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11 Responses to “Yes, Salma Hayek is pregnant and she’s also engaged”

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  1. celebitchy says:

    I’m so happy for her but out of all the men on the planet why did she have to pick this one. He looks old enough to be her father….EWW!
    just me | 03.09.07 – 11:58 am | #


    That’s exactly my thoughts Just me. Well I guess love is *blind*…
    kikistar | 03.09.07 – 12:40 pm | #


    aye que puta
    Anonymous | 03.09.07 – 12:54 pm | #


    He’s probably very cultured and well educated which would appeal to her because she’s a very intelligent woman.
    julie | 03.09.07 – 1:12 pm | #


    He doesn’t look bad to me, and he’s super rich you guys. He runs the company that owns Gucci, among others. For all the brand-lovers out there, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind an expensive dinner on that guy. He’s not super-hot, but he looks good to me.
    celebitchy | 03.09.07 – 1:20 pm | #


    She’s insanely hot and has brains to boot. Congrats Selma!
    rose no thorns | 03.09.07 – 1:20 pm | #


    He’s ok, he has a kind face. They don’t really look like they belong together but whatever. You can’t pick who you fall in love with.
    Carol | 03.09.07 – 1:25 pm | #


    CB, could you find out how much older he is? I’d be curious to know. As a woman whose clock is ticking very faintly, I applaud her for starting a family and passing on her smart, hot genes.
    MaiGirl | 03.09.07 – 1:42 pm | #


    Carol that’s a very nice observation, that he has a kind face. I’m on it, Maigirl, and will have his age up shortly.
    celebitchy | 03.09.07 – 1:50 pm | #


    Maigirl I got married when I was 31, which isn’t that old I know. It happens fast when you meet the right guy. I did update the post with his age. He is almost 45, Salma is 40.
    celebitchy | 03.09.07 – 1:58 pm | #

    Note: comments pasted verbatim from temporary site location.

  2. celebitchy says:

    I’m glad she found a nice guy to settle down with. But really, who cares about the money? I mean, it’s not that I’d want to be with a loser who can’t hold down a job, but money doesn’t buy happiness (even if it does buy a lot of handbags).

    Although, I will say he does look a LOT older than her, more than just 5 years. Not that age matters, but I was surprised to hear how little age difference there is.
    Action | 03.09.07 – 3:19 pm | #


    My husband looks a lot older than I, but he’s five years younger! I was told I could find a “better looking” husband and luckily I didn’t give a rip about looks, because I have wound up with the sweetest most wonderful husband in the world. So stop rippin on these two! You go, Selma, you rock bigtime.
    gg | 03.09.07 – 6:50 pm | #


    I don’t care how he looks, he owns GUCCI!!! In addition, of course, to YSL and other luxury brands, department stores, the list goes on and on.. the man is obscenely rich and probably quite a nice guy too. Salma is set for life (with a lifetime supply of luxury goods at her fingertips..) She’s one smart cookie. Since nobody knows when they managed to date (and get pregnant) without anyone knowing, I’m assuming it’s more of a goddess worship/marriage proposal on his part and a rational decision on hers.. she’s not getting any younger and her boyfriends so far have failed her. At least she’s not hooking up with a country music star and that’s a big plus in my book. Go Salma!
    kailie2 | 03.09.07 – 8:41 pm | #

    Note: comments pasted verbatim from temporary site location.

  3. countrybabe says:

    I’m not about the money either. You have to consider how your kids will look. And looks are in. Unless she figures she needs the dough and considers herself a B or C actress. He does have a kind face, but they don’t really go to gether and if she just wanted to get knocked up or just got knocked up, it probably won’t last.

  4. Maritime says:

    I love her and am happy to hear the news of her pregnancy and engagement. Did they say when the baby is due?

  5. An intelligent woman says:

    He’s 44.

  6. Miller says:

    I pray they have a boy. A girl wouldn’t be able to survive in the spotlight with the any hint of his looks, not one damn feature (except eye color). Seriously. He gives off that Disney cartoon, Hunchback from Notre Dame-look.
    Hopefully he is a gentleman. I doubt she would settle for anyone less.

  7. Action says:

    You know, I don’t think he’s BAD looking. He’s cute in his own unique way. And I don’t think their kids will look bad either. They both have nice features in themselves and put together I’m sure the kid will turn out fine.

  8. SillyWilly says:

    Salma always seemed pretty saavy to me. Maybe he isn’t drop dead good looking. But if he treats her well and would be a great father — more power to her!

    P.S. Maybe he isn’t photogenic??

  9. Ceenitall says:

    Sorry but someone has to say it….
    How much damm weight did she put on in the past 2 months? I thought celebs were suppose to carry pregnant weight better then that, she looks as “large” as I did when I was 8 months pregnant. I don’t think they will be calling that a “baby bump” on Extra.
    Bless her heart.

  10. frewtloop says:

    People are too concerned about externalities. In real life, the guy probably oozes sex appeal because he’d be very sophisticated, cultured and intelligent. These things transcend and outlast the superficialities.

  11. LL lady says:

    Whoaaa, he’s a billionaire, intelligent, prolly kind, and ugly. oh well, we can’t have it all no matter what huh! I’d settle for a kind billionaire in a heart beat.