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5 Responses to “More Jessica Alba bikini pictures”

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  1. FF says:

    Aw, she’s with her brother. Maybe it was a family vacation?

  2. jai says:

    Okay, didn’t she do the bikini stunt last year around this time? Want attention, try actually working as an actress. Now there’s a thought.

  3. Other Karen says:

    Actually, the original movie was pretty good and well-executed. Very creepy, spooky, but not particlarly gorey or bloody.

    Not that the remake will necessarily be any good. But check out the original!

  4. FF says:

    How can she be wanting attention just because she’s at the beach. If she was supporting this move with being caught drunk at every club going while in LA, I’d believe she was seeking the press.

    She’s actually been keeping a pretty low profile lately.

    You don’t have to like the woman but at least face facts.

  5. Anonymous says:

    She did not want any attention. I was 15 feet away from her on Jan 1-st people just went crazy when they saw her. no privacy whatsoever..