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10 Responses to “Nicole Richie collapses for a second time on set”

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  1. Iva says:

    Well there have been plenty of “warning” signs – wonder when someone is going to intervene before something very serious happens.

  2. wtf says:

    she’ll be dead soon.

  3. Kiwi says:

    Dehydration thing???? I had no idea water was so hard to find in LA.

  4. Saila says:

    Loveeee Nicole. The hair is kind of pushing it though. It just looks like a huge, fake weave. There’s too much of it.

  5. ER says:

    Maybe she’s just faking the ‘passing out’ as an attention getter. It’s working!

  6. frewtloop says:

    Makes me laugh that the spin people think the public actually believe that crap. Seems like dehydration is a naughties epidemic.

  7. Hahahaaa says:

    I don’t know why, but I like this skinny bitch. The trout pout is terrible, but the outfit is cute. Seriously though, Nicole: Eat a hamburger pumpkin! You need just fifteen more pounds on you, and you’ll be perfect 🙂

  8. hILFUKinlarious says:

    Didn’t she fall, bump her head and DIE ALREADY?????

  9. nicole....girl, this shit isn says:

    something is so wrong with this picture of Nicole…she is spinning out of control, and hasnt hit the skids because she has money.
    this might sound harsh, but a part of me feels pity for her, but then i remember what a little bitch she is. as for her driving completely out of control going the wrong direction on the LA freeway full speed ahead in the fast lane completely drugged out…its one of those things where a person might think, well, a little partying is okay, maybe…but to take it to the point where she very easily could have killed a whole hell of a lot of innocent people jsut takes it to a level that makes me hate her..hate her for just laughing it off and showing no remorse whatsoever. I guess she knows from her loaded police record that daddy can get some good lawyer to get her out of any but any jam. Jeez, the only segment they need to run on “the simple life” is the real picture of what the hell is going on. Show the public what happens when you get charged with DUI for the second time and have to go through court and jail and probation. Both Nicole and Paris. Show what their empty retarded lives are like when they are not posing for the cameras. i bet its pretty freaking sad.
    she likes her life the way it is.

  10. xiaoecho says:

    ‘trouble walking and speaking clearly’ = completely drugfcked.

    even Paris is getting pissed off