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9 Responses to “Houdini to be exhumed to revive sales of conspiracy book”

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  1. xiaoecho says:

    He’ll probably claim he exhumed himself

  2. alexis says:

    fyi: the only reason why houdini’s family (otherwise known as his devoted wife) spent the rest of her life trying to contact her late hubby via seances was because previous to his unfortunate demise they shared the theory that seances were absolute bunk, but ‘just in case’ they decided on a code word, so that if one of them died the other could visit spiritual mediums in a quest to test the validity of such claims… it would be obvious which mediums were con artists and faking the connection with the dead partner — those who didn’t repeate the secret code word. sadly, his wife spent the rest of her life visiting spiritual medium after spiritual medium hoping to truly contact her dearly departed… but no one ever said the code word, so it was quite futile.

  3. celebitchy says:

    alexis that is so cool. Thanks for letting me know that.

  4. Pecarrie says:

    Simple, but smart. Also very sad she couldnt contact her dear love anymore. =(

  5. Poor Boopie says:

    Even death is not sacred when there is a buck to be made!

  6. Randi says:

    He’ll probably claim he exhumed himself
    xiaoecho | Homepage | 03.24.07 – 5:56 am | #

    It’s almost fitting for the world’s greatest escape artist, isn’t it? Buried under six feet of earth, Houdini escapes from his coffin after decades of imprisonment…

    Alexis is quite correct about the seances. If memory serves, Houdini was into them at first because he was trying to contact his dearly departed mother. Unfortunately for the ‘mystics’ Houdini could see right through their tricks and started actively debunking them.

  7. Bape says:

    He died very tragically but had a great life.

  8. fyi says:

    Alexis, your story about his wife not as interesting as the TRUE story. Why not read the book?

  9. celebitchy says:

    Wow the authors are trolling the blogs now. They must really need publicity.