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7 Responses to “Britney Spears and her new boyfriend spend money like water”

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  1. Jenna says:

    There are so many things wrong here…

    First, Issac really *does* look like K-Fed.

    Second, 40K a night for a room with a rotating bed? Is the Jacuzzi heart-shaped too?

    Third, I know we all carry glass jars of gourmet peanut butter in our pockets all the time. At least I do. Yep.

    Fourth, gay bars? This man now has two strikes against him (the first being that he looks like K-Fed). Note to Brit-this is not a good sign.

    OK, I think I’m done.

  2. Other Karen says:

    She actually looks good in the top picture. Surprising and bizarre.

  3. suki says:

    Lordy, that hair. Is there no one to help her with her appearance? I hope she hangs on to enough money to provide her children with therapy.

  4. mimosa says:

    Brit looks like she’s aged ten years.

    And the girl needs to find a new hair dresser!

  5. Poor Boopie says:

    Christ almighty! You’d think with having to put with with K-fed’s shit for the last 2 years, the last thing she’d want to do would be to roll over on her pillow in the morning and see his look-a-like there!

  6. itoluso says:

    Well.Who takes their 18 mo old to a supposed playground wearing anything resembling a dress/skirt? Oh I know – someone who has no intention of actually interacting with the kid. It kinda reminds me of a, uh, what’s the term? Poot hop? nah… PHOTO OP! That’s it, a constructed visual image of something meant to construe, or evoke, a particular emotion or thought…hmmm.

  7. julie says:

    Why is she hiking up her mini-skirt? It’s a mini skirt!!! That makes NO sense to me, unless it is indeed, a photo op. And if you’re wearing a wig to hide your identity, why would you wear her one similar to her own hairstyle, unless it is indeed, a photo op.