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11 Responses to “Lindsay’s a cutter!”

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  1. Viv says:

    Oh, that’s really awful she feels she has to resort to that. I feel sorry for her…

    …well that passed.

  2. Clarimonde says:

    Maybe they are just cuff marks from being chained to the bedposts so often.

  3. Mr. T says:

    Eh, I’m tired of LiLo, she can go away and never come back.

  4. cheryl says:

    I think that might be what is left from her recent injury to that wrist. If she was a “cutter” it would have been photographed before. Or, here’s a thought, they were photoshopped onto her wrist.

  5. V says:

    That is very sad and is a mental illness you all should leave the poor thing alone and not write mean coments about it. Could you even begin to think of what it would be like to have that illness? I don’t think you can so find someone else to trash on for the day. Its one thing to make fun of people its a whole nother thing to make fun of their illness.

  6. sert says:

    I love her boots??can somebody tell me the brand??please!!!!!

  7. ER says:

    The brown boots SERT? They look like Uggs to me – what does everyone else think?

  8. Fleegle says:

    Go away, tights! Please don’t everybody start wearing tights again.

    This little girlfriend needs to stop. partying so much, or she’s gonna end up face down in some pool somewhere.

  9. rada says:

    she did it for the FAFARAZZI points!
    check out

  10. paris herpes says:

    She’s a cutter huh? I’m not surprised, her life is crazy, girl needs a break, stop going out so much and move to Tahiti…