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19 Responses to “Video of Brangelina bodyguard choking a photographer”

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  1. brangelinaarethepitts says:

    If this guy has worked for Angie for five years, she’s well aware of his MO by now and condones it. OK, even little people like me are aware that the paps are the bain of a celebrities life but this trend of aggresive bodyguards (think the Olsens)is becoming the norm.
    The first two pictures tell the truth behind the image of this woman – Maddox looks terrified and as for Brad..he looks ashamed. They obviously had to reassure Maddox, which begs the question of how his upbringing (not to mention the constant exposure to aggression and violence) will affect him in later years…will he internalise his mothers assumption that papparazzi are subhuman?
    I can’t help but wonder what Brad is doing with this narcissist…he seems a nice enough guy and in pictures (candids) often looks bewildered and out of his depth

  2. Viv says:

    Wow, that was awful. I felt myself physically recoiling after that beast grabbed that man’s neck.

    Maybe he should team up with Avril Lavigne– they both have the same attitudes towards the papparazzi.

    Poor Maddox.

  3. AC says:

    are those pictures of them in the rickshaw from the incident? or from a separate part of their day?

  4. Me says:

    I feel sorry for the kids. As a mother of 3 kids I read a lot about raising kids. I believe that we can all agree that routines and stability in life are the most important, as they give kids sense of security and trust. Girls still have a chance if their mother comes to senses. But Maddox is going to be a huge mess, worse then his mother. All he needs now is to socialize with his peers, not being thrown from plane to plane, continent to continent, hotel to hotel,….What a life!!! I would never wish such a life to any kid! He will end up like Paris Hilton, and other girls and boys completely messed up, and not able to carry on normal relationship with people. Mess, big mess in his head, that is all I can see.

  5. Izzy says:

    I’m pretty certain that the rickshaw pics are from a separate outing and I think they had to cut that short because of the paps chasing them.

  6. millie says:

    just how do you know Mad and other kids will be “a huge mess”? As far as I can tell, they’ve settled in Malibu where he goes to school when they’re home (since Shiloh’s birth) and, as a mother, I believe it’s better for small children to be around their parents rather than staying with nannies back home to have the stability you think it’s more important than security of being with a parent (unless, of course, you think Angelina should stop working now that she has kids). Once he goes to kindergarden, I agree, it’s better for the kids to stay put as much as possible, but choosing his peers now over his parents doesn’t make any sense. From all I hear, both Angelina and Brad are extremely attentive and hands-on. Many working actors go though the same thing but only Angelina gets it thrown in her face. As far as making her responsible for her bodyguard’s behavior–if you want to hit someone you’ll always find a stick. I guess she “should have known” he’s prone to outbursts like that and she should have fired him. I remember some celebrities like Alec Baldwin or Timberlake (and many others) attack paparazzis themselves and they didn’t get half the shit for it. Whatever, if you hate her, everything is magnified. The comments that she’s wrong for the role because she’s white– never mind Marianne Pearl is thrilled she plays her–though expected PC crap, are also of the same kind. Wasn’t it supposed to be Jennifer Aniston’s role pre-divorce? I’m sure she would have been perfect for it. All of that is getting tiring.

  7. Celebitchy says:

    Millie I did not say anything about her kids getting messed up, that is something a commentor said, and you are right to point out that they are good parents.

    As to the controversy over her Marianne Pearl role, I just reported on it and didn’t say anything else about it, as I mentioned on that thread.

    This guy Mickey Brett was a murder suspect at one time and he beat up a gyu while Maddox was watching according to one report. If a staff member of mine beat someone up in front of my kid I would fire their ass on the spot.

    Yes other celebrities personally beat up the paps but this guy is mafia-quality bad and has threatened photographers with death.

    This is why I’m souring on Brad and Angelina.

    My opinion is my own, and it’s not going to match all of the readers here, which is why it’s good if you comment and make yours known too.

  8. xiaoecho says:

    Celebitchy, why should you have to defend your own blog. Isn’t the entire point of a blog to put your 2 cents out there??…..sheesh

  9. Celebitchy says:

    Thanks xiao. I guess I am just trying to be fair to everyone and that’s not the point of a blog as you mentioned. 😉

  10. Me says:

    millie, I wasn’t saying he should choose peers over his parents, but more time with them would be better. For how long they’ve been settled in Malibu, 5-6 months? I wouldn’t call that settling. And I do not know if he’s going to be a mess, but according to what I’ve read about kids development he’s heading that way. Read a little bit about it and you will find that too. You do not know if they/we are good or bad parents. Time will show how good/ bad we did. I would like to know how they manage to spend quality time with their kids when filming, charity trips, meetings, celeb events,….and I guess sleeping sometime? Those fancy trips/vacations don’t count, kids need you every day! I think Angelina is one of the most beautiful girls, but I also see her as a mess. She can’t settle down, find a stable relationship, not even mentioning relationship with her father. And regarding her work, she doesn’t have to quit her job, but yes I would prefer to stay home at least until baby is 1 y old. Unfortunately many mom can’t afford that, but I’m sure she can. Fortunately I was able too.

  11. Action says:

    Millie, I TOTALLY AGREE with you and their parenting. Children do NOT need to be run all over God’s Green Earth from vacation to vacation, movie set to movie set! They need to be in their home, going to their own school with their parents near by. Maybe if Angelina put her family first, this would happen. But she can’t seem to settle down at all to do this. All she does is run from one place to another, one charity to another. But maybe it’s time she bestow her biggest charity on her children–the gift of her TIME and a ROUTINE in their own HOME.

    Kids need routine and thrive on it. They are not baggage to be lugged around. Really kids do change a lifestyle, or at least, I think they should!!

  12. millie says:

    I’m just amazed how everyone is concerned for Angelina’s kids. You can just tell Maddox is unhappy and suffering, it’s obvious. I suggest someone call social services and take those kids away already. Transfer them to some real family in Kansas and everyone will grow up to be happy and well-adjusted.

  13. Poor Boopie says:

    EXCUUUUUSE ME EVERYBODY! I don’t feel a bit sorry for these kids! If Brangelina didn’t adopt Maddox and Zahara, they would be sitting on the dirt floor of a squalid hut somewhere in Cambodia and Africa wondering where their next meal was coming from. The fact that they have to grow up with world famous parents who are fabulously wealthy doesn’t even compare to the piss-poor life they would have had if they’d never been adopted!

  14. Action says:

    I agree, Poor Boopie that she started a good thing when she adopted these kids. However, let’s see if she can live up to the PARENTING end of the deal and commit time and routine to these kids, not just the adoption paperwork.

    You can be super rich and really maladjusted.

  15. Me says:

    Yes Millie, we are concerned about her kids because so far she is the only celeb who does something like this to her kids. All other celebs stay at home, and take kids with them when filming. So their lives are not as chaotic as Angie’s kids lives. And I do agree with Poor Boopie and Action too.

  16. Don't Judge Others says:

    get a LIFE
    Way to go body guard, that is what you are PAID to do

  17. Viv says:

    I agree with the Boopster on this one– they are better off.

  18. Poor Boopie says:

    All the same – I’m not going to lay awake at night worried about the effects of international jetsetting and wealth on Maddox and Zahara Jolie Pitt! Hmmmm…I wonder if Brangelina would be interested in adopting a 40-year-old mother of two…….