Katie Holmes makes a lot of moms feel better about fashion

Katie Holmes was looking like a Harry Potter character out in New York yesterday. She wore rolled up ripped jean shorts with black tights and brown slouchy boots. She wasn’t more any put together from the waist up and wore in a navy blue button down jacket over a lilac cardigan and black shirt. To top off the look Holmes donned a brick red scarf. Her hair looked like it was just washed and left to air dry. The only clue that you might have that she’s a woman of means is the super expensive muted brown Hermes Birkin she’s carrying and her designer bug sunglasses.

Holmes looks like she throws on whatever’s clean in the closet on but it probably takes a concerted effort to look that effortless. She does make other moms like me feel a lot better about their fashion, though. I do my best to look ok before I go out but I just don’t have the time to either shop for nice clothes or put together cute outfits like I used to do when I was single. I think I look presentable, but maybe I’m a candidate for “What Not To Wear.” I even have a loose fit lilac cardigan similar to the one Holmes is wearing here. I got it from a discount store here in Germany called Lidl, and I usually just wear it around the house when it’s cold.

Katie Holmes is kind of unique among celebrity moms in that she looks like one of us – a mom throwing crap together from her closet to rush out and take the kids to school. I can’t quite tell if that’s a mistake or if she tries exceptionally hard to look average.

Then there’s Michelle Obama, who looks like a million bucks in dresses from The Gap and H&M. She puts the rest of us to shame, and does it on a budget. I have to go shopping this weekend, and you know who I’ll be looking toward for inspiration.

Photo credit: Bauergriffin

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24 Responses to “Katie Holmes makes a lot of moms feel better about fashion”

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  1. SeVen says:

    yeah I know i went outside in shorts while i were freezing me tits off in NYC this weekend. ๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ™„

  2. elisha says:

    Those look like the brown boots of mental illness.

  3. Mia says:


  4. Perla says:

    I don’t quite understand the notion that every woman must/should always look perfectly “together” fashion-wise.

    My sister goes all out most days, and I don’t know how she does it! I just lack the inclination. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. TC says:

    Why is the dumbass wearing shorts with a completely winter outfit.. tights, overcoat, scarf, boots.. and of course SHORTS??? It’s cold. Duh. I bet Suri had on a tutu.

  6. Baholicious says:

    Can we stop with the mental illness jokes? I know it’s a Britney Spears reference but it’s getting stale. I’m not trying to be a stick up anyone’s rump on this but it bugs me. I think a little more tolerance is called for and people need to recognize that an illness or disability is just that, regardless of what part of the body is affected.

    *climbs off soapbox*

  7. Anastasia Beaverhausen says:

    I’m a mom and while I try to avoid looking like a hobo, I have so many other things to give mental energy to, I find there’s not a lot of time or energy left to devote in the gray matter to “cute outfits!”

  8. prissa says:

    It must have taken some effort simply because of the tights under the shorts. I mean, really, who goes thru all the trouble of pulling on tights just to slap some shorts over them? Or maybe the tights are to keep her warm? In that case, why the shorts? Okay, I’m getting a headache trying to make sense of this mess. I’m a regular mom and I just throw on some jeans and a sweatshirt, not this complicated arrangement.

  9. Ron says:

    I have to say that my Mom was always pretty stylish, even in jeans and a sweatshirt. Style isn’t just about what you wear, it’s about how you carry yourself and little touches that set things off. Now in her mid 60’s Mom still looks great, even if it’s in a caftan reading a book.

  10. trollydolly says:

    All that money and so little clue how to dress. Style icon my arse.
    She’s desperately trying to channel the way Kate Moss dresses. But she gets it so terribly, horribly, insanely wrong.
    She has nannies, housekeepers, cooks, PA’s, chauffeurs, bodyguards – she is not a normal Mom. She has all the time in the world to dress decently and stylishly and this is what she comes up with??

  11. Codzilla says:

    I’m with prissa. It’s usually in jeans and a sweatshirt. (At least the ones that still fit after having two kids.) ๐Ÿ˜•

  12. caribassett says:

    Yeah, she is something, but I am thankful because even taking care of a baby at 3 A.M in the Ren and Stimpy pajamas I have had since 8th grade, I still look hot. Thanks Katie.

  13. geronimo says:

    I’m with Trollydolly: Katie is a fashion victim of the first order. Poor girl has no style at all, not a clue what suits her, no idea about how to put a look together. Even her ‘casual’ reeks of endless changes and despair and a bed covered in discarded clothes, shoes, hangers and sodden tissues.

    No soul, no spirit, no style. All sucked out of her.

  14. ER says:

    Shorts with tights is never appropriate.

  15. Yourself says:

    Give her a break, she is not as bad as Tim Button’s wife/GF whats hername. Now that one has some strange tastes.

    Katie’s outfit made me smile, I can relate. I once wore heels on track suit pants, I am not joking. This thing called having kids can ruin your sense of fashion especially if you had none in the first place like poor me.

    There will always be people like Michelle Obama. I love her but how do those people look tick in anything all the time. They sometimes make me feel bad.

  16. Baholicious says:

    @Yourself: Who’s ‘Tim Button’? ๐Ÿ˜‰ You mean Tim Burton and his wife is Our Lady of Holey Leotards Helena Bonham Carter.

  17. MSat says:

    I’d file this under the category of “trying too hard.”

    In other Cruise news- there are pics floating around today of Suri…wait for it… WEARING A COAT AND JEANS!

  18. Dolliegirl says:

    What’s most disturbing about these photos is that Katie Holme’s stylist, Jeanne Yang, is directly behind her.

  19. Dolliegirl says:

    Helena Bonham Carter is the ‘Corpse Bride’. She is quirky, decidedly fringe, and without a doubt a ‘creative artist’. Ms. Holmes is anything but.

  20. Blair says:

    I think this is the best sign yet that she and Tom Cruise are over: judging by the thickening thighs, the Scientology whack jobs no longer have her on the starvation diet.

  21. Vex says:

    At least it looks different from what everyone is wearing.

  22. scotchy says:

    well i just got back from paris and for some nutty reason
    shorts and tights are what all the fashionistas seemed to be wearing.NOW that being said.. its not a style that most can pull off Katie included.
    That stylist needs to go

  23. Christina X says:

    She’s not even 30 yet.

    Why is she dressing like a 60 year old spinster? I understand getting married and having a child demands growing up, but my god lady, you’re giving Betty Crocker a run for her money.

    Just try. Just TRY a little! Geez! This kind of thing you CAN help.

    Maybe I never noticed, but her fashion statement hasn’t always been so unattractive, has it? I mean, sure her style was always a little bland, but…?

  24. lilah says:

    It’s not just slovenly… she’s completely sartorially challenged. Denim CUFFED shorts? Really?

    As for Helena Bonham Carter, she’s just an eccentric, smart genius. She dresses weirdly on purpose, whereas Katie thinks she looks like Kate Moss.