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10 Responses to “Julia Roberts loves Clive Owen because he’s not a Clooney-esque prankster”

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  1. Baholicious says:

    I’m not a hardcore fan, but I’ll wager her “hardcore fanbase of women who have seen Pretty Woman a million times” would actually say no, that would be Erin Brockovitch.

    As far as her talking a lot, she’s giving actual answers to an interviewer and obviously engaged with her experience on this film. And she said too, because she’s Southern – gift for the gab and all of that.

    Also, why should we speculate on a lack of feedback from the male actor to substantiate how SHE felt about the experience?

    Roberts is very effusive, so what. At least she comes across like a real-live human being.

  2. photo jojo says:

    I <3 Clive Owen too! 🙂

  3. lara says:

    I second Baholicious comment remembering an interview with Clive Owen where he said it was him who wanted (and approached?) Julia Roberts for Duplicity. With some men, this is as good as it gets expressing their feelings publicly.

  4. lisa says:

    Enough with the “I love Clive because….” stuff Julia! We get it. I don’t hear Clive constantly gushing even though we know you guys are friends. Hope she doesn’t break up this marriage as well.

  5. RAN says:

    Wow… this world really is about different strokes for different folks. I don’t mind listening to her talk either… and I haven’t heard Clive complain about how much she likes working with him, so where’s the harm?

    I sort of have a love/hate relationship with Julia and I don’t know why. She seems to rub me the wrong way on occasion, but overall, I just love her movies and this one probably won’t be an exception. As far as a person, I respect her for the way she minds her business. Let her live and let live.

  6. FF says:

    Haha, I remember reading somewhere that she recommended costarring with Clive Owen to Jennifer Aniston because he’s ‘so dreamy’.

    Yeah, whatever, Jules, ‘not Clooney-esque’ is the new euphemism for HAWTness.

    Also, while I get what she’s saying, it still does sound like: y’all up North don’t know how to talk fast, yo.

    While I’m tempted to see Duplicity it’s only because of what she and Owens did with their roles in Closer. Now that was a well-written script (yes, I know it was and adaptation of a play).

  7. Jenni says:

    Clive does semm so much more mature than Clooney and way better looking!

  8. Jag says:


    Of course I can’t speak for Julia, but I’m Southern and think that she meant no harm by that statement. Truly, it was more making fun of herself over how fast she talks – not making a dig at Northerners. I know from experience that I really can get rapid-fire with my talking, and at least she didn’t mention the hand gestures that go with them. 🙂

  9. Another interesting article from your blog 🙂 When will it stop….hopefully never

  10. Gina says:

    Doesn’t it seem that she’s constantly gushing about one male co-star or another? I think she perceives these friendships that don’t actually exist. Maybe she doesn’t know what real friendship is and assumes working with a male for a while means a friendship has blossomed. I think she’s odd.