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13 Responses to “Brangelina not welcome at this year’s World Economic Forum”

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  1. Bex says:

    Seems like a wise move.

  2. countrybabe says:

    Glad to hear it.

  3. Gigohead says:

    I agree wholeheartly. Keep them away.

  4. mimosa says:

    Good decision.

  5. Jenna says:

    I don’t understand why celebs were ever invited anyway…being famous does not qualify you to participate in a forum on world economics.

  6. DS says:

    It’s one thing for celebrities to donate money and time to a cause they care about, just as anyone else would, but it’s quite another to present them as people who have the expertise to solve complex, political, multi-national crises. They certainly are not qualified to answer these questions for anyone!

  7. colsen says:

    It’s FUNNY that even these organizers of the WEF get jealous that Brangelina overshadow them!! This show the power of the Brangelina fever has in the media!! I’m not even a fan of these two… but DAMN!! i have to recognize that together this two are SUPERNOVA!!!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    why is bono still invited??
    i’m sick of him.

  9. kailie2 says:

    I remember when Angelina told those guys to quit staring at her and concentrate on issues at hand.. riight, like that was going to work.

  10. lyric says:

    Crazy.. but they do have a legitimate reason. I’m pretty sure that if Brangelina showed up at my funeral I’d sit right up in my casket to stare at them.

  11. luigi says:

    I’m sick of seeing Bono at these important summits. He’s just a fucking singer!

  12. Mr. T says:

    Bono is a true humanitarian. Like it or not he’s the real deal. And unlike AJ or BP, Bono does have legitamite credentials as a diplomat. Has AJ or BP ever met the Pope? I don’t think so.

  13. luigi says:

    So meeting the pope gives one more “legitimate credentials as a diplomat?” Pfft.

    Did you know he’s tax exempt because he’s a famous singer?