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19 Responses to “Angelina let Maddox eat some crickets”

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  1. mandi says:

    yeah, seriously, why make such a big deal? if anything, people should be more concerned about what nicole richie is consuming, because she’s the one who can actually harm someone driving the wrong way on a freeway…

  2. Lola says:

    So what? big deal he ate crickets, it is a ghetto family, the do eat some really nasty things, get better things to write about!

  3. luigi says:

    Gosh, in other parts of the world people eat seaweed, fungus and snails! I don’t think eating bugs is very nourishing but if it’s not going to poison him, I don’t see what the big deal is.

  4. LEE says:

    Whats up with Zahara? I mean whats the deal with her legs, is she lame or what?

  5. chris says:

    I had a cooked cricket once. It was good, fried in butter and garlic with a little salt. I mean, we eat shrimp, lobster and other crustaceans — they’re pretty closely related to insects in the grand scheme of things.

  6. Bex says:

    Lee- She’s a baby dude. All babies are bow legged like that.

  7. LEE says:

    Yeah right, those bows are pretty weird, like lame or something. Bows??? My ass!

  8. Action says:

    I don’t see the big deal with this at all. People from all cultures eat different things. I’m glad they have an open palette and an open mind to different foods.

    It is so ‘American’ to criticize others’ food choices as weird.

  9. celebitchy says:

    It’s actually a British source that’s criticizing this cricket-eating thing. Remember little Zahara had the bone disorder rickets, so that could be why she’s bow-legged, or it could just be that she’s not too steady on her feet yet.

  10. KIM says:

    Thanks Celebitchy for adding that. Regardless of her leg shape she a an adorable baby. If I could just add something- I’m not trying to get down on the Brangelinas- but you know Mia Farrow did all of this years ago- she has adopted several refugee children.

  11. Tara says:

    Her legs do look f*$&ed up. And she also looks like she is wearing sandals or flip flops–nice, they are all bundled up and the kid’s got on sandals.

  12. Bings says:

    Ok morons time for a biology lesson. Zahara had rickets (caused by a lack of vitamin D) and is prevalent in thrid world countries where Zahara was born. Malformed bones (bowleggedness) is one of the symptoms. She could like ly grow out of it since most kids with bow legs do. Or she could grow up to be a sexy bowlegged movie star – see Sandra Bullock and Halle Berry.

  13. Someone says:

    First, not a big deal with the crickets. I personally think it’s disgusting, but I know many parts of the world eat things like that.

    Second, I’m sure if something was wrong with Zahara’s legs that Brad and Angelina would do what they could to get her the medical attention she may need. Leave the poor kiddo alone.

  14. Viv says:

    In America, some stores sell them mixed with chocolate and they’re great.

  15. Jess says:

    I’m sure most five year olds comsume much worse things in the back yard.

  16. Anastasia says:

    Jess, LOL. Ain’t that the truth?

    Who cares?

  17. Monroe says:

    There is a lot of ignorance in the world. We are so into ourselves that we always have the audacity to critique other food choices

  18. Mirym K says:

    In one of my biology classes back in highschool, we once cooked and ate some crickets. The general consensus was that they tasted like bacon.

    Certain insects are supposed to be a really good source of protein, too.

  19. Implode says:

    Kudos to Angelina for trying to instill a sense of cultural heritage in Maddox. Everyone eats different stuff in every nation, at least she’s giving him something considered extremely nutritious. I’m more upset that more parents of adopted children don’t try to help their kids understand where they come from.