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18 Responses to “Cute and interesting photos and products”

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  1. KLO says:

    The meat water idea sounds like dish washing water…eww

  2. geronimo says:

    Love the food portraits – some great shots on her website (beautiful decay series are really interesting.) Also the shot of the chameleon, so delicate.

    As for the ‘Meat in a bottle’ for busy executives – fools and their money etc etc.

  3. Megan says:

    Ugh that meat water makes me feel sick.

  4. silentA says:

    I’m eating oatmeal as I read the meat water website – and now my tasty breakfast tastes like meat.


  5. Leigh-Ann says:

    Love the pics of the chameleon. Not really rare though. I have two that I got when they weren’t much bigger than those. They are really interesting little creatures.

  6. Kaiser says:

    Aw, the baby chameleons look so sleepy! So cute.

    The bear cub looks a lot like my dog – imagine that bear cub, only black with a big, bushy tail.

    Those tiny homes rock. Love.

  7. GirlyGirl says:

    That meat water is gross. Whoarf! 😯

  8. daisy424 says:

    😛 Kaiser 😛
    Lil Smokey is so cute, poor guy, burning his pads must be very painful.

    Those baby chameleons are sooo tiny.

    edit* Kaiser, me too!

  9. Kaiser says:

    @Daisy – Right? I want to bring Lil’ Smokey home with me and give him Snausages. Wittle brown bear cutie.

  10. kate says:

    i love the bear cub – hope he makes a full recovery. those chameleons are too cute. the meat water? not so much.

  11. Bodhi says:

    I want a baby bear! My big dog kinda looks like one too, Kaiser.

    Those tiny houses are so cool! One would be perfect for the little dog & I, but we could never squish in the big & the Boy.

  12. Orangejulius says:

    I’d like to take the tiny house camping with me….

  13. manda says:

    I don’t have time to investigate this fully, but that meatwater has GOT to be fake. The packaging is exactly like vitamin water. And the sponsors looked dubious to me. I don’t know, but I have to get some work done

  14. Syko says:

    Love the tiny houses! I can totally see me living in one! I lived in a studio apartment for a couple years and loved having my bed, desk and kitchen all in the same room. Plus I was able to heat it (in the Pacific Northwest) by simply turning on the oven for a half hour or so every morning, which saved $$$$$$$$$.

  15. Kaiser says:

    Bodhi – Seriously, some dogs have very bear-like features.

    Syko – The tiny houses rock. Wouldn’t it be cool to have a big piece of property and just four tiny houses kind of spread out? Like, “Today I feel like going to the Blue House…” and you just walk a few yards.

  16. Anna says:

    I love the food-throwing pics. Especially the one with the multi-coloured cereal. Do they have a name?

    The meat water thing is just gross. Blechh. I miss eating meat here in Switzerland but definitely, DEFINITELY not enough to resort to this. Chemical concoction much? I prefer drinking water, homemade smoothies and the occasional ginger ale if I’m really living it up. Otherwise I don’t even drink sodas or energy drinks, so this is really yucky to me.

  17. jess says:

    i agree manda. no way in hell is meat water real.

  18. Anon says:

    Eeeeee! I want a teeny tiny house. I’d probably want it as guest house though 🙂