Jessica Alba announced her third pregnancy with the help of her two daughters

@cash_warren and I are officially going to be outnumbered #babyonboard #herewegoagain 👶🏼🤰🏽#blessed🙏

A post shared by Jessica Alba (@jessicaalba) on

It crazy slow today so let’s talk about this completely uncontroversial pregnancy announcement. Because I’ve been a professional gossip for so long, I clearly remember covering both of Jessica Alba’s previous pregnancies. The story around Haven Cash’s birth still haunts me, honestly. I remember how surprising it was when Alba got pregnant the first time, because everybody assumed Cash Warren was (and is?) a skeeze and a user and I think many of us wanted Alba to find someone better. But Alba and Cash stuck with it, got married and welcomed their two daughters. They’ve had a quiet family life now for years – when was the last time you heard a sketchy story about Cash or about their marriage? Honestly, they seem pretty solid these days.

So why is it that I’m actually sort of surprised that Alba is pregnant again? I thought she was done after her two girls, even though she’s never actually said that. Alba announced this third pregnancy with the above Instagram, which is pretty cute. Her girls are getting big! I wonder if this is one of those “try for the boy” situations, or maybe they don’t care about that and they’re just hoping for a healthy baby. Alba is 36 years old, by the way. My guess is that she conceived naturally, not that it’s any of my business.

Vanity Fair Oscar Party 2017 in Beverly Hills

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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10 Responses to “Jessica Alba announced her third pregnancy with the help of her two daughters”

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  1. TheBee's says:

    Yay for her! Her girls are getting big, and she seems like she has a cool supportive hubby!

  2. Lady D says:

    Congrats, they make pretty babies.

  3. L says:

    Congrats 🎉

  4. tracking says:

    Super cute announcement.

  5. CynicalAnn says:

    My friend who lives in LA went to the same ob for her second when they were pregnant with their first. She chatted with them in the waiting room (before she realized who they were) -she said Cash was really friendly and Jessica was basically wrapped around him and barely spoke.

  6. JA says:

    Congrats! Genes are crazy thing… the kids really don’t look alike but the oldest does have similar features from both parents. Cuties either way…

  7. ValM99 says:

    Congrats to her! Jessica is such a cute mommy, I wonder if this one will be a boy?

  8. Nicole says:

    Her daughters are so big! Such beauties.
    I was a little sketched by Cash but they’ve settled into a good private life together. They seem happy and there hasn’t been any evidence of the contrary. Congrats on baby number 3!

  9. hogtowngooner says:

    Very cute announcement. When she started out I thought she was just another TV/small movie bimbo type who would fade away, but she’s grown on me. Mazel Tov!