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47 Responses to “Rihanna’s parents say they can’t reach her”

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  1. Len says:

    He looks overdressed for court, like a toned down pimp. I’m hating this guy more with every new image i see of him. He’s an arrogant spoiled show-off.

  2. lway says:

    I love Chris. It’s unfortunate that this is the route he chose and these are the consequences for his actions,

    I still love him and support both him and Rihanna. People make mistakes, do stupid things…

  3. Kendra says:

    I love Chris Brown it’s all Rihanna’s fault this happened and i blame her mostly fo rall of this. They were both worng for what they did and i’ll pray for both of them and i hop ethey work this little thing out, I LOVE YOU CHRIS BROWN!!!!

  4. pixiegirl says:

    Um, you love a woman beater? Ok. I’m sorry but how is she in the wrong here? She WAS BEATEN. Geez, some people will support anything.

  5. daniel says:

    I hope that #$%^&! goes to jail! There is no excuse for what he did, period!!! I hope someone in the hip hop community puts him down like the dog he is!! Chris watch your back buddy! I’m sure Jay Z is gunning for ya!!!

  6. Brittney says:

    This is so agonizing to watch unfold… nothing good can possibly come of this, and if his career bounces back, there will be no hope left for American pop culture.

  7. gg says:

    Kendra your comment is very, very sad. It’s clearly not her fault in any way. I hope you get yourself together, because what you said could not possibly be more wrong, and if you honestly think this way you are headed for the same cycle of violence as Rihanna.

  8. Dorothy says:

    Kendra clearly wants attention, lets not give it to her.

  9. Terrian says:

    “the manipulation and isolation of the victim.”

    Or maybe they are trying to keep it a secret they are talking?

    I think you are over analyzing this whole story.

  10. M.E. says:

    Have you all noticed the spelling skills of those who write in support for Brown? Not surprising.

  11. gg says:

    Overanalyzing? Heck no, it’s all part of the boilerplate cycle of abuse, Terrian, and it couldn’t be more crystal clear.

  12. Lina says:

    He doesn’t look like he’s having so much fun there in court – as opposed to when he was on those jet skis the other day.

  13. barneslr says:

    “I love Chris Brown it’s all Rihanna’s fault this happened and i blame her mostly fo rall of this”

    You are a very, very stupid person for saying that. When a person hits another one (women can beat up on men, too…even though you don’t hear about it as much), the person doing the hitting is the ONLY one at fault. It doesn’t matter what she said or did to make him angry…it is still 100% his fault and his fault alone. If he was angry he could have just broken up with her or just left for the night so he didn’t have to be around her. There is never an excuse good enough to justify violent behavior in a relationship.

    If you really think that way, then you really need to get counseling fast. I worry that you will get yourself into a relationship where you are victimized. I am reminded of a woman I used to work with who confided to me that her husband regularly beat her, but that it was okay because she “deserved” it and he was just trying to teach her to be better.


  14. MSat says:

    More information about isolation and control, very common with abusers:

  15. martha says:

    I feel that Chris Brown is going to just get probation he deserves jail time and I hope Rihanna comes to her senses and realizes that her family just wants her to be safe and happy.As for the person who said it is her fault clearly needs professional help.

  16. Mo says:

    He’s clearly manipulating her AND the judicial system by his chicken-sh*t no plea with the help of a bottom-feeding lawyer. Any man capable of that kind of violence, with that kind of ego, is a master manipulator and he’s probably convinced her through a combination of contriteness and blame that it was somehow partially her fault. They’re both so immature and when you’re in love for the first time (or at least obsessed with someone) you tend to overlook dangerous personality traits you wouldn’t put up with for an instant when you’re more mature. I fell madly in love with someone when I was that age, and overlooked his alcoholism, philandering, verbal abuse, etc. etc. because I thought love would make everything right. I learned my lesson the hard way.

  17. Madelyn Rose says:

    This is just so disturbing. I have nothing but absolute disgust for this man and all of his enablers. Diddy should be ASHAMED of himself. It is shameful what he did in arranging this secret reconciliation. Then again, I never thought much of him.

    Rihanna is being used and abused in this scenario. Chris doesn’t love her, he just wants to save his career and he is using her as a pawn to that end.

    Rihanna, you are going to need prayer and strength. Hopefully she wakes up. It is very sad when someone turns their back on loved ones who only want the best for them, when they are being manipulated by an abuser. MSat, your observations on this issue are quite astute.

  18. Madelyn Rose says:

    And one more thought – for people who say “oh he just made a mistake,” no. If we all sweep in under the rug like that, he will become emboldened. He will feel himself above the law. Then, abusers like this just go on to do it more and more in society because they feel they can get away with it. This reconciliation is not helping, it is continuing the cycle. Justice must be served and the hip hop community needs to wake up and stop supporting thugs like this. I have major respect for all those hip hop folks who have spoken out against this. However, it saddened me to see usher retract and apologize for his statement. There is a lot going on behind the scenes.

    Let’s look up to men like Obama, not Chris Brown.

  19. Hieronymus Grex says:

    I felt an icy chill when I read this headlight, I hope nothing else has happened.

  20. SeVen says:

    Another example of Celebrity Justice…. had a “normal” person asked for a delay they would have been laughed at and thrown in jail with 2 felonies. Stupid Stupid Stupid.

    And for those Supporting Chris…maybe we should let him beat your asses one good time to see how much you love him.

  21. read says:

    this is REALLY creepy…in your report from yesterday about the crime details it said how he threatened to kill her and had so much anger etc…this article really disturbs me because its obvious that somethings not right if shes changed her numbers etc. chris browns head is obviously not screwed on right, and i get an awful feeling about this…what if the public turning on him made him even more mad and they got in another fight and…oh i cant even say it…this is just too horrible…

  22. read says:

    oh and madelyn- i SO agree!

  23. Feebee says:

    He may be too immature for Rihanna but he’s showing an amazing level of sophistication for a 19 year old in terms of personal and media manipulation (not to mention the obvious criminal behaviour). Can’t wait to see how good he is at 25! Hopefully by then he will have tanked his career and nobody will remember him as one with any redeeming qualities.

  24. Feebee says:

    Additional thought: may be the threshold of evidence against domestic violence perps needs to be lowered. The CSI-type analysis of the crime scene was disturbing to say the least. After that along with the photos of Rihanna and her initial statement, they shouldn’t need anything more from her regardless of her future actions ie returning to her attacker.

  25. Wonder Woman says:


    Sure its his fault for hurting her, but she is deciding to stay and get beaten, so in a sense it is also her fault.

    Just the cold truth. I hope he gets locked up but shes also stupid for taking it

  26. Rosanna says:

    Terrian good for you who happen not to ever been abused. For the rest of us, especially the ones who either have been through DV or have seen a family member or a dear friend going through it, what is happening is pretty clear. Rhianna is succumbing to Chris’ bs. Let’s hope it is a fast journey rather than a 5 yr long hellish story.

  27. for_realz says:

    @ Wonder Woman

    Are you kidding me with that comment? It’s her fault for choosing to stay and get beaten?!

    Have you not read any of the comments from the victims on this blog regarding DV?! These situations are easy to judge from the outside perspective (your own), but have you been on the other end?!

    If you have AND you choose to make comments like that, I pity you.

  28. Susan says:

    Has anyone thought of the fact that he might want to change? That he is sorry for what he did? That they do love each other? Just saying.

    He who is without sin cast the first stone…..

  29. daisy424 says:

    Okay Susan, I’ll cast that stone, I have never beaten a woman. The man is a pig.

    He made a mistake? He’s sorry?

    When did that dawn on him?

    After he slammed her head into the car window or,

    After he bit her ear or,

    After he punched her or,
    wait it must have been….

    After he threatened to kill her.

    He’s sorry he got caught, period.

  30. hmm says:

    Susan, with all due respect, when most abusers are caught they want to change. Until the next time something goes wrong and they use their fists against their girlfriends or wives. It is a vicious cycle and we need to stop acting like Chris is an atypical abuser, he is not. In the police reports they indicate that Rihanna said that the violence in their relationship has been escalating. Should we wait for him to disfigure her or should we just wait until he kills her? If she was dating a regular guy and he beat her no one would be saying what a nice guy he is and maybe he’s trying to change. I encourage everyone who posts messages attempting to cast Brown in a good light to do some research about domestic violence and forget that the guy sings and dances for a living.

  31. Madelyn Rose says:

    Good reply, hmmmm! Some people who are fans of celebrities will go to ANY length to defend their behavior and will make all sorts of excuses for them. We have all dated someone who was bad for us (not necessarily an abuser) and done the same thing. But this is different, it is serious. We as a society have an obligation to declare what is acceptable and what is not. Beating ANYONE (man or woman) is unacceptable. I could stomach these comments of “he made a mistake” more easily if he had hit her ONCE. The police report states he has BEATEN her many times! Furthermore, he hit her, punches her, hit her, and hit her some more that very night. It is not an isolated incident, so if you like his music, fine, just don’t come on here and defend the man.

  32. daniel says:

    Only a criminal defends another criminal’s actions. Any man that says “its none of our business” or defends Chris is probably an women beater himself. Says a lot about hollywood men, eh?

  33. tigerlille says:

    You can see Chris Brown’s fear in court from the photographs, which does not bode well for Rhianna’s safety at home. I hope that she can find the strength to leave, but it is looking doubtful.

  34. Lala says:

    …or maybe he can’t reach her because “Extra” printed both of their cell phone numbers on TV. Duh

  35. cookies says:

    I hope Chris Browns’ career crashes and burns that s.o.b deserves a beat down himself for what he did to rihanna im tired of all these golddiggin slut a@# bi@$hes defending chris brown how can you love and support a man who turns to violence to settle an argument that is just idiotic and ridiculous . . i cant even stand hearing his songs on the radio. . and for these people who think rihanna deserves the beaten that she got . . you never once blame the victim , it doesnt matter if she slapped him on the face of cussed at him , , he beat her multiple times and left her for dead she should be getting counseling and lots of support not be ridiculed and shamed . .

  36. FF says:

    I find it fascinating all the people saying Rihanna is an idiot for going back when the guy’s so great at projecting a nice guy image that none of his celebrity friends are willing openly condemn his behaviour.

    He would have already turned the charm on Rihanna full force but if you’re in an environment when you doubt what you see with your own eyes and then everyone around you – big stars, no less – refuse to condemn his actions she is most likely to think that she’s the problem and as such her behaviour is the solution to his problems. So it’s no wonder she went back.

    All of these weak ass celebs who are ready to jump all over Usher’s marriage without defaulting to ‘but we don’t know what goes on in their relationship’ but can see a woman beaten and bruised and NOT clearly state – no matter what – ‘that’s wrong and there’s no excuse’ are people I no longer have any time for. Maybe they’ll care when it affects their image and their bank balance. I’m done with them and refuse to support whatever they do.

    There’s nothing in this case that suggests it was either a celebrity fight club or that Rihanna was threatening Chris with a weapon, thereby I don’t need to be in their ‘relationship’ to know that he did something wrong, it should be condemned and he, by his unwillingness to see as such, should be condemned along with it.

    Everything I’ve seen on this points to him being a textbook abuser. What breaks my heart is the community around him enabling and minimalising his behaviour.

    I’m disgusted on all sides and if I can say anything good came of this entire morass it’s that now I know where all these celeb friends are coming from I will act accordingly, i.e. if their names on it I’ll have no part in it.

  37. RAN says:

    Good points Feebee and others. For those of you who just don’t ‘get it’ – please get some help. This man/child (at 19) is clearly mature and manipulative to the point where he’s attmpting to come off as the contrite angel. I hope they throw the book at him. They won’t… but I wish they would

  38. kuty says:

    where the balls does he get the guts to hit her??? C.B sucks!!!

  39. delicious says:

    what a little runt he is, shes fabulous and has the world at her feet its a shame she should sell herself short but we are all human and weather we like or not this could well be another wittney and bobby. god love her parents imagine your child was lying down with someone who brutally beats and bites them there is more than one victim in this.

  40. e says:

    First of all, I’d like to comment on the refreshing maturity and intelligence (mostly) on the comment threads on this site, as compared to many of the other gossip sites. I enjoy reading your comments here because I know that the vast majority are going to be well-thought-out and well-spoken (well-typed?) and actually have some substance to them. It’s a welcome change from the comment threads on some other sites.

    Something about daniel’s comment above – “Any man that says “its none of our business” or defends Chris is probably an women beater himself.” – makes me want to add this for consideration:

    I have been married twice. Both men became abusive after we married (although neither of them showed the typical signs beforehand). My father was never abusive to my mother, but was (at least borderline) physically/emotionally abusive to me and my brother. I have known several friends with abusive boyfriends/husbands/SigOths. In *every. single. case.* the abuser is someone who has made a big dramatic deal at least once – but usually quite frequently – about “It’s never okay to hit a woman!” or “I can’t understand why a man would ever lay hands on his wife/girlfriend, that’s just wrong!” or “People who beat their kids should just be taken out and shot!”

    It is really unsettling to realize how many people will “talk the talk” but then turn around and beat the crap out of their OWN wife/girlfriend/kid and see nothing wrong with it, try to rationalize why “it’s different” or “that didn’t count.” It’s to the point now that I’m actually likely to be more suspicious of someone who says that, especially if they emphasize the “wife/woman/girlfriend/child” part. (People who say “Hitting other people is not acceptable” seem to follow their own rules a little bit better than people who single out special groups who shouldn’t be hit, if you follow me.)

    So anyway, ladies (and gentlemen), please don’t be swayed just because someone is parroting the party line. What people say and what they do are not always in perfect alignment.

  41. e says:

    “if you’re in an environment when you doubt what you see with your own eyes and then everyone around you – big stars, no less – refuse to condemn his actions she is most likely to think that she’s the problem and as such her behaviour is the solution to his problems. So it’s no wonder she went back.”


    I had people look at the bruises on my arms and tell me I was obviously lying about where they came from because they “knew” my husband, and “there’s just no way he could ever do something like that.” And considering that the abuser had always been outspoken about “men should never hit women” (see my previous comment) it’s SO EASY to start to wonder if maybe they’re all correct, and maybe I’m the one who’s got it all backwards.

    Your whole sense of reality is shaken; you are afraid to trust anything you see or hear or think. As embarrassing as it is to admit, from my experience it really does not take long before an abused person can find herself standing there looking at her own bruises wondering, “Wait a minute… maybe…”

  42. casper says:

    that was dumb as hell of chris brown for hittin that girl. he couldve walked away! and went his own way and left her alone!

  43. Lily says:

    Rihanna hit Chris Brown many times before this major accident. She slaped him several times in the past and he never replied. She said it. She slaped him and hit him firts that day to. If a man don’t have to hit a woman, what is absolutly right, a woman don’t have either.
    I think rihanna and Brown have a passionate relationship, in the wrong sense. Rihanna says she coudn’t handle seeing Brown with a another girl, that’s why she took him back. It describe perfectly the nature of their relationship. This is a passionate relationship, destructive and of course violent. Famous teenagers always have complicated relationship because there’re not rise in a family structure which make them feel protected. They have emotional problem. It’s true for almost grown up kids or teen celebs. They both need help. There is another things I didn’t see on your site: The message chris brown received on his phone was from his manager who dated him when he was only 16! She’s turning 40 now. Go on TMZ you will read the entire story. I’m sorry but I think the owner of this site is not impartial, you have to give all the news and not select what is ok with your personal statement. Rihanna is a victim, yes, I think Chris is to blame but he ’s in some way also a victim in their relationship.

  44. Lisa Mariani says:

    Chris Brown is a sociopath!!!! Rhianna will end up like Nichol Brown Simpson or maybe worse, they may never find her body, with all these hip-hop thugs supporting that monster. Wake-up Rhianna, before it’s to late. Brown will never change. Once a beater always a beater. and he’s only 19 years old. Any relationship with C.Brown will always be controlled and will always be very violent. This piece of —- will never change.

  45. Nan says:

    He reminds me of everything OJ Simpson. Another control freak. His look is really not saddened. Its cocky. I’ve seen it and I’ve lived through it got out of it. I’d know that look anywhere.You think you can fix him honey but you cant. He’s going to really hurt her. The father needs to try a little harder and step up to the plate.

  46. SheShe says:

    Too bad so many people have no live and nothing to do but get all up in these two people’s business. They both made mistakes by acting like little kids and fighting. How many judges, lawyers, policemen, congressman,media are abusing their spouses and nothing is said. The media has played on this enough, stop talking about it focus on the thousands of others being victimized by human trafficing problem all over the nation.

    WORK ON THAT!!!!!

  47. sjjitxihc says:

    The media has played on this enough, stop talking about it focus on the thousands of others being victimized by human trafficing problem all over the nation.sjj