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12 Responses to “Eva Longoria’s dog to walk down the aisle at her July wedding”

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  1. I bet she’s one of those idiots in Florida that want their dogs to be able to dine in restaurants.

  2. Bex says:

    Ugh, children dying all over the world and the freakin’ dog gets $500/month just on grooming!


  3. Other Karen says:

    That $500/month gives people jobs though. It’s a bigger boon to the economy than buying jewelry.

    I actually like the invitation, though it doesn’t look particularly wedding-y.

  4. m.a. says:

    I like dogs, but in that pic, it looks like she’s not getting her money’s worth. The dog looks pretty dirty. At $500/mo. I would expect that dog to be BRIGHT white. That dog looks as clean as dogs that I’ve seen that don’t go to the groomer at all. Also, I don’t really like her wedding invitations either, but to each his own. At least her wedding pix might be fun to see when they come out. 🙂

  5. m.a. says:

    Wow, I said “that dog” about 500 times in that post, oops! 🙂

  6. Anonymous says:

    he should run now. the bitch is crazy

  7. neelyo says:

    Isn’t Eva worried that Tony will kiss the wrong dog when they tell him to kiss the bride?

  8. Pecarrie says:

    Sounds so immature to me, like she’s living in some kind of a fantasy world. A 5 or 6 year old would want to take a ‘puppy’ with them everywhere like that. She needs to grow up.

  9. Wiley says:

    Did you mean Eva Longoria, the dog, will walk down the aisle at her wedding ceremony?

  10. just me says:

    I can’t stand this girl..she is such an idiot. What is she like 4ft tall?

  11. MaiGirl says:

    Why is this woman famous? She’s just cute at best, about 3′ tall, can’t act, and is a raging bitch by all accounts. What the hell?

    And that exact wedding invitation is available in a 12-pack at Dollar Tree.

  12. GG says:

    What an asshole!!!!!!!