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25 Responses to “Madonna and A-Rod are at it again”

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  1. Stanley says:

    Madonna love to keep the rumors swirling, – Isn’t Guy Ritchie in London shooting Sherlock Holmes? Convenient eh?

  2. Carrie says:

    Those scary arms again….

  3. Kaiser says:

    David Banda looks so bored with the new cheekbones.

  4. breederina says:

    Is David wearing a yamulke ? Tell me that’s just a very small beanie.

  5. Kaiser says:

    @Bree – Yeah, I think it’s a yamulke, too. Plus the red string. She probably took him to a service at The Kabbalah Center for Rosh Hashannah (or however it’s spelled, apologies to the Jews).

  6. daisy424 says:

    ‘The question remains, though, if other body parts got time too?’:D

    Kaiser:D Cheek Chicken Cutlets:D

  7. Kaiser says:

    @Daisy – Exactly. Like her cheeks are independent from the rest of her face. 😯

  8. breederina says:

    @Kaiser: I shoulda known that, because nothing says repentance, forgiveness and joy like a super shiny black gym suit topped off with a mesh back hat.
    What’s next, Daisy Mae cutoffs and Ed Hardy for Yom Kippur ?

  9. daisy424 says:

    Kaiser, they look like they are too big and straining against her skin, almost shiny 😯 or maybe that’s the mini face lift also πŸ˜€

  10. Kaiser says:

    @Daisy – Ten bucks says she got a waddlectomy at the same time. Her neck looks too veiny and tight to be natural.

    @Bree – Yom Kippur will be the bold fashion statement of a purple track suit. And the thought of this version of Madonna in Daisy Dukes makes me *barfy*

  11. Syko says:

    Am I the only person who feels supreme annoyance at the mockery of Judaism that is Kabbalah? I guess I should just be relieved that it’s a relatively harmless cult.

  12. Kaiser says:

    Syko, no, it annoys me too. And I don’t think it’s even that harmless. Granted, it’s no CoS. But some of the Kabbalah business/religious practices are very sketchy.

  13. geronimo says:

    $26 for 7 bracelets worth of red string on the Kabbalah site. That’s approx 42″ of red string for $26. It wards off evil apparently. How do people buy into this stuff?

  14. Syko says:

    The red string isn’t even Jewish. It’s a little something they threw in there, probably to make money.

    There was a song years and years ago about “The Games People Play” and one line went “People walking up to you, singing ‘glory hallelujah’, then they try to sock it to you in the name of the Lord.” Ain’t that the truth?

  15. breederina says:

    But that string’s guranteed to keep to keep you safe from the evil eye, the stink eye and the eye yay yay. Imbued at the tomb of Rachel with the protective power of motherlove and flown back for punters, I mean devotees to buy. Re: how evil is this group ? They peddle Madonna’s heinously awful childrens books with the intent of exposing actual children to them. I rest my case.

  16. geronimo says:

    :mrgreen: @ ‘warding off the evil eye, the stink eye and the eye yay yay.’ !!

    New strapline for Kabbalah. Brilliant, B!

  17. Syko says:

    But I thought Madonna WAS the evil eye, stink eye and eye yay yay! You mean it’s someone else?

    Possibly Tom Cruise.

  18. Zoe says:

    God that’s a cute kid. I hope he ends up ok.

  19. anony says:

    She looks like gollum.

    And I clench my teeth when I see them dressed in their weird all white outfits. What the f? I see Demi and Ashton do that too. It just creeps me the hell out.

  20. vdantev says:

    The 80’s are over Madonna. Go home and raise your kids.

  21. breederina says:

    thank you kindly @geronimo, they’re welcome to it if they give each poster on this thread a lifetime supply of authentic Kaballah brand red string. No knock offs either, I can spot a fake. After all Thanksgiving’s right around the corner and that turkey isn’t going to truss itself. πŸ™‚

    ZOMG she HAS become the long lost sister of LOTR’s
    gollum! My precious!

  22. Maritza says:

    David is a big kid now, why doesn’t she let him walk?

  23. dumdee says:

    madonna has always been an attention wh*re. man, i cant stand this lady

  24. Ter says:

    She covers her eyes because they have become wonky from surgery, they no longer look symetrical. She’ll do ANYTHING to promote herself. Even if it casts aspersions on her marriage and by default, her family and her husbnd. Way to go famewhore!

  25. Jeanne says:

    Why do Madonna and Angelina insist on holding their big children instead of letting them stand next to them or walk. So many celebs treat their children or their pets as accessories. For God’s sake, give your kids some space. It’s too smothering and really bad for mom’s back anyway, especially Madonna’s aging spine.