“Chris Pine brought the bearded hotness to the Armani event in Milan” links


Chris Pine looked dashing & beardy at the Armani event in Milan. [A Socialite Life]
Katy Perry goes blond for Wonderland. [OMG Blog]
Britney Spears hurt her ankle! Poor Brit-Brit. [Dlisted]
Review of The Avengers: Age of Ultron. [LaineyGossip]
Chunk-Butt Chris Evans has fart-sniffing face. [Buzzfeed]
Vintage Lisa Rinna photos, before she tweaked her face like crazy. [Reality Tea]
Florida Files: dude tried to cash a $368 billion personal check. [Starcasm]
Another interesting look from Elizabeth Banks. [Go Fug Yourself]
The Mayweather-Pacquiao fight is tomorrow night. Serious money, people. [Moe Jackson]
Eva Mendes had an obvious pap stroll. [Popoholic]
Jill Duggar talks about her C-section. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Reese Witherspoon poses with her Mini-Me daughter. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]


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33 Responses to ““Chris Pine brought the bearded hotness to the Armani event in Milan” links”

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  1. taterho says:

    OMG I’m cackling at the story of the guy that tried to cash the $368 billion check.
    From the story…
    “So blame Tito, not me”
    “He was released after posting $23,000 bail.”
    I half think this is a made up story because it’s just TOO amazing.

    Also RIP Ben E. King
    This Magic Moment gets me every time

  2. Rhiley says:

    I watched Into the Woods over the weekend. It was really a terrible movie, but he plays a pretty good Prince Charming. Seriously, if you haven’t seen the movie, don’t waste your time. It is so redundant. I love a good musical, but even the songs are boring, and not very well sung. Somebody here wrote after MS was nominated for awards for her performance that they will nominate her for anything. So true because her character was so poorly developed. But Chris Pine is a great Prince Charming.

    • paola says:

      I agree with you. Such a bad movie and when you think the torture is over and the happy ending is finally there.. you realise that there are other 60 minutes to go and the movie is far from over.
      Worst movie ever. Even Meryl Streep was bad in my opinion. I can’t believe she scored an Oscar nom for that.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        IMO, that is the point of the musical. That the “happy ending” isn’t so happy. In the musical, the “happy ending” is at the end of Act 1, with a whole other act to follow.

    • Happy21 says:

      I thought it not good but entertaining at least. The part that got me was the movie got dragged on an extra half hour than it needed to. You’re at the point where it’s over and then it keeps going and going!

  3. paola says:

    If Katy perry goes blonde it means she’ll earn a twin sister in Taylor Shilling. They look identical.

  4. Lama Bean says:

    OMG the blue eyes and the hints of gray in his beard. Yessssss

    Oh and Mayweather Pacquiao is tomorrow night.

  5. Sharra55 says:

    I adore Chris Pine. But I think his daddy was cute too!

    • Penelope says:

      Sharra55, I think his daddy was adorable! I still catch him from time to time when METV shows CHIPS. He had a ton of charisma and a beautiful smile!

    • doofus says:

      I had NO IDEA that the Sarge was his dad…

      Penelope, are you in NJ? ’cause I am and I watch MeTV, too! I LOVE that channel…Twilight Zone and MASH, every night! And Cheers, and Hogans Heroes, etc…so much fun!

      • Penelope says:

        doofus, I’m in Massachusetts & agree with you about METV–I love it!! Tonight’s The Odd Couple at 10 & 10:30–wish that was one of the shows they ran daily! Glad they feature the good people of Mayberry twice a day, though. 🙂

      • doofus says:

        and Carol Burnett, and The Man From U.N.C.L.E….way better than most of today’s shows. and a big YAAAAASSSS to Andy Griffith!

        I was watching Twilight Zone the other day and a pre-Andy Griffith show Ron Howard was on…he was SO DARN CUTE.

    • Lama Bean says:

      You all just blew my mind.

  6. INeedANap says:

    We have so many Chrises to choose from!

    Hot Foreign Dad Chris
    Boston Buffoon/All-American Nice Guy Chris (depends on the day)
    I Loved Him When He Was Chunky! Chris
    and now…
    English Lit Professor Chris

    A veritable salad bar of Chrises!

  7. VirgiliaCoriolanus says:

    I watched the trailer for “Irrational Man”, and it looks soooo bad. Rather, not even outright bad but BORING and trying to be intelligent, but not…just awful. I honestly don’t get the hype over Woody Allen’s movies. Because it seems to me that he’ll come out with one REALLY good movie (and these are just ones I’ve heard were good) like “Matchpoint”, then “Vicky Cristina Barcelona” (which I saw and thought was boring except for Penelope’s character), and then “Midnight in Paris”, and then he’ll follow it with at least 3 stinkers……..

  8. Deedee says:

    I don’t think Into the Woods translated very well to the screen. The actors were engaging with their roles, but most people were expecting more Disney and less Sondheim, I’m afraid. And Chris Pine was an excellent Prince Charming.

  9. Norman Bates' Mother says:

    Ava used to looks like Reese’s mini-me but I think she looks more like Ryan now. They have the same face.

    • Tiffany says:

      Yep. That kid is a straight up Phillipe. I do not know where the Reese mini me is coming from.

  10. Incognito says:

    OMG, that blank check story had me rolling laughing.

    Chris Pine looks so mighty fine. I love him with the beard and without.

    I am so excited for Avengers: Age of Ultron. I have my tickets for tonight and cannot wait.

    • paola says:

      Something tells me that back in school he wasn’t very good at maths. It seems like he can’t figure out how many 30 million people are to feed!!

  11. Jessica says:

    Chris Pine isn’t hot. At all.

  12. Never heard of Chris Pine before today. Last movie I saw was ‘Woman in Gold’ I liked it.

  13. Sparkly says:

    Spoilers –

    Woke up to a new princess this morning!

  14. LAK says:

    I can’t unsee his big head/tiny body physicality.

  15. Pandora says:

    The hotness? Where??

    • jane16 says:

      Yeah, when it said he brought the “bearded hotness” I thought that meant he brought a beautiful woman as a date. Heh heh.

  16. Veronica says:

    You would think from the way the Duggars talk about childbirth that they were the only ones who have experience and truly understand the “miracle” of shoving a 4-10lb pile of writhing id out of your nethers. Maybe it’s because I work in a hospital, but I find birth to be neither particularly remarkable (how many species do it?) or beautiful (because it’s really not). Procreation is fairly simple for the majority of folk. It’s the process of raising the child into a decent human adult that’s really remarkable.