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14 Responses to “Fedex Delivers a Doozy to Britney”

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  1. Viv says:

    Frewt Loop, I think it is her, because you can see through her clothes and she is wearing a very ugly bra.

  2. mandi says:

    you know what… we may not like him but he’s definitely making all the right moves if he wants to keep his children.

  3. UrbanDK says:

    It gets easier to amke the right moves … if your partner is just stumbling around the dance floor

  4. Britney ain't all that says:

    I’m glad people are starting to see that Britney is the problem and not Kevin. It seem HE was the stablizing influence and the one who told her the truth and reigned in her behavior. Because now that I think about it, all the complaints from Britney’s camp was that Kevin wouldn’t let her go to his parties and made her stay with the kids.

  5. Jessica says:

    I agree, Kevin seems like the “level head” in this situation. I believe, for the sake of the children, he should fight, tooth and nail, for custody of those boys.

  6. UrbanDK says:

    then take ’em to Vegas … and teach em about hookers …

    and Shar JAckson just has to raise hers on her own …aint that always the way

  7. Bex says:

    I dunno if K-Fed should get them or not. While Brit’s a mess, she does have a support system with her mom, and plenty of cash for any of the kids needs.. which may be a struggle for K-Fed. Then again, money and material needs being met aren’t the only thing a child needs. Quite the debacle!

  8. Jess says:

    What the hell is she wearing on her feet/legs?

  9. anonymous says:

    Oh, please, Kevin knows he has no chance of getting custody which means….NO MONEY, so what else is he going to do or say. EXACTLY how much time did he spend with the two kids he had with Shar…and when he did spend time with them in all the pictures it was Brit Brit that was with them. I don’t blame the girl one bit for going out and living her life. If I had all that money and nannies, I would do the EXACT same thing. If she is always passed out or throwing up or doing think pictures of that would surface, like the Kate Moss ones… I really doubt any of it is true, it is all pure media B.S.

  10. frewtloop says:

    HEY – There’s something very wrong with these pics – either thats Brit’s stand in or she’s had her implants removed because she’s noticibly flatter chested, and you know what – it looks great! (despite the trailer trash couture). So much better than those misshappen, bloated bangers swinging around her waist…….

  11. frewtloop says:

    I’ve had another look – I’m pretty sure that’s not her….

  12. Pecarrie says:

    The bad weave, the terrible outfit, the puzzling choice of footwear- its britney allright. it may just be that the strange dress(?) is making her chest appear smaller, or, because it isnt so low cut, it hides her cleavage/chest more than other things shes worn lately….
    But really, remember madonna after she had her children? Very full, large chest that she loevd to show off. Now, it has gone back to normal. Britney is probably just going back to normal 🙂

  13. lyric says:

    Daycare at the Bada-Bing…that’s a good one.

  14. dud says:

    Just say no to inbreeding.