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73 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston’s nude GQ spread is buzz at Marley & Me premiere”

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  1. Syko says:

    She’s back again today? Naptime.

  2. Susan says:

    No pictures of Jen and John together. Smart move. I really think that they are trying not to exploit this relationship.

  3. dude wtf says:

    she looks damn good tho! Thats the best revenge, looking hot! 😛

  4. sandy says:

    sorry to sound negative but the dress is too young for her.
    not flattering enough for the red carpet

  5. Bros says:

    yah, snore another freaking black dress with her hair down. havent i seen this 1,037 times? she is stale. what kind of loser tries to get revenge 4 years later anyway, dude wtf?

  6. daisy424 says:

    Is she chaperoning HS dances now?

  7. Sunnyjyl says:

    But, the men can wear the same suit over and over?
    She looks amazing.

  8. Jen WInd says:

    Hey if you have a color and look that works for you, just keep using it. She looks great!

  9. jj says:

    She looks very pretty. And healthy and alive and fresh. Unlike Angelina who looks like a haggard, filthy Morticia Addams.

  10. Syko says:

    Shaking my head in amazement at those who still believe she needs revenge. Revenge because she was a bust as a wife and her husband looked elsewhere?

    Angelina Jolie is one of the great beauties in Hollywood, not haggard and filthy.

    You haters just amaze me.

  11. Alexa says:

    She looks super great (not that it matters) – but why is everyone so negative toward HER? Jen was the one who had to endure the painful & humiliating abandonment of her husband when he decided to fall in love with his co-star during a movie he was working on shortly after their marriage. Not just that – but now Pitt feels moved to confirm via PUBLIC DECLARATION that it was THEN when they (he & Jolie) fell in love. Why isn’t it obvious to anyone else who the JERKs are?!!

  12. PhillyGirl says:

    Jennifer is ROCKING that dress, ROCKING the boyfriend, and ROCKING the gorgeous healthy glow!! She looks absolutely amazing! Wow!!!

    Suck that, loons.

  13. Bros says:

    thats an ugly dress, in my opinion, boring, lame, a permutation of everything she ever wears to premiers. phillygirl, most likely you’ll be eating your words in a few months about rocking the boyfriend when she and mayer eventually break up. because everyone leaves this whiny cant-act hack.

  14. Kaiser says:

    What’s amazing to me is the way she’s clinging to Owen. Doesn’t that poor man have enough problems? And he looks utterly uninterested in her.

    Hello, zero chemistry.

  15. FUG says:

    Goodness can this woman just for once be like Reese W. or Nicole Kidman, these A-list actresses talk about divorce once that’s it. Why can’t Jenny do the same thing are we gonna have this “i’m hurt and “i did’n’t know that bullshit for every movie she’ll gonna promote???? MOVE ON Already!!!

  16. Syko says:

    That struck me too, Kaiser. She is ALL OVER Owen, and the poor guy is just barely hanging on to reality anyway. I’m fairly sure the photographers could have gotten both of them in the shot without her having to rub up against her co-star.

  17. bros says:

    i thought that too kaiser, but then i thought, ill give her the benefit of the doubt and assume all the pics were taken within like 15 seconds or something. helloo! have you ever seen her have chemistry with anyone onscreen?

  18. geronimo says:

    Yeah, but she’s a femme fatale now…men are mere furniture for her, just a backdrop against which she can show how she’s all woman and strong and independent etc etc blah blah… 🙄

  19. PhillyGirl says:


  20. Syko says:

    Nobody’s flipping their shit.

    The lack of education and spelling ability in this country is appalling.

  21. dude wtf says:

    Looking hot is just a little dig to the inconsiderate Brad Pitt BROS. Geez, rude!! Make him realize what he lost. Especially since he has pretty much said he emotionally cheated on her. 👿

  22. daisy424 says:

    Hey Phillygirl, unlock your caps, we get it, you’re flipping your shit. 😯

    *edit @Sir dude wtf, if she wasn’t a bust as a wife, then she still would be.

  23. dude wtf says:

    and syko, thanks for being the teacher & correcting everyones grammer. Your soo special! She wasnt a bust as a wife! Why do people always blame the women when husbands cheat? OHH of course its her fault her husband couldnt keep his ween in his pants. Maybe if she was in the kitchen cooking w/ a baby on her hip & one on the way she would of kept him from straying right? Thanks for setting woman back 50 yrs! 🙄

  24. Syko says:

    Certainly there is no shame in spelling things correctly and using good grammar, and that’s not a reason for you, dude wtf, to jump all over me. And if you are a shining example of today’s woman, then perhaps we should set women back 50 years, because you are extraordinarily rude and incoherent.

    People from a lot of different countries read and post here. We owe it to those to whom English may not be a first language to try to communicate as clearly as possible.

  25. roller says:

    i just saw these pics while looking up another website. she looks stunning! and i dont think this is for revenge? lol. there were pics of courtney cox at the premier too. its so sweet that they support each other

  26. dude wtf says:

    Im hardly rude! You have jumped on numerous people not including Jen A herself. You bash her, my post & phillygirl. If you want to be a marter go teach at school & get offline!

  27. Syko says:

    Can someone tell me what a marter is so I can decide if I want to be one or not?


  28. geronimo says:

    Syko, just for you:

    ‘Marter’ may refer to:
    A misspelling of martyr; Ian Marter, actor; George Frederick Marter, politician’ Hohe Marter, metro station.

    It’s all about education here. 8)

  29. KatyAlia says:

    @ Syko: It’s German for torture.

  30. daisy424 says:

    Syko, the correct term is martyr, it’s Greek so it must be descriptive of JA.

  31. Anonymous 2 says:

    I agree that Owen is just barely hanging on. It’s easy to fake smiles when you’re feeling good (chemically). He hasn’t had a big premiere in two years and I WAS surprised to see that none of his friends attended to support him. I think he’s burned some bridges with his refusal to get help for his drug problem. I only hope it’s not back to “business as usual” for him until there’s another meltdown.

  32. Kaiser says:

    Syko, youz haz a sad! Much bitter nowz? 😆 Amen to Pity Party “rubbing herself” on Owen. She should invest in one of those scratchy posts for cats.

    “marter” = Southern slang for “smarter”. Ex: Pity Party thinks she’s ‘marter, but she just gets dumber and dumber.

  33. Hmm says:

    How is the film being reviewed because I’ve yet to see any word about the movie, only about Aniston taking off her clothes for GQ (again) and talking about you-know-who (again)? And considering that Aniston and Wilson are extremely famous the turnout of A-list celebs was decidedly weak. Methinks the constant whining and the desperate photos may have backfired in tinseltown.

  34. Granger says:

    Her body IS incredible (a Wonderland, if you will 😆 ), but I agree that her devotion to black and that 8-year-old hairstyle could use some shaking up. But maybe, like Samson, who lost all his strength when he lost his locks, JA would lose all her talent if she changed her hair. Oh — wait — too late!

  35. Kaiser says:

    Agree Hmmm and Granger. 😆 @Samson!

  36. Interesting if True ... says:

    Someone at Just Jared was at the premiere and said it looked very staged. She said the crowd was very “controlled” and quiet; NO spontaneous yelling or screaming – she actually thinks they were paid to be there so that when Owen went to sign autographs, nothing upsetting would be said to him. It’s sad. That poor man’s nerves are shot – he should announce his retirement from acting in the new year, get some real treatment and then make a huge comeback WHEN HE’S TRULY READY.

  37. terry says:

    She is trying to promote a movie that was obviously not well received by the pre-screeners. Typical for the hollywood suits to get their stars to act-up in order to draw more attention to what will be a BOMB! Salvage what you can. She’s overrated anyway. She could never carry a movie on her shoulders anyway.

  38. monica says:

    she looks great as always.

  39. Embee says:

    Syko: We do not know if she was a bust as a wife, we know the marriage was “busted” and that ALWAYS takes 2–she gets exactly 50% of the blame.
    daisy424: your statement that she’d still be a wife if she wasn’t bad at is ignorant, cruel and sexist.

  40. NotBlonde says:

    I don’t know why all of you are desperately trying to find something wrong with her.

    She looks pretty and has done her hair in a nice fashion and is wearing a nice dress. So you jump all over her for wearing black (again) and having her hair down and straight (again). So what? The purpose of a premiere is to look nice and she looks nice. WTF is your problem?

    And THEN you get on her for “hanging all over” Owen Wilson when it looks like she’s giving him a side hug and then in later pictures they are looking at each other and seem to be chit-chatting. Maybe HE likes the support of her being right there. He’s clearly got a lot of issues and personally, I would appreciate someone being right there for me in a stressful situation.

    You people who “hate” Jennifer Aniston can say what you want whenever you want, but try to at least look at things objectively. She’s at a premiere, she looks pretty, she’s supporting her costar and that’s it. Calm down.

  41. Syko says:

    Bad, Daisy, bad. Funny how those of us who worked to gain some of the advances that women enjoy today are being called sexist and backward today, huh?

  42. daisy424 says:

    My comment was in response to dudewtf’s statement. Maybe if she was in the kitchen cooking w/ a baby on her hip…
    I was accurate, not sexist or ignorant.
    But I will give you cruel….

    Syko, I’m with you 100%.

  43. Kaiser says:

    Syko, Daisy – Why is it that it always seems like Aniston is setting back feminism? The forced victim-hood vying with the “I’m-a-feminist-because-I’m-posing-naked” crap. The back and forth of the virgin-whore dicotomy does her no favors.

    Sorry. Didn’t mean to analyze too hard. I’ll just be over here “thinking thoughts”.

  44. Embee says:


    If the shoe fits…

  45. huh says:

    And Jolie ALWAYS wears black. And has had the same hairstyle for years. What’s the freaking difference? Why is it okay for one and not the other? Oh right, one’s pathetic and the other is the embodiment of all that is good and perfect.

  46. lene says:

    look at demi moore. always the sleek look.

    it fits to jen. like her hair. peeps are so envy.

  47. Cheyenne says:

    Oh wow. Angelina does a Vogue cover in a long red dress, so Aniston has to wear a long red dress for her Vogue cover. Angelina wears a black strapless dress to the premiere of CCOBB, so Aniston has to wear a black strapless dress to the premiere of the dog movie. Does this woman have an original thought in her head or does every damn move she makes have to be coat-tailing the Jolie-Pitts? She can’t even imagine herself with a children of her own on each hip, she has to pretend she has a J-P kid on each hip. What the hell is the matter with this woman? Trying to copy Angie isn’t going to bring Brad back.

    And it’s silly of her to try anyway. Angie puts on a black strapless dress and looks drop-dead gorgeous, sexy and sophisticated. Aniston looks like she’s running for queen of the middle school prom.

    This woman needs a new publicist, a new hairstylist, and a new life. The ones she’s got aren’t working for her.

  48. Cheyenne says:

    Whoa. Hold up. Something ain’t right.

    In those nekkid photos in GQ she looks like she’s a 36-D up top. But in that black dress, she looks like a 34-B, max.

    Photoshop — the flat-chested girl’s best friend!

  49. sandy says:

    why can we/people posting make criticisms of anyone in hollywood (let’s say for example britney or madonna) and for the most part be left alone? but the minute there is a negative comment about Jennifer A.’s appearance some people feel the need to say that the poster is envious??? 😯
    let’s Kum Ba Yah and agree that we are all entitled to our own opinions on peoples’ appearances-notblonde.

  50. Cheyenne says:

    Sandy, I think the Loonifers are saying they would like us to be envious, in order to validate their own opinions about her. But I cannot think of a single thing about Aniston that I would ever want to emulate.

  51. Cheyenne says:

    Someone at Just Jared was at the premiere and said it looked very staged.

    Someone said on another blog that it looked more like a funeral than a premiere. No A-list names. Where were all her so-called friends on this occasion? Her first movie in over two years and none of them show up. Why would they want to play down a movie premiere unless they don’t have much faith in the movie?

    Contrast that to the premiere for CCOBB which was a total frenzy, A-listers all over the place shoving their faces into the cameras. It was actually kind of weird; it was Cate’s and Brad’s movie, but from the video it looked like the person the crowd really wanted to see was Angie. Brad didn’t seem to mind, though, from what I could see in the video; he looked very proud of her.

  52. Trashaddict says:

    Yawn. I saw the GQ pics. In about 5 years a major plastic surgery rehaul is coming.

  53. NotBlonde says:

    sandy: for some reason my comment didn’t get through the filter but I’ll repeat some things.

    What I basically pointed out was that it is totally fine to criticize superficial things like hair, make-up, clothing, acting style and what have you.

    But there are lots of people posting here who criticize stuff they couldn’t possibly know about like her motivations for doing things or her personality. Unless they’ve met her in real life and spoken to her on a personal level, there is no way of knowing who she is, like, really.

    Everyone who says she’s desperate, clingy, vapid, pities herself, isn’t over Brad, blah blah blah. I just think all of that is rude and uncalled for.

  54. chris says:

    is it just me or does jen and clive look good as a couple?…

  55. Yourself says:

    Why is it that resident Brangeloonies are the ones that jump here and make most comments on every Jen thread
    ?. Syko, you said she is boring but you have most comments.

    Cheyenne, is that someone you? And you are talking about I thought you were the paid blogger who writes ‘god bless the joloe-pitts’ over 400 times?

    Jen looks hot and smoking. That is why you loonies are eating your hearts out. What did you expect? That she would miss the premiere because her ex finally confess to have had an affair during marriage after years of lying that the metions came later? Well she has not crumbled, deal with it. She still has public opnion firmly in her corner. If anything after last weeks confession, Brad Pitt lost any little fans he has. Now he has only you paid bloggers.

  56. Granger says:

    Most women stick with the same hairstyle for a long time, because it looks good and works for them. So it’s not that Jennifer doesn’t look great with the long, straight hair and the black dresses.

    But what amazes me about her is that she sports that look ALL THE TIME — day-in-day-out, whether having dinner with friends at a restaurant, or walking the red carpet for a film premiere. Moreover, she generally always looks the same in her films. She (or her stylists) never change her hair for a role, and in most of her movies, her clothes mimic what she’d wear in real life. The look works for her — I get that. But to me, that lack of variety is indicative of someone who’s insecure and unwilling to try anything new, which is strange for a person who calls herself an actress. I admire actors who lose themselves completely in a role, changing even something small about their appearance to play a different character. Jennifer never brings that kind of commitment or intensity to her roles. I guess that’s the main reason I’ve never enjoyed her as an actress. To me, she’s just another dime-a-dozen mediocre talent who got really lucky when she landed “Friends,” even luckier when she married Pitt, and even LUCKIER when he left her for another woman. If it weren’t for the stupid “triangle,” I truly believe she’d have faded into obscurity not long after “Friends” went off the air.

    For the record, I’ve never liked Julia Roberts, either, for precisely the same reason. And if you tell me that Angelina Jolie’s had the same long hair for years, you’re right, but at least she does different things with it for film premieres (wearing it slicked back the other day for Benjamin Button, for instance), and there’s no denying she’s been given film roles for which she’s changed her appearance. So maybe the fact that Jen always looks the same is simply indicative of the fact that she’s only ever offered (or only ever takes) roles in contemporary romantic comedies that don’t require a lot of “stretching.” In which case, that proves to me even more that she’s a mediocre actor who doesn’t have much range.

    Whew. Didn’t quite mean to go off like that, but oh well. 😳

  57. Kaiser says:

    Agree completely, Granger. 😉

    But Aniston only does black for red carpets. When she’s out, chillin’ with her chicken salads, she’s usually wearing the same ripped jeans, tank top, no bra. Blech.

  58. NotBlonde says:

    Personally, I see nothing wrong with going with what works for you. Maybe she just likes that look. Maybe she isn’t big on wearing colors or changing her hair.

    I don’t think she’s a particularly good actress either, but neither is Angelina Jolie. For whatever reason, people like to pretend she’s a “respected” actress. She’s respected because of all the admirable charity work she does, not because she’s a good actress. The only Oscar she’s gotten was for playing an insane person. At the time, considering her public persona, that wasn’t much of a stretch.

  59. Cheyenne says:

    @#56: You’ve asked me twice before if I was a “paid blogger” for the J-P family. I’ve told you twice before that I wasn’t. What part of N-O are you incapable of understanding?

    You really need to get the hell off my case and get some semblance of a life of your own.

  60. Di says:

    All three of them are annoying. Angie is more talented and naturally pretty, but strangely enough, JEN LOOKS YOUNGER THAN ANGIE!!!

  61. Di says:

    Oh, yes. My secret theory is that the people who trash Jennifer Aniston are people who are sleeping with married men or men who are in relationships. I am not a Jennifer Aniston fan or an Angelie Jolie fan, though I think Jolie is the more talented actress. I think they are both very pretty and very self-obsessed.

    However, there is no reason – other than being a mistress who hates the wife/girlfriend – for people to HATE Jennifer Aniston like this because she didn’t do anything other than get dumped and talk about it once a year. Not a terrible crime. Why the venom?

  62. vdantev says:

    I say ‘Mission Accomplished’ for the photo spread then, because god knows its the most interesting thing she’s done since Friends and the movie’s going to crash and burn at the box office.

    JEN LOOKS YOUNGER THAN ANGIE!!! Because Jen’s too busy taking her clothes off to support mediocre movies to go on goodwill missions to visit children in war-torn Afghanistan.

  63. NotBlonde says:

    vdantev: Yea, because she’s too busy helping sick American children by raising funds and visiting children’s hospitals.

  64. Amy says:

    You know what half of you idiots on this site probably look like shit… don’t be jealous because Jennifer is quite possibly one of the most beautiful and smart women that God put on this earth. All I can say is as a woman she gives me a reason to be proud of what I am and what I work so hard for.

    Amazing. 😀

  65. Cheyenne says:

    Now really… how long does it take to sign a check to a children’s hospital that was written by her business manager? 1.5 seconds? And if she ever actually visits the hospital, how often does she go? Once a year? I don’t think either activity takes as much time or effort as visiting a third-world country and actually spending time with the people who live there.

  66. Cheyenne says:

    It’s not so strange that Jen looks years younger than Angie, when Jen doesn’t have six children waking her up at the crack of dawn. That’s one problem she’ll never have to worry about.

  67. Di says:

    Chill out, Cheyenne. I didn’t say Aniston looks “Years Younger” than Jolie. YOU said that. I just said that she looked younger, not years. They both look fantastic. Why are you trashing Jen for not having childre? She may not want to raise them alone and hasn’t found the right man to raise some with. I think Jolie has done great humanitarian work, which she makes public in order to raise awareness. Aniston does great humanitarian work, which she keeps more private. They both do good things but have different styles.

    Again, they are both beautiful but narcissistic women. Both are flawed but neither deserves to be hated. However, I do think when you marry somebody and they humiliate you very publicly through the breakup then you have the right to deal with it however you’d like. Why does that upset people?

    Cheyenne: Why do you HATE Jen? I don’t understand.

  68. RAN says:

    Good points Di…

  69. NotBlonde says:

    If you actually read about the work she does, you know she doesn’t just go once a year and sign checks for her business manager. The paparazzi take pictures of bits of her life. Tiny scraps. You have no idea what she does on a day-to-day basis.

    I agree with Di: why do you seem to HATE Jennifer Aniston so much?

  70. Codzilla says:

    Cheyenne: I’m also wondering why you despise JA so much. Not trying to start a fight here at all, I’m just curious.

  71. Cheyenne says:

    To Di and Codzilla: I understand you’re not trying to start a fight, nor do I have any interest in giving you one. I’ve been trying to post back to you, but the posts haven’t been going through.

    I don’t HATE Jen, as Di put it; although I have to admit I despise her because she irritates the hell out of me. She simply isn’t my type and never has been. I also think she’s a fraud for a number of reasons, but I’m not going to enumerate them as it would take too long.

    I really don’t see any way for the Aniston and Jolie partisans to resolve our differences. Brad fell in love with Jolie, Brad left Aniston, Brad is happy with Angelina and their children, Angelina is happy with Brad and their children, the Aniston fans are unhappy that Brad and Angelina are happy, and the Jolie fans think they need to accept a done deal and get over it. The whole debate has taken on bitter and personal overtones. And since it seems to be impossible to agree to disagree civilly, maybe it’s best for everyone to move onto something else. Can we at least agree on that?

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