Kate Gosselin is on the cover of People yet again (update)

Just when you thought that Kate Gosselin might be going away, she’s on the cover of People Magazine with her eight little money makers this week. Her book bombed, and she was voted off Dancing with The Stars after five weeks of proving that she had absolutely no rhythm. Kate has more reality shows coming up to promote and People still considers her relevant I guess. Either that or they’ve struck some kind of backdoor deal with TLC.

In the cover image, Kate stands as a benevolent dictator, grinning maniacally above her children. The title reads “Kate & The Kids: Their Lives Now” and includes the bullet points “A year after the split, the Gosselin Family struggles to heal,” and “Overcoming tears, tantrums and chaos.” It sure helps when you have a chef, paid escort/bodyguard, personal trainer, and a cadre of nannies to do it most of the hard work for you. People doesn’t have the piece online yet, but they do have the first page available, and it looks like just another feel-good fluff article about what a strong single mom Kate is.

Meanwhile we keep hearing what a nasty piece of work she is. Does People consider Kate some kind of brand representative for divorced single moms? Is her life this shining example that women should follow when they’re trying to rebuild after a breakup? Are they recommending that women act like entitled bitches behind the scenes while trying to maintain an image of everyday humility?

From what I can tell, this is the third cover People has run with Gosselin just this year. There was the premiere of her hair extensions in January with the title “I’m Starting Over” and the promotion of her DWTS appearance in March, “Why Can’t a Mom Have Fun?” She’s averaging a People cover every other month.

Of course none of these covers compare to the fail that was last July’s Jon Gosselin cover with Hailey Glassman: “Divorce to Dating in 20 days.” At least they put the kids on for once. How long until Mady and Cara start rebelling?

Update: People now has an excerpt from the story online, and Kate tells a little diddy about how she told Cara to give her a break because she’d had a hard year. Yes it’s all about Kate and not about her kids at all.

[Nine-year-old daughter Cara] was upset with me because I forgot to sign them up for something at school,” Kate, 35, tells PEOPLE in a new cover story. “I said, ‘Cara, I had a really rough year. This is a new year. You’ve got to give me that. Let’s start over.’ So I’ve really worked to keep my word with them.”

Kate Gosselin, who was booted from Dancing With the Stars , walks with her bodyguard Steve Neild ahead of the show

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49 Responses to “Kate Gosselin is on the cover of People yet again (update)”

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  1. Angie says:

    And this is why I no longer subscribe to this magazine…it’s my own form of protest. I cannot stand this sorry excuse for a human being.

  2. me says:

    I am sick of this woman. Now I won’t look forward to getting my People this week because SHE is on the cover. UGH.

  3. zen says:

    Thats the exact same smile she used for her new hair extensions cover. I wonder how many shots it takes to get that phony grin? I bet she practices that one in the mirror for hours.

  4. So what says:

    Sounds like someone at Celebitchy is a little jealous of Kate?

  5. lucy2 says:

    I think it’s genuine dislike, not jealousy.

    A feel good fluff article from People, what a shocker.

    I really feel bad for those kids. I can’t imagine that sort of attention and scrutiny, and you know if their parents insist on trying to remain in the spotlight, it’s only going to be more difficult for them.

  6. kelbear says:

    Well, I still like her.

  7. dizzybenny says:

    I cant wait for 2012 to come,so all of this will be over. 🙂

  8. Maritza says:

    Lucky her! 3 times on the cover of People magazine? Maybe its because people love to hate her and and that sells. Kate is laughing all the way to bank.

  9. erika says:

    What People conveniently omits to tell us is that those “tears and tantrums” were Kate’s. I hope those kids have nannies who love them and make them feel special.

  10. original kate says:

    every photo i see of this creature she is either pissed off and glowering or smiling like a deranged monkey.

  11. guilty pleasures says:

    Another People mag I won’t buy. She is so annoying, I am a very good mom, like all of us I do it for my kids, without fanfare, without tantrums, and with absolutely no ‘me’ vibe.
    People jumped the shark years ago.

  12. Jazz says:

    Good God when will she stop pimping those poor kids out?! At least with Kate gone most of the time trying to be famous, they get a break from her. I hope they give her hell when they’re older! 🙂

  13. Whatthe.. says:

    I know I’m in the minority here, but I don’t think she is that bad. She’s doing what she has to do to feed eight mouths. Give me a break. At least those kids don’t want for anything.

    On another note. Those kids are adorable and they are getting so big. . I miss watching them.

  14. Ann says:

    those kids are all not so cute and adorable now – she best use them while she can cause real soon it will all be over.

  15. judyjudy says:

    What a sham.

  16. decemberist says:

    @ whatthe… she should have thought of how she was going to afford 8 children before she got the ivf that got her into the situation in the first place… if she couldn’t afford to feed and clothe 8 children she shouldn’t have had them… she had them just to become famous and she got her wish and no longer needs them, and just lets the nannies raise them instead. She has to cover her butt and be like “look at me! I pretend to care about my cash cows… I mean kids”

    it’s disgusting… TEAM DCF!

  17. Jeri says:

    People continues their a– kissing flattery ensuring they have no credibility or ethics whatsoever. Why do the kids look so oddly photo-shopped & why would they do that?

  18. GOMO1313 says:

    Another reason I discontinued my subscription to this magazaine. I am so tired of her face on it and now I have stopped watching Entertainment Tonight..since they find every opportunity to have her on. I just don’t know what her attraction is other than annoying. She has no talent for anything in the media. Still think she and dear old Steve are having a “thing” going on!

  19. Bobby the K says:

    i’ve looked at that magazine in waiting rooms, and i can’t believe anyone ‘buys’ it.

  20. snowball says:

    Jon should be hitting her up for alimony, even if he is a douche pig. She’s a shameless fame whore.

    I’m surprised there are still people that think she’s all about “doing it for the kids.” Uh, no. She’s about doing it for herself. The Kate Brand. Those kids will be well taken care of, with or without her television shows, magazine covers and books. She’s grown accustomed to the hair extensions, manicures, wardrobe and gym memberships.

    No, I’m not jealous of Kate, nor am I a “hater” (god, I hate that word). She’s just as shallow as a puddle and it’s ridiculous to pretend that she’s not. She’s still the same bitch she was when it was Jon and Kate plus 8.

  21. MMF says:

    I’m a true beliver in what goes around, comes around.
    Kate will get her deserved payback, times eight. All those teen hormones in one house.
    Holy sh*(.

  22. Sonja says:

    Wait until the teen years. OY VEY! I believe in karma and it’s gonna hit Ms. Gosselin big time.

  23. Keen says:

    ok is it just me or do the kids faces look photoshopped? On some of them it looks as bad as the Sex and the City posters, especially Cara…I wonder if they had trouble getting a good pic of all of them and rearranged smiling faces from previous shots?

  24. meme says:

    people magazine blows.

  25. Laurie says:

    Shameless fame-seeking absent mother (unless she needs the kids for one of her shows). Disgusting.

  26. Anna says:

    I recently was asked to re-up with People; I gave the Kate situation as the reson that I won’t.

  27. Cinderella says:

    Did mommy miss signing her girls up for dance class because she was too busy taking them herself?

    That woman is the C word if there ever was one.

  28. JustBe says:

    At least three of those kids look so uncomfortable to be there, like they can feel the eyes of the world staring at them and they just want to get away.
    I know that a lot of young kids don’t easily sit still for a photo, so maybe I’m stretching. I just can’t help but feel bad for them.
    If the house is paid for and their education is paid for and you’ve got a few million in the bank, why not just sit back and enjoy your children for awhile. Then you won’t need to spend the thousands of $$$ on nannies and security and hairdressers and stylists. You can invest and budget wisely and you can tell your children that, yeah we had to make some sacrifices for privacy and serenity for awhile in the public eye, but now we can sit back and enjoy each other.
    That’s why I could never feel any sympathy for her, no matter what gains they achieve based on their ‘celebrity’, it’s never going to be enough. Now we’ve got not one, but two new reality shows and countless more mag covers and interviews.

  29. Bella Bella says:

    Photoshop horror on a few of those poor kids.

  30. oxa says:

    Calling herself a single mom is offensive to me. Come to think of its calling herself a mom is every bit as offensive.

  31. daisyfly says:

    She looks like her face is going to crack if she holds that smile any longer.

  32. sum20105 says:

    She freaking tells her daughter that “SHE” has had a rough year, she??????? Are you kidding me? What about your kids? I’m thinking that they had a rough year too.

    Its always been about Kate, ALWAYS!!!!!!
    and that is why she feels that can’t a mom can have fun too, yeah but the kids? Who is having fun with them?

    Finally, Kate you are not a celebrity, celebrities are nice to their fans, and you are not! Oh, but then again do you have fans? Or just people from TLC telling you that you are super Mom??

  33. anyhoo says:

    Earth to Kate—if you’ve had a rough year, how do you think YOUR KIDS are? Kids suffer a lot more from their parents’ divorce. It’s a scar on their whole lives!

    And why does she always dress them the same? The kids are old enough to pick their own outfits now, plus I’m sure they have their own personalities that could be reflected in their clothes. They’re not DOLLS!

  34. Taya says:

    Man, I cannot wait until 8 little tell-all books come out in about 12 years and all the interviews about how their disgusting parents ruined their lives for money.

  35. GatsbyGal says:

    Those kids are photoshopped, especially the two standing with Kate. It’s almost like they couldn’t get everyone to make a nice face at the same time, so they copy and pasted faces from a couple different photos. Very weird looking.

  36. tooey says:

    Dear Lord, please let my subscription to People have expired! Here she is, being “plucked from obscurity” yet again. Poor dear… ;0

  37. Anastasia says:

    Yikes, why did they feel the need to Photoshop the crap out of those kids’ faces??? They’re kids!

    Everyone needs to drop the “at least she’s making money” crap. She could never work a day in her life again and still have plenty to raise those kids on and live the rest of her life in comfort.

    What she’s doing is making money off the backs of her kids. Why are her kids’ feelings about the implosion of their family seen as great fodder for books and magazines and fame for her?

    For shame. What kinda mother does that? Only her kind.

    I can’t wait until she has eight teenagers in that house, and five of them girls. MUWAHAHAHA!!!! (I say that as the mom of a current teen girl.) It’s gonna be HELL and more hellish than even normal adolescence because it’ll be times eight and they’ll be rebelling their asses off against her and her iron fist and money-making crap all those years.

    Then there will be eight ADULTS with their own voices who can say whatever they want to say whoever they want to say it to. That should be interesting.

    I bet she makes Joan Crawford look like Winnie the Pooh.

  38. mai tai says:

    Those kids are not as cute as they used to be.

  39. Dina says:

    Kate on the cover again? Are they just trying to run themselves out of business. Why hasn’t this woman faded away already? Shooo Kate, Shooo.

  40. lucy2 says:

    “I want to be at home with my kids…if I was financially able to do so, you would never see me again.”

    Direct quote from her. Considering she just banked half a mil for a few weeks work, she should be disappearing any day now, right? Right?

  41. Laurie says:

    Kate is barely touching her daughter’s arm! She seems so preoccupied holding a “pose” for the camera to even touch one of her children! Shameful!!

  42. jan says:

    Serious, serious mental problems. Very scary.

  43. Jimmy Dean says:

    People is still being published?


  44. Em Dee says:

    Issues with Kate on the cover sell like hotcakes. PEOPLE Mag knows what’s marketable and Kate G. obviously is. She’ll become obsolete when the public stops wanting to read about or see her. Look at all the comments here already! Go K8! ( :

  45. ME says:

    Can this woman please just go away??? I am sick of her!

  46. jwh says:

    I feel like you do what you have to for your kids to live the life that best suits them but I don’t think that THIS degrading parade of “look-I’m-a-mother of-eight-and-my-husband-left-me-and-I’m-still-doing-the-best-I-can” really sums this up. I really do believe that after all that those kids have been it is THEM that need a break and for some one to step up and be the mother she oh-so claims to be. As a mother I vowed the day my first child was born that I would do what ever it took to be the best mother possible to my baby and it still holds true to this day. And no amount of money in the worl could make me sell out to damage their lives for my own gain. Tha woman is selfish and should have children services called because THIS IS NOT HOW CHILDREN SHOULD BE RAISED.

  47. tooey says:

    @Anastasia – when those kids are teenagers and giving back what they got all these years, THAT’S a show I’d (maybe) watch… ;0

  48. RB says:

    Regardless of how she spoke to and treated Jon, Kate and the children don’t deserve the penniless philanderer he’s turned into.

    He’s become a skirt chasing bum, and not just any skirts, but skirts with money so he doesn’t have to work.

    Sure Kate now has several nannies, she has eight children and has to work cause Jon won’t.

    Sure she has a body-guard, have you seen the way the papparazzi act around any celebrity? Like sharks.

    I think she has a tough row to hoe, and I think some of you need to get off her back.

    You try raising 8 kids by yourself, while trying to keep them safe from papparazzi, tourists, and God knows what all.

    Remember Jayce Dugard and Elizabeth Smart who didn’t have a circus of misbehaved adults surrounding them, yet they were taken.

    Then ask yourself if you had 8 who were followed by intrusive animals with cameras all the time, what would you do to keep them safe?

  49. M says:

    @RB Wait…Kate works????? That is NEWS to me :O

    I am so tired of this fame whore and her equally fame whore ex husband.