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24 Responses to “Paris Hilton thinks about giving up junk food for Lent”

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  1. Holly says:


    Giving up junk food, or giving up throwing up junk food? lol

  2. Roni says:

    Isn’t it a little late to be giving up for Lent now? Easter is right around the corner!

  3. boomchakaboom says:

    It would be better if she gave up all publicity for 40 days. Eat all the cotton candy and fries she wants, just stay the hell out of sight. THAT would be a real blessing.

  4. Baholicious says:

    @Roni: Maybe we could re-enact the crucifixtion with her: not the holy dying on the cross or the resurrection parts, just the putting in a cave and sealing it off with a boulder part.

  5. FatCat says:

    She couldn’t give up leaving the house for 40 days? I can’t stand this “women”!

  6. Mairead says:

    Society take note – skinny people can have no self control and be lazy.

    Baho – that wouldn’t work, people kept coming and opening up the damn cave. Perhaps sticking a few spikes in the bandanna would be a start? Crowns of Thorns are so edgy

    Anyway giving up sweets for Lent? What the hell age is she? It’d be more in her line to give up the nose-candy and alcohol.

  7. Persisent Cat says:

    Everything this idiot says is a total lie. Remember when she told Larry King she had never done drugs?

    She doesn’t keep solid food down.

    You know what I think I hate most about her? It’s how disgusting her feet look in her shoes. The tops are so bony. I know those are generally bony but hers take it to a disgustingly new level. And if you reall look at the top picture, the tan stops at her feet.

  8. Feebee says:

    She’s a little late for the start of Lent. There’s so many things she could start or stop doing for Lent that she’d be celebrated for. Some suggestions are in the above comments. She knows if she talks about it after it’s started she’s safe not to follow through.

  9. Marmot says:

    If only all the fashion victims would give up those ridiculous headbands.

    Oh and wait a minute: is she in trouble with the law again? Because I thought you had to be religious to give up something for Lent….

  10. Baholicious says:

    Mairead, would that be ‘edgy’ or ‘hot’? Or like, ‘so totally gibson?’

    Whatever it is, I hope the bandanna slips and puts out that wonky eye. Wait, no then she’d just get a Swarovski-bedazzled eye patch and buy herself a black-market endangered species of parrot.

    There’s no winning…she’s too vacuous…I am defeated by her powers of suck…*raises white flag*

  11. Ron says:

    I wish she would give up breathing for lent too!

  12. Hieronymus Grex says:

    How about giving up breathing instead, Paris?

  13. FF says:

    Yes, I too immediately went to the ‘she couldn’t give up breathing for Lent?’ place.

  14. Codzilla says:

    Baho/Ron: Lol!

  15. nolongerhaydenfan says:

    and this is news?

  16. Jaclyn says:

    Okay, everyone knows she is bulimic. It would actually do her (and her teeth and throat) a LOT of good if she gave up junk food altogether!

  17. NJMDPS says:

    OHHHHHHHHHHH…… live in her self absorbed world!

  18. hairball says:

    Actually, I just feel incredibly sorry for her. What a lost and pathetic person. Think of her in 10 years when she is 38 (I am NOT saying 38 is old) and her dumb ‘girl’ act and desperately trying to look 21?

  19. abbizmal says:

    She needs to give up sex and booze for Lent because those are her biggest vices, at least that I can tell. Those poses she is always doing are ridiculous. That girl needs some help.

  20. morgs says:

    She should try giving up the cock-a-doodle-doo.

  21. AC says:

    I can’t wait until all of that partying catches up with her and she looks old before her time…it’s only a matter of time before her face turns into a balding tire.

  22. Frenchie says:

    She is a freak and her parents allowed her that way. Funny how I ever saw anybody saying “please, give her a break”.

  23. Anoneemouse says:

    I’d like to see her give up talking and spare us the details of her life for once…

  24. bob brown says:

    wowwww this shows what the world has come to when its news that paris hilton is NOT giving up anything for lent. surprise surprise