“Donald Trump gave a nickname to California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom” links

Donald Trump is predictably attacking California’s Governor Gavin Newsom in the middle of the state’s large-scale catastrophe. [JustJared]
Did Ryan Reynolds mock Justin Baldoni in Deadpool? [Jezebel]
A note from RCFA about the LA fires. [RCFA]
Anna Faris & Adam Brody lost their homes in the wildfires. [Socialite Life]
What’s going on with the Fox Sports lawsuit? [LaineyGossip]
Interesting review of Red Rooms. [Pajiba]
Trendspotting: “gray divorces.” [Buzzfeed]
Princess Kate shares a birthday with JK Simmons & Joan Baez. [Hollywood Life]
SOW lives in LA & they are not okay. [Seriously OMG]
“Redneck MacGyver” fixes for your home. [OMG Blog]

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23 Responses to ““Donald Trump gave a nickname to California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom” links”

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  1. GT says:

    What a total POS tRump is, my 7 year old has more empathy and emotional intelligence than him. This is humiliatingly embarrassing. I truly hope scorched earth happens to him and all his cult members. There no justification for his behavior. We are in BIG trouble.

    • TN Democrat says:

      The cult members aren’t that perceptive. I was not directly impacted by Helene, but am near areas in NC and TN drastically and permanently affected. The maga attitude seems to make them victims when natural disasters happen, their suffering more profound, and deserving of all the aid indefinitely while anyone else affected by natural disasters are less deserving of aid/brought the disaster on themselves by their “bad” behavior or stupidity. Modern evangelical magats really are creeps. Mango sickens me. Gawd. Icky. Icky. Icky.

  2. Nicole says:

    That attack is not new. He continues to be petty while people are losing homes and lives are threatened. My only consolation is that this is happening while Biden is still in office. It would be so much worse if Trump was President. We have 2 weeks for the governor and president Biden to put things in place before Trump unwinds everything.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I worry that trump will somehow try to revoke FEMA payments or something. I also worry about the next fire season in California–which now appears to be year-round, ’cause they’ve got this guy to deal with for four years.

      • Phyllis says:

        I fear the next year is going to be pretty bad for us in California…it has been a very dry winter and the outlook for us to make any gains is not great. I’m sure trump will find a way to blame Governor Newsom for that too.

  3. Nanny to the Rescue says:

    Pretty sure that’s an old nickname that’s been around for years and wasn’t invented by Musk’s Orange Little Helper.

    That said, what a graceful and tactful man your next president is…

  4. Kitten says:

    Community Note: “There is no Water Restoration Declaration for Newsom to sign–it doesn’t exist. In 2020, Newsom did mount a legal challenge to a Trump plan to deliver more water from Northern California to farmers in the state’s Central Valley agricultural hub, saying he was seeking “to protect highly imperiled fish species close to extinction” in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in the north. But contrary to Trump’s assertion, this federal initiative was not a declaration for Newsom to “sign” or not and there is no connection between this long-running policy battle and the current fires.”

    • Tiffany:) says:

      I think when Trump says farmers, he means billionaires. The billionaire family that owns the Wonderful company ( pistachios and pomegranates, etc..) play such a large role in California water. Here’s a very informative video.


    • Truthiness says:

      California’s achilles heel has been water for more than a hundred years. California’s water is a leitmotiv if you’ve read Joan Didion’s works and it’s at the heart of the movie Chinatown. You can google California water wars for a really superficial summary.

      The confluence of geography, grift and the Santa Ana winds won’t be defeated by politics because there’s never been enough water, even for a much smaller population. It’s no surprise that Trump is being a problematic imbecile about California.

  5. Juxtapoze says:

    True leaders aren’t known for giving people childish nicknames. This is elementary school bully behavior. Trump continues to be a piece of garbage, which is shocking to no one. Never has any solutions to problems facing Americans, just an angry old windbag who wreaks havoc everywhere he goes.

  6. wolfmamma says:

    Ah … Joan Baez and JK Simmons – two amazing folks. Longtime fan and admirer of Joan. Happy New Year of your great lives, you two!
    As for Kate… I actually wish some real quality to enter your life somehow, like peace.

  7. Anne Maria says:

    There were significant natural disasters in several Republican held states during the last four years. Including Texas. Biden never used them as an opportunity to put the boot in. He was always supportive whatever the colour of the state. Those days are over. It’s political point scoring at every turn from here on in. That’s what the US voted for. Death as an opportunity to kick the opposition in the nuts. Heart goes out to all those affected.

  8. Teddy says:

    Not even a little surprised that this grotesque man’s first impulse in the face of tragedy is to stick out his tongue and chant neener neener. And people love him for it.

    • Libra says:

      They love him because he’s one of them. There is a surprising number of people ,who identify as male , behaving like they are still on the grade school playground. Name ca!ling, violence and misogyny is what they grew up on so they perpetuate it.

  9. Hannah says:

    Donald Trump’s pathetic *nickname* for Governor Newsom is the lowest form of intelligence. IMHO

    He might as well just be the overgrown 3 year old he really is and call him Mr Poopy Pants

    Because that’s how childish, immature and lacking in intelligence you have to be to resort to taking someone’s name and make it a (truly lame) play on words

    It smacks of someone who doesn’t have a legitimate, intelligent way of discrediting someone without resorting to kindergarten name calling

  10. Sue says:

    I woke up at 3am this morning with a horrible stomach ache so the sleep deprivation is partially talking here. Dump’s behavior is not new. It is old. So very old. And 72 million people approve of it and want more of it. We are beyond all hope as a nation. I believe we are really going to have to truly hit rock bottom before things change for the better.

  11. Anon @ Work says:

    This guy really is a giant toddler. Not only because the insult was just unnecessary, but is this really the best he could come up? And over 70 million Americans voted for him?? This country might be doomed, I fear.

  12. Khate's Mourning Wig says:

    A lot of people call him Daddy Gavin. I’ve been calling him Gav for years, as if he’s my bff. I’ll stick to those nicknames.

  13. Lynne says:

    And this is a big reason MAGA voted for him. His childish behavior, they love it.

  14. ML says:

    I got a message from a friend who’s electricity is going to be cut off to reduce the risk of fire. For all of you either in CA or who have friends and loved ones their, I hope everyone can stay safe! It’s been heartbreaking to see. I really appreciated the RCFA link. And eff the not from CA guy who’s been dominating these comments.
    Deadpool is not my humor. However, the guy allegedly being mocked has monetized supporting feminism and his actions have not been pro woman at all. This was an SNL-like skit to highlight those facts.
    The “Redneck MacGyver” fixes was a hoot. Thank you for including an unserious link.

  15. Truthiness says:

    The note written by RCFA about the fires was meaningful and it mentioned being moved by Lawrence O Donnell. That tells you where they stand in these polarizing times and it matters. I’ll happily spend more time there.

  16. Wetcoast says:

    Despite my username, I live in a part of Canada that experiences catastrophic wildfires each year and I work in emergency mgt. I watched one of our police stations go from free standing to utter rubble in 10 mins, while members were trying to get the public out, their car bumpers on fire, not knowing if their own families made it out.

    That doesn’t include the PTSD members have gotten from the things they see out there. They come to me crying and all I can do is hold them.

    Please, for everything holy, donate if you can. Food, shelter, money, supplies, water, power, ANYTHING.

  17. AC says:

    The gusts were up to 100mph on Tuesday night. We had to evacuate as well(we’re very thankful though our home is still standing and we’re back home this evening). Where in the world would 100mph winds not cause damage. FL and Texas had severe disasters also, Trump and MAGAs blamed it was the democrats creating hurricanes and floods – the idiocracy of Trump and MAGAs politicizing everything. There most likely will be another hurricane in FL this year, due to Mother Nature and climate change, and who are they going to blame next 🙄 . Growing up in CA we’re susceptible to many fires and earthquakes through the years, but every time, the residents of this state always surprises me – as they always help and unite to help in time of need. And the state still comes back strong.