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20 Responses to “First two octuplets go home with mom Nadya Suleman”

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  1. Bellatrix says:

    I’m trying hard to like her a little. Not a lot, just a little.
    I think there’s some motherly love inside her but she does go on making rather huge mistakes, doesn’t she?

    First of all, the babies weren’t allowed home for several reasons, one of which was that all the lights had to be in the ceilings and walls apparently so that no cables were running on the floor. Yet, in the Radaronline video you discover they put a huge photography light in the middle of the small room that has the newborns’ cribs. That sounds just wrong.
    Also, I am surprised that there were so many people allowed inside. Two little tiny babies go home finally from a rather silent and calm environment to find the opposite. That she has 6 other children running around is a rather normal thing (some will argue that large families are rare but at least, it’s the family cocoon itself) but inside the home you can make out several photographers and quite some camera crew. I was surprised. They were flashing the babies inside the garage and inside the home all the home, with the flash lights on. It seemed like a very disturbing experience for such small children who have just been taken away from a place where they were cared for almost exclusively. I get a feeling of a hunt parade going on…

    And I clearly remeber she has told that the big garage was intended to be turned into a play area for the kids. It is obvious that with the paparazzi, she will be unable for quite some time to get home safe and sound without parking the car first.
    Didn’t she realize this? Or why didn’t she put a gate to shut off the invasive press?

    I am not the kind of person to jump to negative criticism quickly but this video made me quite angry. It was plainly brutal for those little babies (and the other children also)…

    I’m not even going to comment the fact she apparently didn’t have any special blankets for the two octuplets who got home. Who knows? Maybe she did & it was a misunderstanding. Fingers crossed.

  2. catwoman says:

    Meet the new freak. Why did we do away with the freakshows of the traveling circuses anyway? Now we gawk at women, couples, whatever who have found fame & fortune through having litters of children. Two kids not enough for you – have 6 more(we’ll get a tv show, house, car, trips, etc. not to mentioned most likely f’ed up kids in the process).
    Six not enough, have 8 more & watch the money roll in. This c word knows exactly what she’s doing (and appears to be getting what she wants). Take the kids away – place them in loving, stable 2 parent homes, take the cameras away & she’ll shrivel up & blow away(as she should).

  3. mel says:

    Does anyone know how the octomom paid for the house? I work everyday and cant afford to get my nails done as I pay my bills first. But this chick is on public assistance and can afford to get her freakin nails and have plastic surgery. What a schemmer.

  4. gg says:

    and maybe she’s not STILL getting her nails done regularly with the toxic plastics …

  5. Lina says:

    I think the paparazzi need to give them a little space. I don’t like Nadya or her decisions but now that those children are here I think all magazines and TV stations need to come together and agree to not pay money for any pictures that were taken by people stalking Nadya and her kids’ house.

    The paparazzi are only feeding Nadya’s twisted fantasy of being a celebrity and those kids don’t deserve to have cameras flash every time they leave the house.

  6. YoMamma says:

    OK, why do I think this is sick? There were a few shots when the camera panned where it showed lots of people in her house. I can’t believe these are all friends and family. And if they are, you still don’t expose newborns to this a many people right after they get out of the hospital. I also thought it was weird that when she went into the bedroom and her son came running to her she picked him up and then her mom said to “pay attention to your son”. She promptly started kissing him. Why does she court Radar and the rest of the media? She and Lohan are a waste of digital downloads to the Internet.

  7. nanster says:

    Everyone blogging here seems really upset by Octomom’s apparent lack of judgment in allowing the paps to be around for the babies’ homecoming. To me, this just seems like the same song, different verse. How did the octuplets get here in the first place? Horrible judgment and reasoning skills by the Octomom herself! It seems like everyone’s expecting her to rise to the occasion and start doing the right things when she has proven, time and again, that she is incapable.

  8. pixiegirl says:

    She’s had plastic surgery, right? Something about her face screams ‘altered’ to me – kinda like Lil Kim or Michael Jackson. I can’t put my finger on it but there are some similarities that set off my plastic surgery alarm. Maybe it’s her skin?
    Anyway, I’m tired of her and her craziness. I do feel bad for those kids though. They’re the ones who didn’t ask for this.

  9. Wow says:

    No matter how much the press say otherwise, they are most definitely paying her for these interviews and photo sessions. This is where she is getting the money. She will continue to be a news story because just as someone mentioned, now they will do interviews and photo sessions centering on their growth, first birthday, first trip etc… you name it.

  10. Michele says:

    PLEASE stop reporting on her and giving her what she wants- attention! The only attention she deserves is that of psychiatric evaluation and child protection services.

    Constantly writing and talking about her is feeding into her sick and twisted sense of entitlement. The woman is a sociopath who gets off on it.

  11. the original kate says:

    this is exactly what she wants, regardless of how much she cries and pretends she doesn’t. every photo of her she is turning and looking into the camera, even twisting around in her manicure chair to do so. she is a slefish freak who is jeopardizing the health of her newborns with all the lights and calbes in their nursery (!)and the emotional health of her older children with the hordes of paparazzi swarming their house. i really despise her.

  12. the original kate says:

    ooops – i meant selfish freak, not “slefish” freak. and i meant cables, not “calbes”. i shouldn’t write when i am pissed off!

  13. Judy says:

    Nice that she is happy in hr new home as her paretns lose their home because of supporting her and her kids while she spends a grand on makeup and 30 grand on plastic surgery. I dont give these kids an ice bergs chance in hell with this woman. She is able to pay for that house from the ssi benefits she gets on her kids that are not normal, and who knows how many of her other kids will be afflicted with something? So she is going to live high on the hog while others strugel to keep their homes..answer to this is going out and having 8 kids at a pop?
    This a shame. There are other families out there living in cars ,while she gets nannies and a new house???

  14. MsTriste says:

    She allowed the media into the newborns’ bedroom – that is incredibly poor judgment. Of course she’s not going to put a fence up.

  15. caribassett says:

    It is great that 2 of the babies have left the hospital. It means they their health is where it should be, and that is a blessing.

    The Paps should be ashamed. No one should be crowding those babies, it is a big risk, they are still very susceptible to illness. It is incredibly rude, and dangerous. Children should be off limits ( to the paps).

    I hope Nadya will be able to step up to the plate and be a terrific mother. All children deserve the best we have to offer.

  16. MsGray says:

    Enough already! The horse is out of the barn people! Let it go, get on with your own lives and let her get on with hers.The paparazzi are jackass’, any thing could have gone horribly wrong with them hanging on the van. So she had her nails done, she wears sunglasses and can walk upright too. We all do all those things at one time or another. Guess what? Her face swelling has gone down, she doesn’t look so much like Angelina to me, she looks like a woman of her fathers background. Let that one alone. She is allowed to bring her babies home safely, the assholes in the street screwed the pooch on that one, not her. I bet most of you would blame her if it rained while you were on your way to the beach too. I look at it this way, every baby is a gift from God. Her babies came blessed twice. They are all still alive and that is the greatest gift of all. All of your babies were blessed let hers alone. Turn off the T.V., don’t buy the magazines and don’t read the papers either. Stop paying this much attention to someone else’s life that you don’t like. It will save your blood pressure and you will be happier in the long run. May the babies be happy & healthy, may there Mommy grow stonger in herself and may things just calm down to a low roar and she will be a distant memory. And life goes on…..

  17. CB Rawks says:

    Those paparazzi should be arrested.

    MsGray, why don’t YOU shut up and go away?
    All we want is for those kids to be safe and healthy. If you had functional reading skills you would realise that’s what people are worrying about. That’s why we follow the story.

  18. the original kate says:

    @ msgray: nadya is the one endangering those babies…who let the camera crew into the house? who do you think called the paparazzi to tell them what time she was bringing the babies home? she did, because she loves the attention. if you haven’t figured that out by now then you are as delusional as she is.

  19. Michelle B. says:

    caribasset: why should the Paps be ashamed? They were invited to the party by Nadya herself. She needs them to be there to keep the cash flowing in.

  20. Michelle B. says:

    ps That’s the only way Nadya knows how to step up to the plate. Fame for herself and exploitation for everyone around her.