Roseanne Barr slams Angelina Jolie for not supporting Obama

I smell a celebrity feud brewing. Roseanne Barr has written a pretty scathing diatribe on her website about Angelina Jolie’s refusal to name a Presidential candidate she supports. Despite the fact that Barr was advocating for Hillary Clinton to land the Democratic nomination for the Presidency, she’s blasting Jolie for refusing to support Obama now that he’s the presumptive nominee. This long-winded post on Barr’s website lacks line breaks, punctuation and common sense. It seems to be in response to Angelin’s estranged father, Jon Voight’s op ed piece in the Washington Times calling Obama “militant” and questioning his fitness for the job:

jon voight

is a frightened little girl in a pink ballet tutu, who acts like Obama just wandered in from the rain forest with a bone thru his nose and a communist pamphlet in his loincloth. The neocons who own jon voight and make him dance on the chabad telethons are the worst most elitist people on earth. glen beck and jon voight are their bitches… both of them are used tampons who must be flushed down the toilet immediately! jon voight your evil spawn angelina jolie and her vacuous hubby brad pitt make about forty million dollars a year in violent psychopathic movies and give away three of it to starving children trying to look as if they give a crap about humanity as they spit out more dunces that will consume more than their fair share and wreck the earth even more. (just sayin’).
Also miss jolie says she likes mccain too and hasn’t decided who to endorse….huh? Aren’t you supposed to be somewhat enlightened, or do you not know that the african daughter you hold in every picture had parents who suffered and died because of the republican party’s worldwide economic assault on africa over the last few decades since reagan? whaaaa…??????!!!! (for that matter, the thai and vietnamese sons you are photo’d with weekly too!!!? who’s pictures you sell to raise money to help the poor? Their families are victims of America’s right wing military incursions too. Mccain wants to continue with the idea of war for profit…the americans are over that thinking now! They have drugged our troops and lower classes into supporting their oil business atrocities for long enough. We want to save not lose our souls thank you. Now go back to making your movies about women who love to handle big guns that shoot hundreds of people to death. Ps….it might be good for your asian and african children’s self esteem to know you support a brown man for the leader of the free world.)

[From Rosanne’s official blog via US Weekly]

I’m liberal and I agree with her general points and hear where she’s coming from, but such emotional, over-the-top attacks do nothing for our cause. People are welcome to support whomever they want to for President. That doesn’t mean they have personal failings no matter how much I disagree with their reasoning. Barr will get some publicity for this, but she sounds like an idiot. There are many people who think the war is incredibly wrong and a horrible atrocity, but they’ll also listen to people who disagree and give reasoned arguments. When you make such heated statements you just cause the other side to respond in kind and make yourself an easier target.

Jolie could possibly support McCain for President, but she may not ever admit it. McCain will save her a lot of money in taxes, while people who make less than $112k will save much more under Obama’s plan. Obama’s plan will give 90% of Americans a tax break that McCain’s plan won’t, but still McCain has the nerve to repeat that Obama is raising taxes. He is – for the people who are making over six figures and can presumably afford it.

This is a case of yet another celebrity making an emotional argument for Obama over McCain and hurling insults at someone else in the process. Obama would do well to continue to keep celebrities at arm’s length in his campaign.

Roseanne Barr is shown at the TV Land Awards on 6/8/08. Credit: Fame

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102 Responses to “Roseanne Barr slams Angelina Jolie for not supporting Obama”

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  1. xiaoecho says:

    Cannot wait for the entire election thing to be over

    …and I’m not even American

    ps. Rosanne was doin’ fine with that outfit until the gloves

  2. OK says:

    Me, I plan to vote and work for Obama. However, what Ms. Jolie does is of no consequence to me and Ms. Barr just scares me. And why Ms. Jolie anyway, what does it matter to Barr what she does, is her opinion that improtant, and personal attacks without merit because someone may or may not agree with you is nuts. I hope Obama keeps Barr as far away as possible as her mind set is toxic. Again a case of folks invoking Jolie to get attention for themselves. Crazy.

  3. brianne says:

    Although, I feel just as passionately about Mccain being a self serving old fart out to keep us at war for the next century so that his constituents can make a profit…I agree with you entirely that Roseanne is giving a bad name to others that feel the same with this rant that only serves to make liberals look like these irrational loose cannons and thus swaying the swing voters toward the “enemy” for lack of a better word.

  4. takeiteasy says:

    Rosanne does come off a bit looney but she makes some good points I hadn’t even considered.

    …Does Jolie’s position with the U.N. prevent her from publicly declaring her vote?

  5. daisy424 says:

    “Since 1980, the United States has given more than $40 billion in development assistance to Sub-Saharan Africa. In recent years, public figures ranging from former President Bill Clinton to the rock group U2’s Bono have called for even more aid. In 2004, President Bush doubled development assistance to Sub-Saharan Africa to $19 billion over 5 years and recently requested an additional $30 billion over 5 years beginning in 2009. ”

    On a top 30 list for celeb public donations, Oprah was #1, Jolie/Pitts #11. Roseanne Barr didn’t make the list.

    Agree with CB on the points she is making here.

    Barr comes off as a lunatic in her rant, and needs to research her statements better. She is not the spokesperson I would think the Obama camp wants.

  6. DogRunner says:

    I can’t wait till this election is over as well! I don’t like the “political bullying” that I see celebrities do. There is not one candidate that fits all.

  7. cc says:

    What is upsetting to me is that I don’t care who celebrities fricking vote for. I am less inclined to listen if they go out of their way to tell us for who they are voting. Furthermore, Roseanne only does stuff like this to get her name in the papers. I make my choices based on the candidates and who will be better for this country and my family. No where in there do I pledge allegiances to the celebrity vote. To indicate I should, pisses me off.

  8. geronimo says:

    xiaoecho, agree completely on the gloves. That’s all I got.

  9. Codzilla says:

    I like that Angelina has (thus far) kept her vote to herself, rather than arrogantly assume that her endorsement would convince others to follow suit. Remember Madonna and her Wesley Clark promo? I think that segment inspired more eye rolls than actual votes.

  10. Bodhi says:

    Wow, calling AJ “evil spawn” is totally gonna convince her to enndorse Obama 🙄

  11. yuna says:

    I had to laugh so hard when I read “(…) as if they give a crap about humanity as they spit out more dunces that will consume more than their fair share and wreck the earth even more.”

    I think Roseanne is the one who consumes more than her fair share

  12. Wif says:

    I won’t comment on the politics, but whoever Roseanne’s surgeon is, s/he has done a fantastic job. She looks fantastic compared to when she started her career.

  13. kate says:

    who cares about angie’s political views? do celebrities really sway people over the age of 18 anyway?

  14. Syko says:

    I don’t think it’s any of Roseanne’s business who anybody votes for, other than herself. Shut up, Roseanne, your time is past.

  15. Jenna says:

    Kate, I am nineteen and this is just my opinion that no celebrities don’t sway my opinion or any of the other kids around my age.

    All I know is I am a full Obama supporter but Roseanne makes me want to slap myself in the face. You don’t belittle someone because they don’t proclaim who they are voting for.

    Jolie just might go for McCain because of the tax situation but hasn’t Angelina spoken out on Bush? It’s been said that McCain is Bush’s third term.

  16. Leandra says:

    That’s a personal choice. Roseanne is a big mouth and obviously likes to stick her nose in other people’s business. You don’t slam someone for their political beliefs which in this case are basically zero, since Angelina hasn’t indicated who she’s voting for. And if she did, it’s still not for Roseanne to attack.

  17. Tina says:

    This is the biggest publicity that Rosanne has received in years, but CB don’t hold your breath on there being a feud, because I suspect just like Donald Trump before her, Angelina will never acknowledge her, she will rise above it like she does everything else and come two days from now Rosanne will go back to being the HAS BEEN that she is.

  18. Dingles says:

    I doubt AJ will care what this woman has to say. No one else does.

  19. geeeee says:

    2 things:
    1. McCain has a lot more to offer than taxes.
    2. And what qualifies celebs to endorse a nominee?

  20. Orangejulius says:

    Roseanne, STFU! Yes, she had some good points, but we DON’T WANT to know the opinion of AJ or any other flamin’ celebrity on the election.

  21. vdantev says:

    Like she needs political advice from someone who hasn’t had a job in 15 years.

  22. kk says:

    Hear hear, celebitch!

  23. Steve from Greensboro says:

    I was tempted to say mean things about Miss Barr, but her own behavior is abuse enough.

  24. Kaiser says:

    Rosanne… Please STFU. Please.

    And as for the whole issue about Republicans destroying Africa and third-world Asia single-handedly… Pres. Bush’s PEPFAR intitative is probably the crowning achievement of his presidency – billions of dollars for HIV/AIDS, malaria and TB, millions of lives saved in a dozen African countries. In Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Phillipines, etc, Bush’s free-trade policies have lifted millions out of poverty.

    See, I’m an avowed Democrat and even I can admit Bush & the GOP aren’t a total waste. And my guess is that McCain will continue a lot of those policies – and that Jolie will still vote for Obama, but not tell anyone.

  25. daisy424 says:

    😉 Kaiser

  26. Lauri says:

    What a nut job.

    Anyway, who is she…the thought police? Not only should AJ be vocal about her choice for pres, but she must also be in lockstep agreement with HER? Quite an ego she’s got there, for a has-been, washed up, used to be famous person.

    Perhaps AJ doesn’t feel the need to vomit out every random thought that enters her head. Good for her.

  27. HI HO... says:

    The problem with Roseanne’s pro-Obama rant was that mere months ago, she was anti-Obama/pro-Hillary. In addition, she accused pro-Obama supporters of being mysogynists, racists, if they were people of color, and whitey guilt sufferers if they weren’t minorities.

    Angelina has said, time and time again, that celebrity endorsements don’t help candidates and Roseanne’s ‘endorsement’ via inflammatory, ill-informed, and acceptable racism (by misidentifying Maddox’s nationality) proves that.

    If she wants to blast Voight, have at it. But to go after Angelina just because her father interject her into every conversation about his conservativism, is sloppy and opportunistic; if anything, shows that Roseanne has more in common with Voight than as some patron saint of the Democratic party.

    And about Brad being vacuous – let’s talk about Roseanne’s ex, Tom Arnold. Her judgment in fostering his career whereas Brad has demonstrated his own star power and outside interests before Angelina says more about Brad’s character, whereas Roseanne’s character and judgment continue to be eye-roll worthy.

    Get some meds, b*tch!!

  28. ff says:

    It’s not what politicians say they’re going to do, it’s what they do. I can’t hate on anyone who wants to observe a bit before casting their lot.

    I’m personally waiting to see what each candidate does with whatever promises they make – too many political wide boys would make anyone cautious especially with one as much hope riding on him as Obama.

    AJ just hasn’t named anyone, it’s not as if she’s villified someone outright. Weird, that being carefully considered is bad because of the image people will *presume* it presents. I thought we were getting over that stupidity.

  29. Sue says:

    Roseanne makes very good points, albeit too emotional. Angelina and everything she stands for is FAKE. The more time passes, the more people realise that. I used to think she was a kind woman, till I did the maths and realised she is all about herself. Everything she does is couched in self righteous. She should go to hell and take that loser father of hers and pussywhipped baby poppa with her.

  30. Blackalicious says:

    Politics and religion are personal. Therefore no one, not friends, not family has a right to lambaste anyone for their decisions. This election in particular is touchy as most of us Americans are disgusted by what has been happening for the last 8 years. When people are fed up and angry sparks will fly.
    That said, her attack on Angelina and Pitt for coughing out kids or whatever vile term she used- using more than ‘their share’ of resources? Really? how many kids do you have, Roseanne?
    Right then.

    And the fact she is pulling the race card: acting like Jolie needs to automatically pick Obama because of his color. No, that’s faulty reasoning. Bullying and badgering people- publicly, no less – is poor judgement on her part. Might be trying to stir up some coverage for herself. I can think of better ways to do that.

    While I think McCain is an evil, subversive m.f. I also think people need to stop demonizing those who are not seen as automatically on the Obama bandwagon. I mean, each person makes their own decisions here. I think a lot of people are scared of being perceived as somehow racist for not choosing to endorse Obama.
    Launching a hate campaign against anyone who isn’t drinking the Obama cool aid is ridiculous.

  31. Blackalicious says:

    Lol at Vdantev. Your comments are so witty and wry.
    She does have a job now in Vegas, I believe. I heard some late night ad she was doing promoting Tahiti Village.
    yeahhh. Guess that gig is winding down soon.

  32. cara says:

    First off, I belong to no party…no one represents ME. Who’s really talking about the fact that we have the most non violent offenders in our prisons, more then all of Europe combined, meanwhile pedophiles roam free. ( the shining star being that Duncan monster who took Shasta -look him up…that Mf’er served time for the sodomy W/ A GUN 2 the back of the BOY’s head..on a playground…..he should of never been released) now they want to GPS pedophiles and potheads and growers are sitting in our prisons, with more prisons being planned as we speak. That said, I am absoutly against Obama, and by me saying that, I get the same reaction when I was Bush bashing pre 2000 ( flags should of been raised when he was gov of Tx and sending 18 yr olds to prison FOR LIFE for the same amount of cocaine that he himself had been bustd for, as well as the cordoning off for the motorcade when he took office, th first in history….then to Bush bash post 9/11, my god you were deemed as satan) You get my point. Maybe everyone else should dig a little deeper into Obama…because come four years from now, I can assure you, nothing that he has promised will come. The same machine that has toppled us is behind Obama. Don’t think for second that the brains (clue) behind this op aren’t smarter then you…But then again…I’m just the crazy Jew, warning about the Germans herding us into camps.

    ** I do like her ( Ro’s) hair though, I’m letting my white shine through too.

  33. Nouvel says:

    I love Rosanne again after this comment. McCain is a complete idiot. He is too old and too out of touch with current day isses. Obama will be our saving grace, so I see why people get emotional over it. WE CANNOT HAVE ANOTHER 4 YEARS OF BUSH.

  34. Jackie says:

    Why is she ranting on and on about Angelina Jolie if the op-ed was written by Jon Voight? Stick to attacking him and leave Angelina, Brad and their children out of it.

  35. Kaiser says:

    @Cara – “The same machine that has toppled us is behind Obama.” Uh, no. From Karl Rove to Phil Gramm to Mark Seltzer (sp?), its MCCAIN who has inherited the Team That Destroyed America (aka, The Bush Administration).

    @Sue – “I used to think she was a kind woman, till I did the maths and realised she is all about herself.” Seriously? You did the maths? Will you explain this complex celebrity calculus (or should I say “calculuses”) to us?

  36. Kay says:

    Doesn’t she live in…. France?

  37. cara says:

    Kaiser. just because Rove was behind Bush does not mean that he cannot be behind Obama. In fact back during the mud slinging against Hillary, there were cliche Rove moves going down….it’s when my head started to think, man, it sure seems like classic Rove moves. Rove is one smart Mf’er…and I am certainly not hating on him. Think about it, it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out the way they sheep would go…..everyone Bush supporters and non are so upset over everything (which they should only be pissed off at themselves ) now they want to go to the other end of the spectrum. Topple that with this white feeling of shame over their inbreed racism and bam…you’ve got Obama. Now, I was thinking of this yesterday….way, way way more people are pro obama now, even life long repub’s, right. I could get bitch slapped just for not liking him, which I do. That is dangerous. Obama lovers will do just about anything for him. I also base my assumptions off watching things on c-span and reading into body language. JUST because rove was backing repub’s doesn’t mean shit. It’s all a game and it’s all the same. The minister who married Jenna backs? Big suprise Obama. Back to body language, Bush does not support or like John McCain. And as for obama, when the camera’s are thought to be off, I noticed how he blew off all the men who came to shake his hand and only flirted with the ladies…he’s floating on chrisma. I noticed with that horrid creature Laura, when she thought the camera’s were off, she literally threw the black kid off her lap….after reading so sweetly to them. Look, the campaign has the same marking’s of arove campaign. This is just my opinion. I will not post again because I know it upsets people..all I ask is if you just dig a little deeper, realize, things are not black and white ( I’m not talking race), rep and dem. Things are often not as they seem, and just think about it for one second that the assholes ( fellow citizens) who wanted to hang all of us for questioning the war and eveything else back in 2001, think that this time they got it right with this wonderful man promising change.

    I say this in peace

  38. vdantev says:

    Sue: The more time passes, the more people realise that. I used to think she was a kind woman, till I did the maths and realised she is all about herself. Everything she does is couched in self righteous.

    Wow, with that keen insight into the psychology of others you could really make a difference. You could even be on gameshows !

  39. vdantev says:

    Cara, did you actually expect anyone to read all that? Brevity is the key to effective communication- the internet doubly so.

  40. javagirl1 says:

    What an absolutely frightening header picture!

  41. RReedy says:

    Ms Barr is like a lot of celebrity “has beens”: they have no education, no policy expertise, no real knowledge of any kind.
    She DOES have a big, vicous mouth that has gotten her NOWHERE.
    I would advise Michelle Obama not to order the inauguration gown quite yet.

  42. Guest says:

    No doubt her blog post is a rant, however she makes some good points. For example if you really care about others and their needs would you live in a 70 million dollar mansion, have 3-4 other houses, fly private jets. The energy and money they consume in a month could keep many families alive in Africa for years. Could they not just live in one house? Could they not donate millions of their own money instead of just selling the pictures of their children? I have no problem with celebrities giving no money. However when you make a point to say that you are concerned, say you give millions, encourage others to give, say you are green and then act in a totally different way that annoys me. If you mean what you say you have to also live the life or else you end of looking like a hypocrite.

  43. javagirl1 says:

    LMAO at vdantev’s Sue comment

  44. S Adams says:

    Roseanne Barr belongs in the Ha Ha Farm with Rosie O’Donnell. They are both serious nutjobs who need to get a life. Angelina Jolie has done more for orphans than Barr ever thought about doing. Last I heard, it’s a free country and Jon Voight can vote for whoever he wants. This isn’t socialism (yet), no one should be attacked because of who they vote for, for president. I’m tired of Hollywood pushing their views on the American public, as if we care what the out-of-touch-with-reality-elite thinks.

  45. daisy424 says:

    Guest; Where are they supposed to live, in a pup tent? 🙄

  46. Chris says:

    But Roseanne makes the best trail mix. Her show has also held up better than let’s say The Cosby show

  47. Max says:

    Yes, only Pitt and Jolie have to live in a small house to be green or give their own money away. Other actors (Clooney, DiCaprio, etc.) also live in big houses and fly on private jets, but they are not “hypocrites”, just Pitt and Jolie. Why are they held to higher standards anyway.

    Barr basically says it is not the candidates views on policies that matter but their “race”. Then I guess all white people should vote for McCain then Obama would automatically lose. True, Voight is an idiot, but because you keep you opinion to yourself does not make you scum and bashing children is a bit much. The last time I checked, this was a free country and people could speak (Barr is the worst example of freedom of speech, but it is her right) or keep quiet and could vote for whoever they chose.

    How much has she given to charity by the way? Do all of her residuals to to charity? Does she live in a one room house with a windmill, solar panels, compost heap and all the other “green” appliances? Just asking.

    Why doesn’t she go after every uncommited actor, then it might hold more water than just picking on this one couple and their non-voting children.

  48. Hmm says:

    It is also important to remember that Roseanne said equally offensive things during the primary when she criticized Oprah for supporting Obama. Her crazy rant aside, it is a little strange that AJ who has children from countries that have been ravaged by war, would consider supporting a candidate as bellicose as McCain. It is also strange that a woman who has adopted non-white children would support a candidate who has been anti-civil rights. And her comments about Jon Voight and Glenn Beck were spot on.

  49. Snowblood says:

    @ Kaiser – I’d quote your entire post but it’s too long, I’ll just say you ROCK, bella! 8) That was an wesome post-reply to this story.

    Roseanne Barr is like the quintessential HaterTroll. The enemy has a face, and it’s Roseanne Barr, BADettes! 😆 😆

    But – who cares, seriously – who – who truly cares what Roseanne Barr says, about anything? This excruciatingly ugly fat cow says viciously stupid and cruel things about a family she has nothing to do with, just like a sick fukking troll. I, personally, could truly care less who the hell that tub of stale Crisco votes for, or what her views upon either candidate are. 🙄

    She’s just name-dropping the Jolie-Pitts and Jolie’s father’s name so she can get a few days of free publicity. Doesn’t anyone see this? She’s got people across the country today talking about her now, and when’s the last time ANY of us even thought about old Roseanne Barr, never mind discussed something she wrote/said/wore?

  50. Nan says:

    I didn’t even read this article yet, just saw your name come up at end of page in the comments. I’ll read this post later. I gotta go run out for a few, Snow. I went to bed laughing (around 3), I woke up laughing & hell I’m still laughing over your comments on the Clooney post. Snows, you is very wise but have a talent for comedy in a roll-your-eyes-to-the-skies kind of way. Your *sigh* & poor old elizabeth has me cracking up now. I must sound crazy to my neighbors who can hear me cackling. Keep it up…only when truly warranted, though. We don’t wanna become like DListed losers.

  51. Best post says:


    Roseanne is my new Hero. She is just voicing what 90% of the population think of the Jolie Pitt pretensious charity.


  52. daisy424 says:

    Lola, 90% of the population? I’d would really be interested in seeing that poll, can you provide a link?

  53. Mairead says:

    Rosanne Barr… last bastion of democracy? 🙄

    as an aside – her ranting style is spookily familiar isn’t it? 😉

  54. Snowblood says:

    Aw, thanks Nan! You’re wonderful, and I wasn’t even tryna be funny with that lady, just trying to call her bluff and it ruffled her feathers, she couldn’t take it. 😆 I just have a major problem with people who don fake internet personas and pretend to be someone they are not in conversations like the ones we all have here, you know? It is so, so tacky and pathetic to me. She was one of those, a faker like that. anyway…

    Lola, Delusion becomes you, I must say. 😕 You’re too funny – 90%, ey? Sure! If that’s what you want to believe, that’s fine, honey. 😉

  55. Leandra says:

    What a nasty old cow. Angie hasn’t decided yet who she’s going to vote for and what business is it anyway of this old shrew? I wish she would go away and take her loud and really really stupid mouth with her.

  56. Kaiser says:

    …And 90% of Celebitchy posters think Lola is Jennifer Aniston.

    Love ya, Snowblood! 🙂

  57. Xtra-Dry says:


    “Shut up, Roseanne, your time is past.”

    I like that, what a pun!

    As for the rest of it. I don’t care what Rosanne, Pitt-Jolie or anyone else has to say about the elections. Once again, we think that being famous makes you wise. Not from my experience. Look to the candidates for your answers, not celebrities. Geez.

  58. Bodhi says:

    I assume that Lola’s comment was deleted cause I can’t find it in this thread, but DAMN I wish I’d read it!!

  59. Snowblood says:

    psst – Bodhi, she used the screenname “Best Post” up there, not her original “real” name. 😉 We just recognised, if not Lola, then definitely someone who thinks and posts exactly like Lola does – 😆

  60. sam says:

    Ha, ha, ha!
    Obama will tank.
    We will make sure of that…
    McCain 2008

  61. Snowblood says:

    Who is this “we?’ You sound suspiciously like a mafioso hitman, ominously hinting about “taking CARE” of that. Or, a KKK hitman. Does the Klan have hitmen? You know what I mean.


  62. pamela says:

    Where did Angie say she is not supporting Obama? She rightly said she has not yet made up her mind,and is still listening. I thought this was still America where your rights are respected. This election has become so acrimonious and divisive, that at this point I like none of the candidates.

    And Angie is not in the minority. Last week, i was listening to the radio, and they had conducted a poll, where 60% of registered voters have not yet made up their minds who they will vote for. Count me among that 60%. I will not vote for McCain, but that does not necessarily means Obama has my vote. If the Democrats are not careful, they will destroy their party. Obama should consider distancing himself from whack jobs like roseanne.

    I also think that both political camps were being disingenious when they openly “campaigned” for Angie’s endorsement, knowing full well that the work she does with the UN puts her in a very sensitive position.

    Lastly, Roseanne crossed the line when she attacked Brad’s and Angie’s children. This is the same woman who publicily said she teaches her grandchildren to swear. But i suppose she got her fifteen minutes of fame, by just mentioning the JPs.

  63. Nan says:

    Snow, stop w/the hilarious posts. NO. DON’T.

  64. LG says:

    I just read Roseann’s blog and I am shocked that someone who like Ms. Barr is considered to be famous??? Ms. Barr’s reason for Angelina to support Obama because the color of his skin is dark – give me a break – that is NOT the reason you vote for a President – it’s their Experience, Record, Leadership and Obama has little compared to Senator John McCain! Anyone who watched Rick Warren’s debate on Saturday between Obama & Senator McCain could see who IS ready to lead our Great Country ~ Senator McCain!!!! Ms. Barr’s comments on John Voight & Glenn Beck are VERY disturbing and shows how low some people will go. Anyone who agrees with her is in the same boat. It’s no one’s business who AJ supports. People should NOT be attacked for supporting one Candidate over another. And Ms. Barr – just how much have you given to Charity? You cannot judge others until YOU Ms. Barr have walked in their shoes.

  65. Nan says:

    LG, I stopped a/the second Ms.Barr…

  66. Snowblood says:

    Don’t worry, Nan, you weren’t the only one. My brain started aching with imagining that nasal, whiny voice speaking out this deliberately asinine, seemingly drunken/pill-fueled nonstop drivel.

    I could smell the stale Crisco-breath through my computer screen – in fact, I can smell it every time I click on this thread and have to see that gruesome header photo, her fake lunatic hyaena’s grin actually SMELLS, take a whiff – can you smell that? It’s the smell of Aging Hatred wearing an Ignorance dress and Has-Been perfume. With Jealously shoes and a Dipshit handbag.

  67. Nan says:

    Snowblood, you are an absolute bitch. How am I gonna get things done in my life when I keep checking back at Celebitchy? You just did it again. Just so you know all of my friends & I will label fools ‘poor old Elizabeth’. Thanx

  68. Snowblood says:

    😀 Thanks, Nan! You know, I was an audience member at the last taping of a daytime talk show that R. Barr had, about five or six years ago I guess it was. She was intensely annoying, even then. And garishly ugly! The only thing I’ve ever enjoyed her do is her old TV show, that sit-com she had waaaay back in the day. Now, THAt was funny, and she did well at that. But – that’s all she had, sadly.

  69. raven says:

    Voting is a very personal choice. Does anyone actually vote for a candidate because a celeb is? If so, that’s scarey. Good for Angie for keeping her choice of Candidate to herself.

  70. CB Rawks says:

    Check out this gorgeous picture of McCain!

  71. Ben says:

    I think anyone who wholey alligns themselves with on political party is being a bit silly as the vast majority of people don’t agree with all the policy’s of one party. I’m politically neutral and make my choice on a vote by vote basis.

    I don’t actually like Angelina Jolie but I do a bit after hearing what she said. One she didn’t spew her opinion onto the world, saying anyone else is stupid if they don’t agree. Two. She’s like me in that she chooses who she votes for purely based on the policies in each case.

  72. Gracie says:

    I really wish ALL celebs would STHU (heck up). I don’t care what they think, and when I hear such things, it makes me LESS likely to watch them on TV/see their movies. STOP alienating 1/2 of your potential audience. More people should be like Angelina.

    That said, I am a rightwing R, and will be voting for McCain. I can agree with many Ds on this thread who dislike him… I really dislike McCain, but I hate him less than I hate Obama.

  73. Aspen says:

    I’m sorry…but I stopped reading at the part where Cara implies that anyone not supporting her candidate is an “inbred racist,” and then closes said post with, “I say this in peace.”


  74. Hell0 says:

    whatever (not verified) said:
    All she is doing is calling Angelina out for being a self indulgent, superficial fraud. Hello are you people blind or are just just so obsessed with the whole Angelina/Brad circus that you fail to see that reality in it? Wake up and stop thinking these people are role models or that they are doing anything worthy of praise and/or admiration. They are not they are pigs who are doing nothing short of hording children. Its so gross and what is even more pathetic is that people buy into this ****. WAKE UP. reply Aug 18, 2008 @ 01:17 pm

    well said @ whatever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  75. Keese my cakes says:

    Roseanne sounds even more like an idiot than she did before which is hard to believe. I liked her show back in the day but she is beginning to sound like Rosie ODonnell. I hate when people bitch and complain about others because they do not share in their opinion. Go eat a donut Roseanne and shut your hole up. I have noticed that all the people that verbally support Obama on TV or any other public media usually mess things up and end up making Obama look like an idiot. I don’t think these people are helping him in what they do. Instead I think they are ruining his shot. They all just need to shut their traps up and let the public decide. I’m still undecided but what all his followers have said makes me not want to vote for Obama

  76. Night says:

    Obama is probably the most woefully unqualified candidate in my lifetime.

    But I’m not a fan of McCain either.

    Celebrities should be ignored when giving political opinions. They don’t live in the real world.

  77. Becky says:

    When vile comments like these are put out by Obama supporters, it’s the kiss of death for their candidate. Obama will lose this election.

  78. tp Vero says:

    The crass and classless celebrity should be Barr-ed from making public political statements. She after all is the person who chose Tom Arnold for a mate. I don’t trust her choices. I don’t trust the Republicans, we have seen what 8 years of their kind of politics can do. I will simply vote against all of them right down the line. I invite all others to join me.

  79. Nan says:

    Hmmm…Roseanne, you like so many celebrities are not educated. You never took the pre-requisite psych 101.

    Notice how a woman who gave up her daughter for adoption is ranking on a woman who is the mother of adopted children?

    Her psychological motives are so obvious. She’s screaming it as us. Being that she is an uneducated white trash individual who probably doesn’t read a whole lot, she doesn’t realize she gave herself away.

  80. Nan says:

    excuse my poor spelling. i’m high.

  81. Jacqueline says:

    what an overly-egotistical bitch.
    her words are inflammatary, prejudiced and nasty – who would ever support anything said by this dumb, ignorant, sad f***er.
    I agree with NAN, Roseanne gives her absurd pathetic uneduacted self ‘away’, and doesn’t even realise it.
    She needs deep detox purification BIG TIME.

  82. scottie73 says:

    Right or Left it doesn’t matter. This is just attention grabbing by Ms. Barr. Ms. Barr is clearly uneducated as well as imbalanced. It’s very easy to spew hatred and point fingers without actually providing any facts. She is so damaged her credibility, (and not just from this incident) that no rational, level headed person on either side of the fence will take her seriously. She should just slip into obscurity and never been seen or heard from again.

  83. Blackalicious says:

    Anti obama ‘Sam’ says ‘we will take care of that’ ominously.

    Sam thinks he’s part of

    i think not.

  84. daisy424 says:

    Blackalicious, WOW can’t believe you wrote that. My husband and I were just talking about that last night, (secret societies)but couldn’t remember their name. What a coincidence, thanks 😛

  85. jenifurrr says:

    wtf has roseanne done to help anyone? fuck i think giving away 3 million is great!!! who says they have to give away all of it to be “doing something good”? and didn’t they give the 14 million from the baby pics away too? and the millions from shiloh’s baby pics?!!! i mean damn, roseanne should just shut her trap… who/ what does she do to have this holier than thou attitude?

  86. jenifurrr says:

    oh yeah… and the best candidate is RON PAUL!!!!

  87. Bob Klassen says:

    W’s popularity is HUGE in Africa because of his administration’s commitment to foreign aid theer. Despite the WOT the administration has more than doubled aid to the continent and invested heavily in the anti-malaria big nets which were needed in East Africa. This administration was the first to bring the world’s attention to the genocide in Darfur. Evangelical Christians who Bush is one of have done more as a group to help Africans than any other.

    I mean its one thing for Rosanne to be liberal like the typical Hollywood type, but she needs to put down the ice cream and do some fact checking.

    No longer is she hilarious, but she’s now stupid to boot!

  88. DB says:

    First of all…Just reading Rosanne’s blog is amusing…Nice grammar…What idiot would even listen to her? Plus…it’s TOTAL BS that Obama’s going to give a tax break to 90 percent of the people . That’s a Red Herring! He already said, ‘there may be a need to raise taxes on other items’ So, he’ll lower taxes ‘here’ and charge more ‘over there’. It’s crap. Don’t listen to her or him. He’s inexperienced still. Also, somebody wrote in..’McCain will keep us at war for ever’ More uneducated crap. They said that Reagan was a ‘War Monger’ Wrong: Reagan = 8 years, no war. McCain’s gonna keep us safe. Obama wants to ‘sit down with the Terrorists’ How naive-They don’t want to talk to us! Wake up folks!

  89. I.L says:

    Can’t you daft people tell she is joking???
    It’s called a…here it comes: C O M M E D I A N !

  90. daisy424 says:

    I.L.; Who’s laughing? She is dead on serious which makes her dangerous. 😐

  91. geronimo says:

    From one of the ‘daft’ people, it’s COMEDIAN. And she may have been one at one point but she lost the ‘funny’ a long time ago. RIP Roseanne the Comedian.

  92. Bridgid says:

    She’s frigging obnoxious, and that’s all I got to say about that.

  93. rgresser says:

    Roseanne is a wack job. If she would read Obama’s tax plan, she might change her mind. It clearly states in his tax plan that any citizen making $50,000 or more will be moved into a higher tax bracket. Of course, there are more tax deductions at this new level (after all, Obama is in this group and the ability to deduct from their tax burden is considered a god-given right for Washingtonites aka hypocrites!!). The only supposed tax relief will be for the people on welfare and those who refuse to better themselves or refuse to work.

    My spouse is a school teacher and I work a lower level position in healthcare. My wife makes more than $50K a year. This is the first time I have ever heard a school teacher be called rich, but apparently the Obama campaign considers them so since some make more than $50K. I would suggest that everyone read the actual position paper on taxation, not the jaded summary published by the campaign. Remember, the summaries only tell you what the campaign wants you to focus on, not necessarily what the paper actually says!!! Take the time, read the document!

  94. Dupsi says:

    Roseanne Barr totally champions ‘Black Cause’. Did you see how many so-called ‘brown’ ‘coloured’ ‘ethnic’ actors she cast in her sitcom Roseanne. Not a single one! Her gluttonous existence (fat despite numerous surgeries) means she consumes more than her fair share!

  95. Mark says:

    I find myself in the unlikely position of admiring Angelina Jolie. Roseanne Barr is an idiot.

  96. Raine says:

    I do not think that her words were hateful! i think that Roseanne had some good points. she is not saying anything that everyone else has not said in the comfort of their homes. It really bothered me as an African American woman when the Jolie-Pitt clan adopted Pax because as Angelina put it “she wanted Madoxx to see someone that looked like him”. Which is totally cool however, who in the hell does Zahara have in that family to mirror her? She is from the most oppressed cultural group in this country. If anyone needs positive mirroring it’s going to be her. Brad & Angelina will not be able to protect her from the discrimination and oppression that she’ll face as a African/African American in this country. But they can make sure that she has a postive sense of self and people around her that look like her and are POSITIVE role models. A part of me lost respect for the Jolie-Pitt team after singling out Zahara.

  97. daisy424 says:

    Raine; “I do not think that her words were hateful!”

    Did you read the same article I did? Evil Spawn? She’s a nutcase.

    “Brad & Angelina will not be able to protect her from the that she’ll face as a African/African American in this country”
    So they should have left Zahara there to die because her ethnicity is different than theirs? They seem to be very supportive of their multi ethnic family.

    We now have an African/American in the top spot running for president. One of the richest women in the world is African American.
    African Americans are not the only group that has faced discrimination and oppression.

  98. tommy says:

    i think Roseanne Barr is an idiot.

    i don’t understand she cans talk that….

    She’s frigging obnoxious…. <—– Roseanne Barr

  99. Gwyneth says:

    Go Ro! She’s always been over the top, so why stop? I cannot stand the Brangelina monarchy and they seem phoney as three dollar bills. Roseanne has a 1st amendment right to rant!

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