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38 Responses to “Octomom accepting donations through Dr. Phil”

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  1. crab says:

    What a hidious looking woman!! Can we please stop giving her notoriety?

  2. mel says:

    She’s milking her notoriety for every cent she can.

  3. lway says:

    Does she have a twitch?

    I am SO bored of this woman and what she’s doing…….zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  4. bros says:

    why does she need 11 nannies? thats almost one per child. ridiculous. women all over the world have multiple children and dont have one nanny, let alone 11. this woman is truly vile. what a resource whore.

  5. Mrs.C says:

    I’m sure Target gave her free items for allowing her to be filmed while shopping there.
    There’s not doubt this woman needs help and I pray those children don’t end up being in foster care later on. I know everyone says they’re doing it for the children but really do you think she sees it that way?? I wonder if she had all 8 babies for the sake of the publicity and is now saying how she couldn’t bare to give one up.
    I think she seriously needs a realty check & the cameras need to stop rolling!!!

  6. Maritza says:

    That’s an exaggerated number of nurses and nanny’s. 5 nanny’s would be enough.

  7. cmoody says:

    Don’t some of her older children have health issues that also require round the clock care?

    And with multiples, there are all types of health issues that will need to be addressed as they get older.
    That may be why they need so many nannies.

    I don’t want the kids to suffer, but I hate feeling like this woman is being rewarded for her irresponsibility.

  8. ash says:

    Blegh this woman makes me sick.

  9. Aspen says:

    Okay…that’s retarded. It does NOT cost a hundred grand a month to take care of 14 kids….or however the hell many she has.

    Seriously…someone take those poor children away from that psycho and give them to the families just DYING to raise a child.


  10. Chiara says:

    Free advertising for all involved. Phil promoted Suleman as a mother vs foster care, nothing was said about adoption or the Kaiser Permanente bill which will top 1 million billed to Medi-Cal.

    Tabloid Phil … notice how quickly he switched sides to promote himself. A month ago he claimed she was mentally ill and had plastic surgery.

    Can you see the new, “reality,” show. Phil and Nadya … (now will you believe me).

  11. boomchakaboom says:

    I love Allred’s statement “for transparency sake”, when she obviously means “for publicity’s sake so I can continue to have my name splashed all over this highly publicized matter.” Who’s the bigger attention whore – Allred or Nayda?

  12. Wow says:

    They are all in it for publicity. That annoys me more than Octo at this point.

  13. for_realz says:

    I wonder how many other families could use the help of Angels in Waiting, since it appears that they are dispatching their entire service to this selfish cows litter?

    I also think about the neonatal unit where the babies are and if the quality of care has suffered for other babies? Anybody know how many little ones are normally in the neonatal unit on average?

    Dr. Phil disgusts me almost as much as this piece of work. Why is it that we hear nothing on the doctor who facilitated this nightmare? I live in California and wish this whole mess would be shipped somewhere else, we have enough problems!

  14. TaylorB says:

    She is looking awfully trim for a woman who just birthed a litter of children. She must be wearing the worlds best girdle.

  15. yup says:

    There is a saying:

    Isn’t crazy the one who eats the pie but the one who gives it to him!

  16. nanster says:

    “I don’t want the kids to suffer, but I hate feeling like this woman is being rewarded for her irresponsibility.” cmoody – she is being rewarded for her irresponsibility again and again and it makes me sick, too.

    Did anyone else catch her on Dr. Phil yesterday? She said something to the effect of, “I’m shocked.” And when Dr. Phil asked her why, she said “because I only expected to get the basics(from all of the donors that are sponsoring her).” I guess she was expressing her shock that she had received SO much more than she EXPECTED. So folks, we’re now to the point that help is expected by Ms. Suleman. She didn’t even seem that appreciative to me. This woman makes me ill.

  17. ER says:

    While I believe she’s an idiot, her children deserve the best care possible. Who wouldn’t accept donations? It’s the company’s choice and it’s far superior to public assistance.

  18. Leandra says:

    I’m beyond the atrocity this woman pulled off. It’s in the past now and the reality is those eight babies. It is better they don’t go into the horrors of the the foster care system. Nadya will be very sorry she went after that 7th baby once they are all home and her life consists of nothing but feedings and diaper changes – I assume she’s going to be doing her fair share?

  19. BK says:

    So with all this help what will she do ?Seems like she will have a lot of free time to feel sorry for herself – use this as an excuse to have more babies to fill the void in her life when other people take over her children’s lives

  20. photo jojo says:

    I would love to sucker punch Dr Phil in his fat throat. What an attention whore.

  21. aleach says:

    first off, i cant stand “dr.” phil.

    second, this woman irritates me to no end, but i am glad that shes getting free nurses to care for the kids. you know those kids would NOT be getting the care that they need by Nadya.
    But what pisses me off in this whole situation is that she allowed cameras inside her new house! the paparazzi are outside that house everyday, im worried about the babies. a lot of people are very passionate about this whole mess, and might be crazy enough to take some kind of extreme measures…i would never hope anything bad to happen to the family (especially the poor kids who didnt choose this) but Nadya is putting her kids in danger! there are some wackos out there!

  22. Dingles says:

    I’m going to go ahead and come out and say it- I don’t give a flying sh!t about this woman or her children. They will all be drains on American taxpayers for the next two decades, at least, and personally, if I wanted to help support 14 children I would HAVE 14 effin’ children.

    If I had it my way this woman would be sterilized on the spot and her children would be handed over to authorities who have the resources to care for them. Why this woman is being rewarded for getting knocked up with a soccer team’s worth of kids is beyond me.

  23. Victoria says:

    All I have to say is Target better NOT be giving that HORRIBLE woman free diapers! IF they are then I am not shopping there anymore! Whenever I see people handing out diapers to the Duggards and the Kate + Eight I just want to scream “What about those people struggling to raise one who HAVE a job?!” How about a handout for them? This country and our welfare system are so screwed up. I really think we should scrap our current welfare system and start over from scrach.

  24. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    I’m just wondering who is out there watching THIS and thinking “oh yeah? I’ll top that, I’ll carry and give birth to NINE and get all that free money.”

    (Shudder.) God save us.

  25. pinkie g says:

    Maybe if we stop giving her the attention she is getting, maybe she will go away!

    I am so sick of her BS!!!!

  26. ChristinaT says:

    Victoria, while i understand some of the distate people have for this woman, i don’t understand why anybody would have any aversion to giving free diapers to babies… under ANY circumstances…

  27. CB Rawks says:

    Dr Phil was, as usual, completely USELESS in his interview.
    Every time he interviews a villain (she most certainly is), there’ll be moments where they totally screw themselves by exposing how totally wrong they are, and Dr Phil NEVER takes the opportunity to rip them a new one. He justs stares dully and lets a train rumble by in the pause.
    If he was your lawyer you’d be beating him to death behind the court building.

  28. lisa says:

    Dr Phil is an absolute crackpot joke.

  29. orion70 says:

    I’ve been thinking the same thing TaylorB…..then again, perhaps she’s been living off starbucks and carries a weeks worth of food in that wee little purse she’d been toting around.

    I’m also not a member of the cult of Oprah and company incl Dr. Phil etc.

  30. Christina says:

    i’m thinking she got a tummy tuck… i wouldn’t be surprised…

  31. tasteT says:

    Our system is messed UP!!!

    There are hardworking citizens that are seriously struggling and living out of their cars that have worked ALL of their lives..Seniors that have had their social security cut back due to budget cuts that barely can eat, because they are trying to keep their lights on..ok, let me stop

    If it were really ALL about the “babies” safety, they would put these kids up for adoption, there are plenty of couples that CAN afford them.

    Watch her transformation…
    I KNOW some doctors want fame, they will/if they have not already give her
    a free tummy tuck. She will be hollywood, her and Dr. Phil on a reality show-of course while he counsels her.

    i can’t……

  32. Jill says:

    Christina, it’s ’cause there’s no such thing as “free” diapers. Someone is paying for them, and it isn’t their mother, who is the one who should be. It was HER decision to have these kids when she couldn’t afford them, not the taxpayers of California.

  33. tigerlille says:

    Thank goodness those babies will be getting quality care. And as for the mother, she is such an easy target, why bother?

  34. nanster says:

    anastasiabeav – I hate to admit it, but I’ve thought of this, too. You KNOW there is a nutjob out there that sees having babies as an opportunity for a handout and will be trying to top Nadya Suleman.

  35. Alisabeth says:

    I know I am not the only one that feels that this “girl” needs to crawl back into whatever hole she crawled out of…I don’t watch tv much due to the ignorance of the media to make this “girl” famous for getting herself “knocked up” and crying for not having the support. Question, who supported those lips and the bill to get her pregnant with all these children? Please do not get me wrong I love children, and I hope the best for all of them, but this is a poor example for our children. All this publicity she is receiving is sending the wrong message. It is saying yes go out get yourself pregnant and whine to get what you want. Here is however many nannies to care for your children so you don’t have to care for them yourself…buy you a house that you did not earn nor do you deserve…maybe the nannies will rear these children so that they themselves will turn out to be decent hardworking adults that will be an example to their own mother. Another thing, this “girl” is looking for fame, so lets stop letting her and others like her get that. There are other people out there that do do things that help and save others or make a contribution to better welfare, and they get no recognition for it. Let her and others like her find out for themselves what it truly means to support your family and get it honestly through hard work. It may be hard but aren’t the rewards of the stress and grief worth it. What has she done to gain all this attention and money while so many others suffer?

  36. lynda gantt says:

    I just pray every day that child services comes in and take them away. she is obviously unbalanced, it is clear that she has not bonded with them and they are only cash cows for her. I also agree that if target is supplying diapers and formulas or ANYTHING for this idiot, then I will never shop there again. i am just infuriated with what she has manipulated out of this situation. and those awful lips are hard to look at.

  37. Rosanna says:

    I have three young kids twins 18mths and almst three year old ,and its very hard making ends meet .I love my kids very much and make many choices to make sure they have the best I can provide. octomom should not be getting help the kids should yes ! but seems to me she is the one getting botox and lipo and hair always done . Really when you have kids you are lucky to take a shower every day! And Im sure lots of families need help. I would rather real honest mothers getting that help! What mother that loves her kids would do something so selfish? She wont even know them! How could she so busy going on shows doin interviews and creating drama!

  38. кaппИ says:

    Читал об этом в Википедии. Вообще конечно увлекательная тема.