Katie Holmes is a babe magnet in a wet t-shirt, guys won’t stop asking her out

Katie Holmes

These are new photos from Katie Holmes on the set of Mania Days, which co-stars Luke Kirby. I realize the last batch of photos was pretty meh, but here, you’re getting Katie Holmes’ version of a wet t-shirt context as she frolics in the fountain of Washington Square Park. I bet it’s pretty cold for poor Katie, right? Temperaturewise, NYC is hitting high 70s and low 80s, and that’s a bit too nipply for comfort when it comes to soaking oneself in a public fountain. Oh well, Katie looks like she’s having a fantastic time anyway. Ugh, fountain germs.

Katie Holmes

Now if Katie’s dripping wet tee doesn’t bring all the boys to the yard, that’s just fine — because according to Page Six, the former Mrs. Tom Cruise is getting asked out all over the place on the set of this movie. Dudes are just walking up and taking a chance, and they’re all getting shot down. I love it:

Katie Holmes has quite a few male admirers. A source on the set of her latest movie, the Spike Lee-produced Mania Days, tells us she’s been asked out seven times: “They were crew members and extras just chancing it. It really got on the nerves of director Paul Dalio. Needless to say, she said no to everyone.” While the film centers on the romance between two manic-depressives who meet in a psychiatric hospital, Holmes has been quiet on the dating front since splitting with Tom Cruise last year.

[From Page Six]

I can see this happening. Even though Katie was married to a soul-sucking vampire for six years, she’s still very much the girl next door, and there remains an air of accessibility to her. In that way, she’s much like the anti-Bar Refaeli. And why shouldn’t these dudes ask her out? The worst she can do is say, “Nope.”

Katie Holmes

Katie Holmes

Katie Holmes

Well, lookie here. Katie and Luke went out to dinner together after filming concluded for the day. Just wait … these two are going to have either a tabloid romance or a real one. And look, a different pair of fug booties!

Katie Holmes

Katie Holmes

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN

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50 Responses to “Katie Holmes is a babe magnet in a wet t-shirt, guys won’t stop asking her out”

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  1. Lex says:

    She is reaffirming what I know to be true for me.
    I can’t wear those little boots like that because I too, have large calves. Bigger than hers. They make it look like you also have cankles because you can’t see slender ankle under the boots.

    Thank you Katie! I will now never try to buy (or justify buying) those boots as they make even your legs look chunky!

    • J. says:

      Jesus, what are you talking about? Her shoes look fine.

      • Seagulls says:

        I’m with Lex. The first picture of her in the boots gives the illusion of thick legs, which Holmes most certainly does not have. Something about the shiny black tights (hose?) and where the boots and skirt cut her isn’t flattering. That’s okay, not everything needs to be. But as someone with thick legs, it’s a good warning.

    • Liv says:

      The shoes are awful! At least combined with the dress.

      All in all she looks really beautiful in these pics. And the guy is cute. Hope they end up together.

    • Lex says:

      Haha my comment sounded like I am a huge raging bitch. No I was genuinely like – rejoice! At least those shoes don’t look good on anyone with big calves, not just me 😛

      • Dana says:

        Katie’s legs are big compared to the rest of her. I don’t understand why people disagree because they like her. Just because you like her doesn’t make a fact less true. and Yeah those boots would look better off- she should have done a heel

    • Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

      At least she can run in those shoes – my mama always tole me – never wear shoes you can’t run in.

    • Nina W says:

      I like the boots but not with the dress and I agree they are not flattering friends to Katie’s slightly thicker calves.

  2. Rachel says:

    Of course guys ask you out when you put your tits on show?

  3. Lauren Carter says:

    Manic depression is a sensitive and taboo subject for many people. As someone ego has two family members diagnosed, I hope the movie handles it well…

    • Emma says:

      It can affect everyone differently so one person’s experience is never going to be someone elses

    • Jag says:


      As a person with bipolar disorder, I hope it shows our good sides as well. I’m not all anger or delusion or black hole depression.

      • Bitca says:

        Exactly! That’s what I hope the Fountain Shower scene is showing. It’s one of the reasons manic-depressives hated the dampening effect of lithium in the 1970s. Aside from the dreadful Black Holes &c, there are periods of infectious-yet-safe exhilaration unrelated to scary Highs like ‘I can fly!’/ ‘Set myself on fire & not burn!’ and so on (all true events). But frankly, after a bipolar father, friends, & a lover who was bipolar, relationships with those suffering from the illness can be terribly painful at times.

        Actually, all I really meant to say is that KH looks genuinely happy, secure w/herself. & beautiful for the first time in years. Whether acting, enjoying the camaraderie of cast & crew, or just having fun after years of creepy Sciento-crushing life w/Cruise, she’s moved on.

        With a good script, director, & cast, she’ll hopefully exhibit the nascent talent that made her fit comfortably into the small-but-brilliant ‘Wonder Boys’ ensemble–which featured M Douglas, RD Jr, & Tobey McGuire.

    • Lauren Carter says:

      Edit out “ego” for who; iPhone error lol

      • Gelina says:

        Bitca you wrote, “….or just having fun after years of creepy Sciento-crushing life w/Cruise, she’s moved on.”

        Will you direct me to the direct quote from Katie Holmes, or her authorized representative stating that she, Katie Holmes is no longer a member of the Church of Scientology?

  4. Tessa says:

    In the first picture I’m having Joey Potter flashbacks. I loved her then. I want to love her again. I hope she gets her career back on track. She does have a charm about her, and she’s so so beautiful.

    • Me Three says:

      I feel mean saying this but I don’t think Katie is beautiful. She’s not even really that cute. She’s just plain and her style sense is so horrible she accentuates her worst features. As far as acting, she’s a horrible actress at best. When the former Mrs. Cruise thing dies down, I think she will go quietly into the world and live a happy life on her millions.

      • CF98 says:

        Its been almost a year since she left him a lot has happened in Hollywood since then so I say it has already died down. We’re talking about her because she is currently filming a movie if she wasn’t doing anything she’d be brought up as often as Mimi Rogers….

  5. Itsjustblanche. says:

    Bless her heart those Tom Cruise years were hard on her. She still looks beaten down.

  6. Barrett says:

    Ugh. I went to NYU. That fountain is gross! And I saw a dead gigantic rat in a planter next to it. Do the film crew have it cleaned first? Uh, why they pay her the big bucks!

  7. Jane says:

    She really let herself go! Yikes.

    • Jolinda says:

      You’re kidding right?

      • Nanea says:

        Don’t mind people like her, it’s just the usual $ciento bots coming out to trash Katie in threads like this on behalf of their liege lord.

      • Me Three says:

        I have to kind of agree. Don’t think she let herself go. I just don’t think she’s exceptional in any way. She’s like any girl you see walking down the street except she has the money, time and resources to be styled and look better. Her style sense is nil. Which makes the fact she’s a fashion designer even sadder. And, I’m sorry. She’s never been more than a Lifetime movie kind of actress. I hope she’s able to move on eventually, find a nice guy, settle down and just enjoy life because she’s not going to be the next Meryl Streep!

  8. Cookie says:

    I have a feeling this movie is going to be straight to DVD.

  9. scarlett says:


  10. heidiho says:

    Cold sores boys…..remember the cold sores.

  11. Lem says:

    Tis as if Diane Keaton and Mia Farrow dress this girl.
    Gah, Katie love, get it together

    • Chordy says:

      You said “It’s as if Diane Keaton and Mia Farrow dress this girl” and meant it like it was a bad thing, but I when I read it I thought “I know! She looks so cute!” I might be stuck in the ’90s, and in the 90s we were all stuck in the 70s.

      • Lem says:

        Katie has a body structure/coloring/hair length which doesn’t suit the Woody Allen muse look she prefers.
        DK & MF were all in, committed to the whole look. socks,gloves,hat, etc would add interest. Diane is always tailored. Mia would pair ill fitted rompers with well fit jackets or clunky boots with correctly sized pants -albiet rolled up. Kate doesn’t flush out the outfits. Katie is too tall and uh? shapely to wear ill fitting clothes.

        but 70’s, 90’s 20teens. Your timing is good – better than preferring the 80’s and Double Ought’s for sure!

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        “in the 90s we were all stuck in the 70s.”

        Truer words were never spoken! I blame Dazed & Confused 😉
        And you know what-I still have an obsession with late-60s and 70s style clothes. It’s my favorite.

    • Nina W says:

      These are all shots of her in costume for the movie so if you don’t like it it’s the costume designer you should complain about.

  12. Nicola says:

    Her team is working hard to make her seem sexy and in-demand. Did you listen to her speak on the red carpet at the MET Gala?

    She can’t blame Tom for her dull personality anymore.

  13. Aussie girl says:

    Regardless of her outfit, she looks happy

  14. shannon says:

    a lot of people say Katie can’t act, but I thought she was great as Joey Potter in Dawson’s Creek and in her movie roles as well; The Gift, Abandon, Thank you for Smoking just to name a few. However, Mania Days has to be about the worst name for a film and just the title alone is enough to send it straight to DVD. I have no doubt that it could be an interesting flick, but please give it a decent title!

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      She nailed the Joey Potter character-I don’t care what anyone says. She was damn good on that show.

  15. Thinker says:

    Currently in NYC, it’s hot. Like Summer Hot. As a air condition less apartment owner, I can speak to this fact.

    Humidity makes 85 feel like 105.

    I wouldn’t mind a dip in a fountain, but the one in Washington Square Park? Yuck!

  16. Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

    Is something wrong with her boobs – with all that water going on KH should be a little nipply.

    • CF98 says:

      No its obvious she took precautions…

      As far as the crew members etc asking her out there’s probably a bet going on and she’s not going to be the bait for it.

      Good for her if true.

      I think she’s a naturally beautiful woman its refreshing considering how plastic most of Hollywood is.

      I’m more jealous of her being able to run through a water fountain because it was so hot where I was that sounds amazing.

  17. HappyJoyJoy says:

    This woman has never been attractive imo. Let alone soaking wet. No thanks.

  18. Joy says:

    Just finished reading Going Clear. It totally reaffirmed my belief that Tom Cruise is a whackadoodle maniac and she’s lucky she escaped. Thank Xenu she’s free!

  19. Wd says:

    Babe magnet? Err, guys are babe magnets, not women like Topo Gigio.

  20. kct says:

    She is finally FREE to do as she pleases. We would have never seen her do a scene like this when she was still married to Scientology.

    I love her smile, and even though her style is questionable, it’s hers. I doubt she’ll ever bow to pressure to be anyone but herself ever again.