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4 Responses to “Like Eddie Griffin, Simon Cowell also ruined a new Ferrari & is dumping it”

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  1. Tiramisu says:

    Whoa whoa whoa, did you just call the Enzo Ferrari a MUSCLE CAR? No, no, no, no, no naughty blog.
    The term primarily refers to American model cars with large-capacity engines produced between roughly 1964 and 1973, but can also be applied to vehicles like modern day corvettes, mustangs, GTOs, vipers and so forth. Those are muscle cars. The vehicle in question is a Ferrari and it’s an “exotic,” can you say ex-o-tic boys and girls? I knew you could.

  2. celebitchy says:

    Yes I’m kind of dumb about cars. I will remove that adjective. hehe

  3. Carol says:

    Wow, bottoming out a Ferrari causes $10k in damages? Not very well built, are they?

  4. Me says:

    Simon Krowa.