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8 Responses to “Britney is staying out of the clubs”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    you know she really wants to be in a cub. Britney does not know one thing about basketball

  2. Anonymous says:

    I am happy for her and her family.

  3. Kolby says:

    Well, to be fair, her first video WAS filmed on a b-ball court, lol!

  4. Saila says:

    She looks pretty good. I thought the basketball pictures were way old ones at first.

  5. AC says:

    Britney played basketball when she was younger.

    I say, YAY! I hope she keeps it up.

  6. Bex says:

    Keep it up! We all know we’re all secretly rooting for her to come back!

  7. Iva says:

    Same attention seeking Britney – she’ll never make a comeback like this – maybe she should have arranged to bring her kids with her to the game…you know a little mother/son bonding.

  8. gavin says:

    do we think her career will make a comeback? Or has she lost too many fans? I think she will make a comeback.