Gabrielle Union’s best anti-aging tip: ‘say no, no and hell no’

Gabrielle Union, 44, covers Women’s Health. You can see the rest of the cover here. I’m only posting the top half above because her booty is showing and the advertisers prefer us to keep it PG. (I know.) Her butt looks Photoshopped like every other magazine cover, but she doesn’t need that at all because she’s in incredible shape and looks at least ten years younger. Women’s Health asks Gabrielle for her anti-aging tips and while she claims not to get Botox she’s not ruling it out. I do think she gets some kind of laser skin resurfacing or other non-invasive skin treatments, but I could be wrong. She advises us to take it easy, say no to things, get plenty of rest and not to overextend ourselves (guilty there). She also doesn’t beat herself up for eating bad and tries not to obsess over her diet, which is good advice.

How she looks so young
I get asked all the time how I look so young. I don’t like needles. I’m not going to rule out Botox, but the idea of putting a needle in my face… I’m not there yet. I have pretty oily skin, I drink a lot of water, I don’t smoke, and I don’t have a hard life. I dye my hair and people say, ‘You look young,’ but my gray hairs are saying, ‘She’s old as f-ck!'”

My best anti-aging tip is the ability to say no, no, and hell, no. We run ourselves ragged saying yes to every freaking thing, whether it’s to our family, spouses, or careers. I sleep eight hours a day and don’t let myself stress out. A lot of people call it selfish, but I don’t have any wrinkles.”

Why she exercises
I have a family history of diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, and I know that can lead to an early death. I want to be a vital and energetic part of my family for a long time, not to be big mama in a rocking chair in the TV room, or huffing and puffing just going up stairs. I work out not because I get off on it, but because I want to live!

Her diet
I’m not obsessive about food, like, ‘Oh no, I ate badly, so I have to stay in the gym for two hours!’ At the end of the day, did I enjoy that meal? Hell yes! Am I going to stress out about it? Hell no! And magically, the world doesn’t end because of what I ate.

[From Women’s Health via People]

Gabrielle says she does pilates early in the morning and that she also loves doing arm workouts “because it’s where I get fast results.” She mentions that she has a lot of aches and pains however, which makes me wonder if that’s normal. Like I work out a lot and I’m 43 and while I get some muscle pain I don’t feel like everything hurts like she’s saying. She probably works out much harder than me, but I am guilty as she mentions of working out more just to burn calories from eating too much. That’s not always healthy. I need to take some of her advice, sleep more and say no to people. It’s so easy to get busy and overwhelmed.

Gabrielle Union Leaves 'The View' In NYC

Gabrielle Union Steps Out In NYC

photos credit: Women’s Health and FameFlynet

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46 Responses to “Gabrielle Union’s best anti-aging tip: ‘say no, no and hell no’”

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  1. kri says:

    Her genetics,tho! Damnit.

  2. FishBeard says:

    She’s so ridiculously gorgeous

    • lannisterforever says:

      Yep, she’s stunning and look SO young – jealous. As a blonde white woman, I’m already beginning to see wrinkles on my forehead forming and I’m only 25 🙁

      • Daisy says:

        Oily skin, while a pain in the ass when you’re young, looks better as you age.

      • Val says:

        IKR? It’s so stressful.. 🙁

      • An says:

        IMO, it’s not wrinkles, especially on the forhead, that ages a person. It’s the skin texture.
        I have seen little kids with forehead wrinkles. Deep ones.
        The number one aging is the texture of the skin and sagging of the facial skin like around the eyes and mouth.
        I think this is why I find people who get botox, or whatever else injected for their wrinkles, tend to look strangely older. Because it’s not the wrinkles that ages them in the first place. You can never get back the elasticity you had as a kid anyway so I would just focus on getting facials like lasers and gain healthy weight.
        People who get botox or other injectibles tend to end up looking either older or stranger.
        Even the ones who just do a little bit still have that ‘look’.

      • Betsy says:

        Retinol. OTC is fine.

        And SUNSCREEEN.

      • Melanie says:

        start using Argan oil in your moisturizer at night. look up the benefits

      • Pippie says:

        Vitamin C, retinol and sunscreen are the best things to improve skin texture and help prevent the signs of ageing.

  3. littlemissnaughty says:

    That’s actually good advice. Stress will destroy your face. I’m 10 years younger than she is (you wouldn’t know it, damn she looks incredible) and if work is crazy for 2-3 weeks, I look terrible. No amount of water or exercise will balance that out. I LOVE her for say she also doesn’t have a hard life. Who even admits that these days?

    • detritus says:

      I would LOVE if Taylor Swift said that.

      She will never, ever though.

      I’m really liking Gabby right now, and those white pants and burgundy shoes? i covet them.

    • L84Tea says:

      I swear, I think she is the ONLY celebrity I have ever heard admit that out loud. Ever. I like her a little bit more now just for that.

      • @HuntyPlease says:

        Well Ed said that not her.
        And not to be rude, but we don’t know what happens in her personal life. On the outside looking we see one thing, but who really knows, you know? I guess you are judging from what we see.
        I’m just not going to project and assume that her life has been all flowers and butterflies, because no ones is.
        I don’t know, I’m just offering another view point.

      • detritus says:

        Wait, so I made a joke, that you didn’t get. Fair enough, they aren’t my strong suit, but now you are defending TSwift? For possibly having a difficult life that we don’t know about? Are you joking here, or just trying to lecture me on my lack of empathy for TSwift?

        If TayTay had an ounce of difficulty in her life, she’d be sharing it with the world because she likes to play the victim. That’s why we heard all about Katy Perry ‘mean girling’ her, and every guy who’s ever ‘done her wrong’.

        She’s one of the best examples of started on 3rd, thinks she hit a triple available. So no, I’m not going to be very empathetic with her imagined inner struggles.

  4. Anilehcim says:

    She is the reason I began drinking a gallon of water a day, and I swear, since I started a year or two ago, people tell me constantly that they think I’m about a decade younger than I am. Drinking a lot of water really makes an enormous difference. I also believe that she’s also got amazing genetics, though.

    • Ramona says:

      I tried this but I have a tiny bladder and severe anxiety about finding a bathroom in time so I stopped. But water really is great not just for your skin but for controlling eating habits. Alot of the time we eat when our bodies were really only signalling us for more water.

    • tealily says:

      Water really does make a difference!! I haven’t been drinking as much lately and my skin is really showing it. I love all of her answers here.

  5. QQ says:

    She looks so damned good, also she has the clothes ALL the Good Clothes and Shoes, Oh Baby the Shoes!!!

  6. Whyme says:

    I love her. Have since I first saw her in Bring It On and she looks exactly the same as back then! Another Unicorn blood drinker. She’s gorgeous and has the most amazing skin. I miss my oily skin. Now it’s so dry ☹️

    OMG I just looked up her age and she’s exactly one year and 2 days OLDER than me. I’m so depressed. I thought she was younger. 😖 Like 10 years younger!

    • tealily says:

      I like that she points to the oily skin as a factor, though. To a certain extent, yes, it is genetic.

  7. Mousyb says:

    I looveee those shoes in the last picture – I need to find out where she got those (probably way out of my price range – Sad!).

    I know black doesnt crack etc etc but she literally looks 10-15 years younger than she is. Incredible. But clearly that stuff takes work, which I’m glad shes honest about and not using the ‘oh i run around with my kids so i magically have a toned body’ excuse most celebs use -_-

  8. astrid says:

    I’m loving her shoe game

  9. Msw says:

    So basically, it’s self care. Check! Not bad advice.

    BUT what really jumped out to me is, People has a “Bodies” sub section? No, no, and hell no.

  10. Lucy says:

    She looks fantastic, has a great attitude, and most importantly, seems happy with herself. I have recently come to understand that being skinny is absolutely worthless if you have to become miserable in the process. Emotional and mental health are just as important as physical health, people. Look after yourselves.

  11. MellyMel says:

    I need to get back on the gallon of water a day thing she does. She inspired me to try it out last year but I only lasted a month. My skin looked amazing though. She’s just goals!

  12. Rocio says:

    Beautiful woman!!!! I thought she was 30 tops!!!! I love what she said about grey hairs. I’ve got them too and dye them. I’m blonde so they are easy to conceal but people are amazed when they learn my age. Oily skin, drinking tons of water (yes!), having a pretty active lifestyle, dying my greys every other month and staying the F away from the sun are my staying young secrets. I’m ready to be a lifestyle guru! Goop, you’d better watch your back!

  13. huh says:

    She looks younger because she never had biological kids. I have aunts who are in nearing their 60s, never had children and they look amazing.

    • Hummus says:

      Totally agree. Before I had kids (toddler and newborn) my wellbeing was my number 1 priority, I slept well and ate well and got regular facials. I felt physically and mentally great. And now I spend a good portion of day trying to keep my kid from climbing on the tv or running off down the street: the stress has aged me tremendously!

    • Anonymous says:

      I have to agree. It’s one reason Jennifer Aniston still looks so great, without a lot of intervention (ie., surgery). You work full time, you clean your own house, do your own grocery shopping, run your own errands, AND you have kids? It’s almost guaranteed that you’ll look older and more tired than your friends who don’t have kids. Definitely more tired than women who have a lot of money and help.

  14. Annika says:

    She is gorgeous, & I liked her frankness in the interview.
    This gives me hope that my oily skin will benefit me later in life! Well, maybe it has already…I’m 36 & no wrinkles yet (credit to genetics, healthy eating & lifestyle too).
    The other day I had zero time for makeup except for some lip gloss, & I feel I look older & “faded” without it. However I admitted 2 new patients that day, both of whom wanted to guess my age & thought I was 26-27.
    OR maybe they were just flattering me 😉

    • Rylan says:

      Annika, I had oily skin up until about a year ago. I hated it, then my skin was normal. But I’m 50 and people think I’m in my 30s. It’s because the lubricantion from the oil. So it is a good thing, you’ll b thankful as time goes by 😄

  15. African Sun says:

    She’s looking all kinds of fashion-bitchy and I am here for it! Cute looks.

    She has a new hair line to flog. I will be tempted to try it out.

  16. perplexed says:

    I like that she admitted she doesn’t have a hard life.

    I think money helps in looking young because you can buy better clothes. Clothes make a big difference in how someone looks. Some people are naturally beautiful, but good outfits help beautiful people out too.

    • detritus says:

      One of the best indicators for continued good health is personal wealth, so its clothing, but also all the benefits of being less stressed out by finances and the ability to afford health care when needed.

      If I had tons of money I would Coco Rocha it up and get a massage every day.

      • African Sun says:

        This. Being less stressed about money also means that even with health choices, you can make good choices about improving your appearance, creating a solid beauty + skincare regimen etc.

        I mean it’s a travesty that having access to good dental care is connected to how much money you have.

        She has a cute smile.

      • detritus says:

        African Sun, you hit one of my pet peeves right on the head.

        It is insane that dental isn’t covered under many plans. Good teeth are really important for good health, but its seen as ‘cosmetic’.

        On a wishful thinking front, I just imagine all the lasering I would have done if I was wealthy. All of the lasers. and the massages.

  17. A says:

    I really appreciate her saying what she said about the food anxiety. And yeah, I definitely agree that saying “no” is what keeps people young.

  18. An says:

    Her dimples helps with looking youthful! Love dimples, they are adorable.

  19. Tanya says:

    I really want that coat, even though it’d make me look like an overgrown muppet.

  20. Katherine says:

    Homegirl gives great advice! She looks amazing too

  21. HoustonGrl says:

    I agree that low stress makes you “look” better, but who cares? I have a hard, high-pressure job. I know I look like sh*t by Friday night, but I’d rather hustle and make it than look like a preserved statue. To each their own. Looks aren’t everything!