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12 Responses to “No one thinks Jim Carrey is funny anymore”

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  1. kailie2 says:

    Now his sudden fondness for Cruise makes sense.. he’s trying to salvage his career in Hollywood and thinks that Tommy and COS will do the trick. How sad. BTW, I think that Jenny lost a lot of weight-whether it’s scary, I can’t tell but she has a huge sweater covering her and her legs are much thinner than usual. Remember that camera adds 10 pounds and .. can we not use Nicole Richie as a standard of what’s scary thin? She’s way beyond that. Jenny’s face still looks good but, judging by her skinny legs, it’s a matter of 5 pounds before it becomes hollow and dry. I was shocked to see a friend of mine who’s VERY thin and tiny next to a star I always considered to be on the average to big size, and that star turned out to be tiny as well.. the photos distort a lot.

  2. kailie2 says:

    P.S. I noticed the photo w/o the sweater–her boobs are silicone, so that makes her look bigger than she actually is. I forgot about that until I saw the tank top photo–typically, one’s boobs would fall victim to thinnification first.

  3. Bex says:

    I heart Jim Carrey… *sigh* I’ve heard he’s a bear to work with now though

  4. Other Karen says:

    I wonder what happened to Carrey? He was great in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

    J.M. is definitely way skinny–check out her legs and hips. She even looks thin in those wide horizontal stripes. She was a lot curvier when she was younger.

  5. CJ says:

    Not funny ANYMORE?

    When was he EVER funny?

    I’ve never been a fan of his, he’s just way too childish! GROW UP!!!! I haven’t liked him since his ‘In livin’ color’ days

  6. lyric says:

    Once upon a time I was Jim Carrey crazy then one day, without warning or any reason…POOF…it was gone. Now I loathe him and I don’t even have a clue as to why. At one time though wasn’t he like a KING in HW??

  7. frewtloop says:

    Jeez Ted’s a bitch and Carrey really looks like he gives a shit that his last couple of movies have tanked. I reckon these two are great together and wish them longevity and happiness.

  8. Viv says:

    I hope they don’t make babies.

  9. Gigohead says:

    I used to be a huge Jim Carrey fan. But he doesn’t do to many good roles because he takes in those big paycheck from big studio who only pump out crap. Eternal Sunshine was great, but it was a indie flick. Jenny MacCarthy is annoying as hell. Doesn’t she have a kid? Where is it? I never see the child with them? Didn’t she write a stupid book about being pregnant? Like if its an unheard notion that we need a book about it.

  10. SusieSunshine says:

    I heart Jim Carrey too, funny or not. WHICH HE IS!

  11. Toubrouk says:

    Maybe Jim Carrey need to do something else for a while. Sometimes it helps.

  12. The Mom says:

    My son got an autographed pic of Carrey a few weeks ago. My Son is a mini Carrey and I like that Carrey used his power when he had it from doing the off the wall silly trivial money makers to get beautiful and thought provoking films made. I think Carrey is like Robin Williams in how his career will and is going he made his name being a freak but also as he ages can get some great dramatic stories told. I don’t count Carrey out he will be back and be more dramatic with a few money making goofball movies.