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20 Responses to “All Paris Hilton can talk about is babies”

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  1. CC says:

    i hate her but I love her dress. Her and Benji do not “go” well together. I think she only dated him so she could be more like Nicole, she wants everything Nicole has.

  2. anony says:


  3. daisyfly says:

    Of course all she can talk about is babies. She’s incapable of having adult conversations, so why not have discussions about her intellectual peers?

  4. Sunny says:

    She looks so beautiful.
    I wish them the best.

  5. SeVen says:

    What CC said… loathe her with a passion but that dress is amazing.

  6. ER says:

    That header photo of her looks a lot like Tara Reid!

  7. Julie says:

    I agree, Sunny. She looks good — age appropriate dresses complete with underwear. Her hair is attractive, and she smiles a lot more than she used to.
    Yep, it looks like Paris has moved beyond the obnoxious teenage years at last.

  8. Codzilla says:

    daisyfly: Ha! Good one. 😆

    Agree that Paris blows. Don’t like the dress, though, but then again, I haven’t worn a dress since my wedding many years ago. And even then I wore a skirt.

    And why do both Madden brothers insist on looking like douchebags EVERY time they go out? Can’t they take a day off now and again? Those hats are just the worst.

  9. Obvious says:

    You know my biggest problem with Paris (that isn’t looks related) is the fact that she is highly intelligent. But she insists upon acting like a dim-witted floozy.

    And as such she will be treated like one. And she acts liek a 2-bit hooker.

    Woman should have kids, especially not until she figures out what to do with the zoo of hers.

  10. Codzilla says:

    Obvious: I’m not trying to pick a fight, but where did you get the idea that Paris is highly intelligent?

  11. Mr. T says:

    I pity the fool that fathers her children.

  12. Tina says:

    Her dress is very Playboy Mansion/Viva La Glam Barbie. Don’t care for it.

    A lot of 27-year-old women (and younger) are having children nowadays. And these aren’t poor, trailer-trash women either. Many are educated urbanites. I think it’s because it’s currently been a trend for a women to become young (not to mention, energetic, hip, and above all, skinny) mothers. Also, babies are now considered the ultimate accessories.

    Don’t get me wrong. I think all these reasons are the WRONG reasons for bringing a child into the world.

    Paris, aside from being 27, is not educated, nor married, nor… dare I say it, stable. For some scary reason, I can picture her adopting children and/or getting artificially inseminated when she’s much, much older.

  13. gg says:

    Codzilla took the words from my hands. 😆

  14. RAN says:

    Yeah, highly intelligent are not two words I would use to describe Paris Hilton. Jessica Simpson maybe, but not Paris 🙄

    I kid, I kid of course! 😉 Jessica came to mind because her dad put out that nonsense about Jessica supposedly having a genius (or highly intelligent) IQ a while back.

    Neither of them has any claim to intelligence. Period…

    And Codzilla, with you 100% about those Madden brothers. They are not only unattractive, I find them virtually repulsive.

  15. Cari says:

    Ok. Picture the two of them bumping uglies.


  16. vdantev says:

    Bitch does not need a litter of little Hiltons, ever. Sorry.

  17. kate says:

    i love how much bigger her feet are than his.

  18. dumdee says:

    i wish them the best

  19. JaundiceMachine says:

    How come my post got vetoed? I could have edited the song.

  20. Jeanne says:

    She looks different and prettier, hmmm, a little surgery perhaps. Let me guess she’ll be having twins too soon.