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22 Responses to “Sharon Stone loses joint custody of her oldest son”

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  1. daisy424 says:

    Doesn’t he live in San Francisco? Visitation might be difficult. Hmmm, wonder what happened with Sharon Stone-cold bitch 🙄

  2. Codzilla says:

    Daisy: Yep, he does live in SF. I believe he was the editor of the SF Chronicle, although I’m not sure what he’s up to these days. Besides getting sole custody of his child, of course. On that note, Sharon has always seemed kind of crazy underneath, and definitely callous.

  3. Lauri says:

    Please. She adopted those three kids as accessories. Without a doubt, she has nannies to raise them. She is certainly not the maternal type. Too bad her ex can’t take the other 2 away, as well.

  4. JaundiceMachine says:

    I’m sure she can console herself with her 25 year old son – er, boyfriend.

  5. CandyKay says:

    Karma, as Chinese earthquake victims might say.

  6. Bodhi says:

    Yikes, I wonder what happened…

  7. Kaiser says:

    My guess is that the judge took one look at her and just stamped “ZOMG CRAZY” on the court papers.

    But honestly, it sounds like Sharon wasn’t fulfilling her end of the joint-custody agreement, and the judge got pissed. It happens all the time.

  8. Syko says:

    Every time I look at her I see the “NO WIRE HANGERS!” scene. She’s a natural for it.

    But maybe she agreed to the custody switch? At any rate, she’s not upset, the dad’s probably happy and the kid is, no doubt, ecstatic. So no pain here, right?

  9. Kate says:

    karma’s a bitch, I suppose

  10. Cowbell says:

    Yeah, I’m betting classic parental alienation and the judge yanked her rights. She seems like the type who would’t have time for her kid or to make sure the kid sees his dad.

    These poor boys.

  11. sandy says:

    I remember sharon got in trouble for leaving her baby in her limo while she was dining at a restaurant.
    Definate accessories.

  12. House Mouse says:

    Roan is really beautifull, I must be very difficult for his biological mother to have given him away, and to see that finally the rich cold blooded bitch can’t even replace her correctly.

    The real mother must be devastated. Some knows from where this child comes from?

  13. House Mouse says:

    Well, the real story is quite different, and Sharon Stone could be a victim in this sordid battle.

    A French newspaper, gives more details, and it seems, that the distance between the two exes, Sharon and her ex husband, is the reason of the dispute.

    At the end of the article, they say that the consolation for the mother is “poor” : she can’t call Roan as often as she wants, but unless she moves close to her ex home, where Roan lives since their divorce in 2003, she can’t keep the join cutody.

    The kid is 8, has more homework and less time to travel. Classic. And her ex, another Kevinfederline?, takes the opportunity to ditch the mother.

    Not classy… Mr. Bronstein

  14. House Mouse says:

    According to French newspapers, the shark Bronstein took her kid yet in 2004, but she managed to keep a joint custody. I guess she didn’t expect this one. What a bastatrd!

    Imagine, you can’t have children, you adopt one, and a gold digger takes it away from you. I understand better, why she adopted, almost 50, 2 other kids. Because she almost lost the first one, and was affraid to loose him complety.

    Check on the Internet, the source of the French articles must be American.

  15. Gigohead says:

    🙁 What I think is troubling is that the judge decided to part Roan from his brothers. I would think it would be hard for the other kids not having their big brother around.

  16. Leandra says:

    It’s all speculation but in some ways it’s too bad as Roan won’t be seeing much of his two other brothers. He might be pretty lonely there in SF with just his dad. It would be nice if he could see the sibs on the weekends. But yes, Sharon and her boytoy – not too stabilizing an influence for those kids.

  17. me says:

    What has always fascinated me about her is why she deliberately chose three blonde boys to adopt? Is it narcissism, bigotry or vanity or all three on her part? People question Jolie’s motives, my feeling is Stone’s are way more sinister.

  18. I choose me says:

    @ Kaiser. I’d love to have a real rubberstamp with ZOMG CRAZY! on it, I’d stamp it on my co-worker’s forehead. I’m now also thinking of having one made that says F*CK IT! for that magical day when I tell my boss I quit.

  19. Carrie says:

    Agree there must be a good reason for the judge to change a joint custody arrangement. Maybe it’s her never spending any time with the child? I havent seen her photographed with him since he was a small infant. I also tend to forget she’s even a mother.

  20. Dancin’ says:

    Sharon, IMO is a narcissistic witch (spelled with a capital B). I say good for the judge, for recognizing he needs to protect this child from her narcissism! I just feel for her other adopted children, who don’t have dads to protect them from her.

  21. aspen says:

    I suspect it’s because of her horrid drinking problem…that never gets any coverage. When we were living in Oceanside, CA, she came to a concert there as one of the celebrity appearance types…and she was so incredibly drunk. She hit on an obviously uncomfortable and married Marine and was seen puking in a public area after the concert.

    This was only 4 or 5 years ago.

    So…though the media has never picked up on it, this woman has a serious drinking issue.

  22. Jeremy Henderson says:

    It really is a bad sign. I have heard from many people who have worked with her that she is very very difficult.