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11 Responses to “Brad and Angelina go out with two of their kids. Will there be another soon?”

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  1. Kolby says:

    I think they all look great, and Angelina looks healthy (I thought she was getting a bit too thin there for a while). Those sunglasses on Brad, though, not very flattering on a man.

  2. me says:

    Why is Z is always eating something, but never Shiloh?

  3. Anastasia says:

    Because Z is a smidge over two and can handle eating snacks on the run (better fine motor skills). Shiloh is nine or ten months old and thus not quite there yet. When she’s older, she’ll do the same.

    It’s just a matter of age.

  4. Cyndi says:

    cute kids.

  5. kikistar says:

    Cuties cuties cuties!These little girls are dolls!They all look great and happy together…and pissed off by the paps too lol, totally understandable though.

  6. FF says:

    Maybe the NY Post owes Madonna a favour?

    I wonder if Z is always pictured with food because she was malnourished as a baby? Didn’t she nearly die or something?

  7. Ceenitall says:

    Do Angelina and Brad always wera the same color clothes? Well at least this time it isn’t black.

  8. frewtloop says:

    I really like the way Angelina dresses down in very understated / regular, simple clothes. I mean, do you every remember her for her outfits unlike many celebrities and does she every look flashy, overdressed or stupid? (Ok maybe for a brief period in her goth phase but she got over that) She just lets her beauty do the talking – its very elegant and clever IMO.

  9. Maureen says:

    She’s not getting any special favors — you either adopt as a single person or as a married couple. Those are your only options. Since they are not married, one of them must apply on their own. Once the child is here in the US, Brad can adopt him/her just like he did (or will do with )the other children. The process is long and pretty well defined (I have done it myself) so I can’t really imagine that she’s getting special treatment. She has probably been working on this for a while and it is only now becoming public because she is nearing the end.

  10. Mr. T says:

    Eh, who cares? Well, I know a lot of people do, but really, who cares? I feel the love already. Basher’s, have a nice day!

  11. frewtloop says:

    Why bother reading posts about her T if you care so little. I mean its a bit Homer Simpsonish isn’t? Every time there’s a post about her you obviously read it and then go to the trouble of posting a comment saying how little you care about it or her. Seems pretty stupid and transparent to me – for your actions suggest you do care – very much.