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15 Responses to “Angelina drives a gas guzzler”

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  1. Kristin says:

    I thought Angie and Brad cared about the enviroment, but driving around in that gas guzzler, I’m not so sure.

  2. Farnsworth says:

    Yeah. The cars too big.

  3. Gill says:

    She is totally fake.
    Real do-gooders don’t do it for the publicity.

  4. romeo says:

    pls don’t judge a person by what kind of car he/she drives… it’s very insensible.

  5. millie says:

    almost all celebrities drive those huge SUV–I wonder if they feel safer in them, with all the paparazzis etc. Still, it’s insane to drive around in those things. I always get upset when I see a huge SUV parked next to my car at the grocery store. It’s not like a trip to the jungle.

  6. Celebitchy says:

    Romeo, “insensible” is a word, but it doesn’t quite have a meaning that would apply here. You probably meant “insensitive” or “not sensible.”

  7. Anonymous says:

    It’s about time someone point out the fact that dems are always preaching what others should do, but don’t think these rules apply to them.

  8. Fake? What does that mean? That the millions she has donated is play money? Who gives a damn what someone’s motivations are, so long as they are doing good by giving and by raising awareness of issues that are overlooked? We don’t have time to bicker over whose ‘fault’ things are or what drives people. We either fix things NOW or we’re fucked fucked fucked. Time for finger pointing comes later. Now, Ms. Jolie, as far as I know seems to give a damn. Sure, driving this menace is hypocritical, but I ask everyone reading this if they drive a Prius (ugly, unsafe) and if so, why they didn’t buy a 1988 Geo Metro that gets 60mpg highway, thus outperforming your Prius (which is also loaded with n a s t y batteries that are eco-disasters). Or, why didn’t you buy an electric vehicle? Could you do better? Yes. Do you shave with disposable blades or a straight razor? If the former, you clearly don’t care about the environment? Come on, people – we don’t have the time to tear down the people who are, ostensibly, doing the right thing. This is foolish. Read Lester Brown’s ‘Plan B 2.0’if you really give a damn. Visit my website. Do things that WILL make a difference, unlike bagging on a stranger that none of us have or will, meet.

  9. Celebitchy says:

    I share a car with my husband. He takes it to work and I ride my bike and take public transportation everywhere. We live in Switzerland, though, where this is not only possible but incredibly pleasant. Cities and towns are centralized and it’s a lot easier to get places on foot. I bring my own bag to the grocery store, but so does everyone else. Being environmentally conscious is part of the culture here.

    This is gossip blog, so we point out when celebrities are being hypocrites. In this rare case I practice what I preach.

    You’re making a slippery slope argument and trying to argue the finer points of well-meaning gas conservation while Angelina’s vehicle is way, way on the gas hog other side.

    She may give a lot back, but she sure likes to take credit for it, so she’s due for some cricism for driving a car like this.

  10. I do agree that the criticism is well-aimed. Very well-aimed, in fact. Jolie driving a massive SUV is total bullshit, for certain. It’s the cries of ‘fake’ that are aimed at various celebrities and non-celebs that bother me when we should be worrying about our own efforts rather than the motivation of others. As you know, urban planning in the States was, is, and likely will be a joke. The idea of riding a bike in most cities is limited to recreation only. Even the vaunted Davis, California, which used to be the bike-center of the USA is not truly bicycle friendly, other than extra bike lanes to weave through the sprawling, far from dense, city. But, I digress. The original criticism, right on. The cries of ‘fake’ and the definition of a ‘real’ do-gooder perplexes the hell out of me.

  11. Celebitchy says:

    Hi Tod,
    I took a discussion course in sustainable living and one of the weeks we talked about urban planning and how European cities are much more eco-friendly. I lived in the tri-state area for a while before moving here and I had a car but took the commuter train a lot. It was expensive because even in mid-sized cities you often have to take cabs to your destination.

    I am not calling Angelina “fake,” she is what she is, so you’re responding to one of the commentors.

  12. Celebitchy says:

    Oh and I understand what you’re saying about labeling people and totally dismissing them based on some small aspects of their character. I try not to do that to celebrities or anyone else. If someone does or says something I don’t agree with I address that issue/opinion, not them as a person. That’s called an ad hominem attack and it’s a weak argument, a logical fallacy and downright mean. People do it a lot in the comments here “you’re stupid, you’re an idiot, etc.” instead of actually responding to the issue. This is only a gossip blog, not a political or news blog, so it must be worse elsewhere. (That said, I realize I do label the celebrities a lot, I mean I called Denise Richards an attention whore, and that nip/tuck chick a bitch, but I try to do it in a way that’s not totally offensive. I’m splitting hairs here, I know.)

    Anyway I understand your point that it’s unwarranted to call her fake. Maybe all her other celebrity friends drive huge Range Rovers and she feels protected from the paparrazi in one as Millie mentioned. She could do better, though, and plenty of celebrities drive “ugly” Priuses. Her car is freaking huge. She could settle for a nice Lexus minivan with tinted windows or something.

  13. gigi says:

    i think a lot of celebs think SUVs are just safer because they’re so large. the truth is, they’re much more dangerous and a lot of people simply don’t know that. so basically, since they’re ignorant about SUVs, they buy them. end of story.

  14. Gigi – Celebitchy

    I agree with both of you. It was another comment that riled me a tad, but mostly because it parallels similar comments I’ve seen in other places. This vehicle is absurd, no doubt. Love the site, love the comments. Keep it up!

  15. Norakism says:

    Some people have suggested that Angelina might use the SUV for safety. Most SUVs have a propensity to roll over, which can make them unsafe.

    I have seen Range Rovers with 7 seats, so they have impressive seating capacity, which she may need because she has lots of children. The Prius is a mid-sized car and it quite suitable for families with one or two children. The Prius also has a 5-star Euro NCAP crash test rating. If you want to go to the extreme you can get the Honda Insight or really really small cars, which may beat the Prius on fuel economy, but for a family such a thing may not be practical.

    Many 4WDs nowadays are hybrids, which can mean they consume less petrol than sedans, e.g. the Lexus RX400h as well as the Ford Escape Hybrid.