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24 Responses to “Heidi Montag prays for Sarah Palin; serves food at Taco Bell”

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  1. Kaiser says:

    This must that “Team of Mavericks” Sarah Palin was talking about.

  2. Boot says:

    I never cared much for Heidi until now. Even though this article was written by a bitter sarcastic know-it-all, I am happy to see there is some sense in Hollywood re: Sarah.

  3. vdantev says:

    If they are the sort of crackerjack youthful mentality that Sarah Palin attracts, the GOP should concede the election now while they can still walk away with some dignity. 😆

  4. Bodhi says:

    She has definitely been victimized by the media

    Puh-lease. The media has been questioning her qualifications, just like it would for any other person in her position.

    If Heidi & Spencer are the furure of our country we all in for some really serious shit

  5. DogRunner says:

    So, what is going on with Audrina?

  6. zonalpony says:

    this is my first comment to celebitchy. i enjoy the site very much and i visit regularly. i just have one question: who are these people and why do they keep getting posts on this site? thankfully i have no idea what the hills is but i keep hearing these names over and over. i understand it’s your livelihood to cover dumb celebrities and the news that follows but these two jackasses don’t come up nearly as much on the superficial or wwtdd. it’s that dork’s shit-eating grin. it makes me wanna stuff those tacos up their youknowwhats. other than that, keep up the good work celebitchy!

  7. JaundiceMachine says:

    Thank god wealthy ‘celebrities’ are fighting world hunger by serving fatass Americans grade D meat and processed lard. A very Republican solution to a very real problem. Mavericks!

  8. Syko says:

    Victimized by the media? Being praised because you manage to stand at a podium without totally embarrassing yourself (I said “totally”) is hardly being victimized.

    But I can see how Heidi would relate to Palin.

    Spencer – there are no words to describe the loathing and disgust I feel for this creature, nor for the nausea that wells up in me every time I see him.

  9. Syko says:

    Oh crap, I said something bad, I’m in limbo again!

  10. Zoe says:

    Thank you Zonalpony.
    Please, someone, just either run these two over with a train or let’s just all pretend they don’t exist. kay?

  11. Carrie says:

    Once upon a time we had idols like Paul Newman. Now we have Spencer Pratt.

  12. Tia says:

    Heidi and Palin are two incredibly sick twisted human beings.. SERIOUSLY !!!!!! We will pray for both of you because you all need mental help.. pathetic, ignornant, clueless, and DISGUSTING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVIL PEOPLE.

  13. silentA says:

    Is she wearing an earthy brown belt with back patent ankle boots? With BIG purple nails?

    I object.

    Stop writing about them Celebitchy – I implore you!

    I only want to hear if they break up, and Spencer can’t stop crying.

  14. Jinxy says:

    I never cared much for Heidi until now. Even though this article was written by a bitter sarcastic know-it-all, I am happy to see there is some sense in Hollywood re: Sarah.

    Sarah is a shiftless, bad parent, scandalous governor and person. Her family is bunch of f’ups and frankly she’s an ignorant person who if you actually read what she says, make no sense what-so-ever. Perhaps you just have no comprehension skills? In any event Spiedi have no love for McCain at all – it’s another way to get free attention for two people who actually are on some dopey MTV soap opera, they aren’t real people at all. Characters so what they say isn’t real at all. Publicity generates income for the two dumbest, most undeserving people working on TV. They could care less about this election, or who wins it. They care about cash they make.

  15. palin's prom date says:

    let’s “pray” palin returns to Alaska soon with her tail between her legs….Maybe the locals can then start hunting losers instead of wolves.

  16. vdantev says:

    Pratt- the last name says it all.

  17. RaeJillian says:

    did you ever realize that EVERYTIME you see a photo of these two it looks like there faces have been photo shopped in? so strange!

  18. brista says:

    I think Celebitchy should jump on the ~*~*~maverick~*~*~ bandwagon and vote these people off our celebrity gossip island.

  19. Palin Fan says:

    People need to look into Obama’s credentials before Palin’s and realize that she would be more qualified for President than he. Ever noticed how nobody bothers to put Obama in the spotlight? Interesting…..let’s try and vote character over color, eh?

  20. jess says:

    *response to above comment*

    people need to look into palin’s credentials…oh wait they’re all fundamental-right-wing-nut-job-asinine-uncultured lies.

    ps. what character?

  21. vdantev says:

    Palin Fan: Haven’t seen anyone mention color of skin except for you. I think your white sheet might be showing a tad. See you at the cross burning on the bridge to nowhere in the Meth capitol of the upper upper northwest United States.

    Fear of a Black President.

  22. WTF?!?! says:

    I’m not a fan of Palin. At ALL. But mark my words, it’s going to be four more years of Republican “leadership”, Obama’s base just isn’t going to be able to pull it off, and I suspect there’s going to be one more bomb dropped regarding the Dem candidate before November 4th.

    PS I hate these two fugly posers. Can you stop subsidizing their income by buying the rights to post their photos?

  23. Kat says:

    What a couple of idiots. They could care less about world hunger. It’s all a photo-op.

  24. EH says:

    why is she talking? she probably doesn’t know a thing about politics.