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6 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan back in half-dressed fighting form”

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  1. dupababy says:

    wtf is up with all that sagging boobage? i thought she’d had like 16 plastifications on them and yet there they are swinging in the breeze like a couple of ripe pears ready for the picking? who in gods name told her those outfits were in the least bit attractive? her doctor swellby???

  2. val says:

    o0oh lord have sum respect for ur slef a god BRa pleaseeeee

  3. Viv says:

    I can’t believe she used to work for Disney.

  4. Chiari says:

    even implants sag if you go braless. she is such a whore.

  5. james says:

    here you got msn or something cause id like to get to know you abit more. i aighnt sayin that i love you bla bla bla but really you sound like a real fun somebody. if you got any intress hit me back. cheers