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12 Responses to “Britney Spears talks about her gilded cage and public breakdown”

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  1. Evan says:

    I’m happy to see that Spears looks to have emerged from her sustained isolation and difficulties with depression. Maybe she’ll put out some good music for a change, but hey, baby steps.

  2. GirlyGirl says:

    I hope to see this same kind of article about Amy Winehouse!

  3. cara says:

    Evan…you’re funny! I wasn’t into her before the downfall, but became interested when I started to read snide comments about her parenting skills on another, which shall remain nameless site, (okay, starts with a P ends w/ z) and I felt like people were ripping her to shreads for nothing about her mothering skills and as a mother myself, I became defensive for her, thus making me team Spears. Now, I am so happy for this woman and hope she does nothing but kick ass. I know I’ve said it before, but she should look into recording that song from Grace of my Heart. I think it may be called, God give me strength, not sure.

  4. Kayla says:

    This is so cool! We all want to see her kick ass! And she really is an inspiration to alot of young people out there now, because it’s like, hey, no matter how far down you may fall, you can get back up and start again! There is hope! Britney has done an amazing turn around! Best wishes to Britney Spears!!!

  5. Jody says:

    @girly girl

    Not to be pessimistic, but don’t let this get your hopes up about Amy Whinehouse. Amy is going to have to work a helluva lot harder because she’s being held hostage by someone who can’t be removed from the situation, herself.

  6. kate says:

    nice to see britney getting it together. but i don;t think we’re ever going to see the same with winehouse – she’s too far gone.

  7. dr.grrl says:

    if it’s lonely at the top, why then doesn’t she take a step down and really focus on herself and family rather than going out on world tour?

    her music sounds the same (makes my ears bleed personally) so it doesn’t seem that time away would change her “music” much. perhaps she would evolve as a musician.

    i’m not trying to sip on the haterade, but this complete 180 in her behavior has so much to do with her father being in control of her life. regulated meds, therapy, and limited contact with people is not a good judge of how stable she is up till now. yes, she is in a much better place than a year ago, i just worry about what happens when these safety nets are gone. brit has grown up much, but she still has a long way to go.

  8. mel says:

    I would go crazy if the poppos photographed my every move but glad to see Brit back on track.

  9. Orangejulius says:

    This is so much better than reading about her death, which is what I thought we might be doing. Not a fan but always glad to see someone climb back up out of a deep hole.

  10. vdantev says:

    A cage she built herself and keeps adding bars and barbwire to every day.

  11. GimmeABreak says:

    @Orangejulius: You hit the nail in the head with that one! I TOTALLY thought we’d see her end up like Anna Nicole Smith. I’m not a huge Britney fan, but am glad she “seems” to be turning it around. Go Britney!!

  12. dr.grrl says:

    true dat vdantev!! does she even know what gilded means?