev says:

    I’ve had my share of veggie burgers and some brands are actually pretty good, but it’s nothing like the real thing baby. Most can’t get past that rubbery soy taste.

  18. Nick Pilla says:

    There should be a sign posted near Heather Mills at all times:


  19. shadow side says:

    Yes it’s so kind of her to donate one million dollars of someone else’s money to charity.

    The Bronx kids need to send Paul McCartney a thank-you note because it’s his cash. As matter of fact, it was his and Linda’s.

    Animal rights and vegan living was also Linda’s cause.

    A good portion of Paul’s finances came from Linda’s estate. About $250 million, I believe. She earned the money herself, writing vegan cookbooks and creating a vegan food line. She taught people how to live and care for themselves. She didn’t throw someone else’s money at the problem and pose for pictures.

    “Give a man a fish, you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish, you have fed him for a lifetime.”

    Heather Mills is as phony as a three dollar bill and that quote from geronimo is classic Mills. She’s extremely impressed with herself.

    She’s swimming in someone else’s money so there will be no effort to this. Expect more of these. Giving Paul’s money to people, posing for pictures, feeling very pleased with herself and moving on. There will be no real investment of time or resources. There will be no actual sacrifice. But she’ll tell everybody she’s Mother Teresa saving the world, and she’ll believe it too.

  20. RAN says:

    Doesn’t matter whose money it was, it’s hers NOW. She was awarded the moolah based upon her time with Paul and his earnings during that timeframe – which had nothing to do with Linda’s money.

    Charity is charity. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like the woman, but you can’t fault her for attempting to do something good, no matter how narcissistic it is. Well… you can, but it’s a bit silly

  21. Mark says:

    What was Paul McCartney thinking when he got together with this ho? Paul is living proof that chronic pot smoking irrevocably damages the brain.

  22. Lina says:

    I see some very bitter remarks above. T think those remarks say far more about those people than they do about Heather. Heather has remained a vegan which is not easy. She has donated a lot of money to feed poor children with nutritious, cruelty-free, food (which is pretty tasty too and for which no death of a sentient creasure is involved) for which she should be congratulated, not condemned. She may be a spendthrift but at least on this occasion she spent well. She also appears to still be involved with the charity Viva so it seems she has not given up her life to just having a good time. Those who blast away at her would do better to look at their own deeds, not hers.