Stephenie Meyer, Twilight author: ‘When I’m writing I’m crippled with fear’

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Access Hollywood has a new interview with Twilight Author Stephenie Meyer, who is celebrating the release of Breaking Dawn, Part 2 along with the rest of the cast. They conduct it like a job “exit interview,” and in truth a lot of it is somewhat boring. At the end, though, she talks about whether she’ll ever write another Twilight book (possibly from Edward’s sparkly perspective) and I found myself fascinated with her answer. I don’t really follow her, and I’ve always assumed she’s had a lot of confidence in her writing skill, which has been widely criticized. Like I assumed she was the opposite of awesome 50 Shades author E.L. James, who will tell you her writing sucks and laugh her ass off about it. It turns out Meyer is insecure and can let the criticism get to her if she’s not careful, which is why she’s shelved writing about vampires again for the time being. She said:

I’m just not there with the vampires right now. It’s such a public world, it’s hard for me. I have a lot of stagefright and you wouldn’t think that would apply to writing, but it totally does. I have to tell myself that no one’s ever going to read what I’m writing to convince myself to keep going, because I just get crippled with fear when I’m writing something I’m like ‘oh man, everyone’s going to hate this, everyone’s going to pick this part apart,’ and I’m always wrong. They hate the other parts. It’s always shocking to me the parts they hate. [laughs]

[From Access Hollywood, aired on Today’s website]

She has a sense of humor about it, and she seems a little more relaxed about everything than I expected. I’ve only seen two other interviews with her, though, on Oprah and with MTV. She doesn’t do a ton of press, she doesn’t need to. Of course she can be relaxed and laugh about criticism of her writing – bitch is super rich now! She doesn’t have to write another word if she doesn’t feel like it.

Another one of Meyer’s bestselling young adult books has been made into a movie, The Host. It’s out in March and stars Saoirse Ronan and Diane Kruger. I’m not too familiar with it, but a new trailer just came out and it’s some kind of post-apocalyptic love story with the few humans who remain fighting an alien species that’s taken over the earth and erased everyone’s memories. F*ck me, it looks good! I’m sure it’s cheesy as hell, but it could be watchable and entertaining. Meyer hasn’t written any follow-ups to this book yet, but if the movie is a success I bet she’ll write at least a couple more. (And she’s said as much.) Screw vampires, she’s got another franchise here.

Here’s the second trailer for The Host:

And here’s Stephenie at the Breaking Dawn Part 2 premiere with the cast of The Host including Max Irons, Saoirse Ronan, and Jake Abel. What the hell kind of fishtail skirt and dress shirt combo is she wearing? That’s awful.

Do you think she’s pissed off at Kristen Stewart? I do.

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28 Responses to “Stephenie Meyer, Twilight author: ‘When I’m writing I’m crippled with fear’”

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  1. pastyousayyouneverknew says:

    Really hoping she never writes anything Twilight-related, not even to do with Jacob/Renesmee, that relationship is too weird for words and I don’t think it’s a story that needs to be told. Here’s to hoping that The Host is a better movie than Twilight but with Saoirse as the leading-lady, it’s already a better movie than Twilight in my book 😉

    And she definitely looks uncomfortable next to Kristen but that could be for a number of reasons, who knows x

    • KelBear says:

      I agree with all of this! Totally on point with the fact that the whole Jacob/Renesmee does not need to be told any further than it already has.

    • Liv says:

      I liked the first books, but this Renesmee-thing was just too much. The name is so embarrassing.

  2. seVen says:

    So are we.. crippled with fear she’ll come out with something as shitty as Twilight.

  3. Lucy says:

    She snipped a carolina Herrera dress and wore it as a skirt

  4. kay says:

    I like her books. I haven’t read the Host but I will now, it looks great.

    she’s a terrible writer. her books are my guilty pleasure.

    speaking of- can anyone help me with the author of the Vampire series that was before Twilight- something about a girl detective, a vampire and a werewolf? I forget the author’s name 🙁 thanks in advance.

    • StaceyP says:

      Sounds like the Anita Blake series, the author is Laurel Hamilton

      • kay says:


        that’s the one! thank you 🙂

      • maneki neko says:

        Except shes not a detective in the Anita Blake series, shes a vampire executioner. More likely youre thinking of the Merry Gentry series which is also by LKH.

    • Bluedog says:

      The Host is not good. It’s unreadable, in fact. I have an English degree so I find Meyer’s writing subpar, but she’s a fair storyteller so I could read the Twilight books without mentally taking out my editor’s pen on every page. But, she fails even with storytelling in The Host. There are pages and pages and pages of nothing happening but the main character being feeling in love.

      Wait for the movie.

      • kay says:

        thanks for the advice, I will just wait it out. The trailer looks pretty good, though predictable.

      • Maggie May says:

        I read it, and I loved it. Classic literature it is not. All I expected was a few hours escape from reality into a good story and she provided that.

        Not sure what you mean by this:
        “There are pages and pages and pages of nothing happening but the main character being feeling in love.”

  5. some bitch says:

    Hopefully she won’t publish anything else that becomes so popular that I’m forced to listen to people talk about it all day!

    Seriously though, the intensity for the 50 Shades thing is scaring me. All the women around me are talking about it in lecture hall and I could just die.

  6. Reece says:

    I found the book unreadable. I tried multiple times but nope, never got past the first chapter. Maybe it will work better as a movie.

  7. Dani says:

    Her writing is awful, I’m crippled with fear knowing she might write something else as terrible at Twilight.

    Off topic – who is the guy on the left in the second to last picture? hot!

  8. TG says:

    She should be crippled with fear. She is a terrible writer.

  9. Happy21 says:

    She looks so much like Liv Tyler. Wow!

  10. Janet says:

    I can’t understand how anyone got through three pages of “50 Shades”, let alone all three books.

    As for Meyer, I read an excerpt from “The Host” and it’s just as bad as the Twilight books.

    Somebody tell her just stay home, count her money, and never write another word.

    Edited to add: I just found this. 41 year old woman divorces hubby because he won’t recreate scenes from 50 Shades in their bedroom. Guy dodged a bullet IMO.

    • Happy21 says:

      Ya I got through 3 chapters and gave up. The writing was awful. Almost all of my friends read it and told me I had to ignore the writing. Um, sorry I am a woman who reads about 2 books a week of stuff that has substance. How am I supposed to ignore what is smacking me in the face?!! The whole series is an atrocity and I find it embarassing that women have let themselves get eaten up by such pure and utter garbage.

  11. LAK says:

    That HOST film was filmed awhile ago and has been sitting on a shelf waiting for TWILIGHT to finish.

    It’s a better written book than the entire twilight series and thank goodness she doesn’t spin the story out to 4 books. She handles the love rectangle better in it than in TWILIGHT or perhaps she had a better editor who knew this book was for adults.

    As much as I love Siaorse Ronan and Max Irons, I kind of feel like they deliberately went younger in terms of film packaging to pull in the TWILIGHT audience which is such a cynical money grab because the book isn’t young adult. The central couple reads like they could be mid-late 20s and the 4th character in the love rectangle late 20s-30s. The alien host being is simultanoeusly old and ageless.

  12. Londerland says:

    I’d rather she’d been crippled with carpal tunnel.

  13. kh says:

    Heh, whatever, she’s loaded now and looks great, good for her!

  14. dahlianoir says:

    I’ll send her ninjas to steal all her pens, ink and computers so she will never write again. She’s the inspiration for Fifty shades she deserves jail. My library ordered it and MY GOD it’s THAT aweful. We laughed a lot though.

  15. maneki neko says:

    Hmm mobile says my reply above failed so I double posted on accident oopsies!

    I swear the top and bottom of the dress looks like she saw two dresses and said Ill take the top of that one and the bottom of the other and itll match cuz of the black. It also looks like ks has on a diaper or something.

  16. Diana says:

    The author of 50 shades of s*it it’s anything but awsome. just saying…

  17. alons-y alonso says:

    When Stepanie Meyer writes something I too, am crippled with fear…it may be another crappy Twilight book